Re: Add Example Explaining that Alt Text is Dependent Upon the Context

Philip Taylor (Webmaster) wrote:
>>   I think it would be good if the spec included a set of examples to 
>> explain that the alt text is dependent upon the context in which the 
>> image is used...
>> For example, and picture of a flag, such as the Australian flag, may be
>> used in different contexts.
>> * As a link to a localised version of a site.
>>   <a href="/au"><img src="aus-flag.png" alt="Australia"></a>
> If I were a visually disabled visitor to a site, and 
> I were presented with the single word "Australia" as 
> ALT text, I cannot help but feel that I would be not 
> one jot wiser.  Gregory, can you help here ?

I said :dependent upon the context in which the image is used".  I just 
omitted the surrounding content that would provide the necessary context.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2007 13:41:28 UTC