{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-09-04: publication status, upcoming meetings, TPAC

Available at

HTML Weekly Teleconference

04 Sep 2014


See also: IRC log





Action Items
Items closing this week
New calls this week
Publication and CR Status
Future Meetings
Any other business
Scribe for next meeting

Summary of Action Items


<gitbot> [13html] 15darobin pushed 2 new commits to 06whatwg: 02

<gitbot> 13html/06whatwg 14d11bf8e 15Ian Hickson: [e] (0) Try to explain
why postMessage()'s privacy implications aren't actually anything new...

<gitbot> 13html/06whatwg 146707bed 15Robin Berjon: Merge remote branch
'origin/master' into whatwg

<trackbot> Date: 04 September 2014

<scribe> ScribeNick: ShaneM

<paulc> Agenda:

Action Items

No action items due

Items closing this week


New calls this week

a) CfC: Request transition of HTML5 to Proposed Recommendation closes Mon
Sep 8


one person has provided feedback so far. Looking for statements of support
or dissent. Please respond to the email.

CfC closes on Monday, 8 September.

Publication and CR Status

a) Canvas2D CR ending no earlier than Sep 9



Chairs have started studying the canvas task force situation. Sam sent out
email about the TF. It will convene on Monday at 6 PM eastern.

There is a thread on public-canvas-api about testing.

b) DOM4 Last Call ended Jul 31


There is an outstanding bug (24918) on the reference to the URL spec. The
spec was recently assigned to the webapps working group to progress it.

plh: the editor is considering the feedback from last week. More progress
will be made next week.

<plh> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1227

plh: the other thing we are lacking is some tests. execution of the tests
is pretty good. need to validate results. Should no longer be a blocker.

That was the only area where we were thought to be deficient in the area of
test coverage.

<plh> http://w3c.github.io/test-results/dom/less-than-2.html

<paulc> [4] http://w3c.github.io/test-results/dom/details.html

plh: there was a change done to reintroduce the named node map. not sure
Robin has figured out what he wants to do with that change.

paulc: was there a bug related to this?

plh: not immediately available.
... It would be bad news if we decide to reintroduce it. Putting it in
would require a return to last call.

<Zakim> rubys, you wanted to ask why this couldn't wait until the next
version of the DOM spec?

rubys: can this wait until the next release?

plh: maybe but we haven't heard from Robin about it yet.

<paulc> plh: We are not sure how to answer Sam's question

c) Publication of "Techniques for Providing Useful Text Alternatives" as a
WG Note


paulc: we last week set a target of mid September to publish. We assume it
will be taken up at the 11 Sep A11Y Task Force meeting.

d) Longdesc progression to CR


janina: Should have a CfC within the next day.
... might make an additional editorial change since the A11Y task force
agreed it was okay.
... Need the PR version of the spec for the CfC.

Future Meetings

a) Extensible Web Summit, Berlin, Sep 11


paulc: some lightning talks in the first hour. sponsored partially by the

b) HTML WG F2F and TPAC, Oct 30-31


HTMLWG is meeting thursday and friday

came up with 5 or 6 topics that we might want to talk about from an A11Y

Need to get a Wiki set up to ask for nomination of topics.

Might want to meet with not only A11Y experts, but also SVG experts.

<paulc> A11Y TF discussion of topics:

Janina and Paulc will make sure it is set up.

Any other business


Scribe for next meeting

Sam will chair next week.

If no one else volunteers, then paulc will scribe.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014-09-04 16:23:09 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/today/this week/
Succeeded: s/blocked/blocker/
Succeeded: s/meeing/meeting/
Found ScribeNick: ShaneM
Inferring Scribes: ShaneM

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: AAA_awright CyrilRa Daniel_Wester Eliot Hixie IanPouncey
Josh_Soref___ Lachy Microsoft MikeSmith P8 Philip Sam ScribeNick ShaneM
anssik away cabanier cwilso decadance ed gavin gitbot glenn gsnedders
hachette-samlangdon heycam hober html-wg https janina jaymunro jernoble
jgraham jmb johndrinkwater joined karl krijnhoetmer krit lgombos logbot
mattur_ mjs nicolasbadia paul___irish paulc pdr__ plh rubys tH timeless
tobie tommorris trackbot
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

Found Date: 04 Sep 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/09/04-html-wg-minutes.html
People with action items:

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]

Received on Thursday, 4 September 2014 16:26:57 UTC