Re: XML input control

On 27.03.2007, at 15:38, Henrik Dvergsdal wrote:

>> I say such a control is impossible. Not in the "I don't know how  
>> so I say it's impossible" way but in the real "Not going to work"  
>> impossible way. Assuming you create a fully working WYSIWYG editor  
>> which can be styled (how? extensions to css as well? Sub- 
>> elements?) and customized (with like 100 attributes ranging from  
>> boldbutton="yes" to output="xhtml-strict") you're still not  
>> targeting 100% of users. Someone wants a feature which we didn't  
>> think of and we're back to native control vs. JavaScript  
>> implementation vs. XUL implementation
> Well, if we had to provide for a full fledged, styled editor that  
> targeted 100% of the users, I would agree with you.
> Fortunately we don't have to be quite so abmitious. Even a single,  
> limited xhtml editor would make a lot of CMS developers & users  
> happy, I think, provided that it is sufficiently user friendly and  
> provides valid XML markup. And it would certainly represent a huge  
> improvement over the current situation.

That might be. It still leaves the question however, how you propose  
such an editor would look like. I'm
still not sure I get what you mean. Do you want a visual WYSIWYG  
editor or an input field for XML? If I
remember correctly, you proposed something which validates against a  


Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 13:42:01 UTC