{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2013-09-12: Publications, task force reports and F2F registration

HTML Weekly Teleconference
12 August 2013

Minutes ->   http://www.w3.org/2013/09/12-html-wg-minutes.html
IRC          ->   http://www.w3.org/2013/09/12-html-wg-irc

[09:01] <paulc> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013JulSep/0023.html
[09:03] <krisk> Chair: PaulC
[09:03] <krisk> scribe: krisk

[09:05] <krisk> TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, September 5
[09:06] <krisk> none

[09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: Items Closing This Week
[09:06] <krisk> none

[09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: Decisions this week
[09:06] <krisk> none

[09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: Outstanding closed CfCs
[09:06] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: CfC: Approve overview of Canvas testing in view of permissive CR exit criteria, closed Sept 4
[09:07] <krisk> see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jul/0032.html
[09:07] <krisk> paulc: note that we have two of them and the closed Sept 4th
[09:07] <krisk> paulc: co-chairs needs to meet and discuss both of these two outstanding items
[09:08] <krisk> Item #1 Extension
[09:08] <krisk> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jul/0043.html
[09:08] <krisk> http://www.w3.org/2013/08/15-html-wg-minutes.html#item06
[09:08] <krisk> Item #2 Update
[09:08] <krisk> CfC: Approve overview of testing in view of permissive CR exit, closed Sep 4
[09:08] <krisk> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jun/0033.html
[09:09] <krisk> Extension:
[09:09] <krisk> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jul/0042.html
[09:09] <krisk> http://www.w3.org/2013/08/15-html-wg-minutes.html#item06

[09:09] <krisk> TOPIC: Last Call and heartbeat publications
[09:09] <paulc> WG Decisions on both of these CfCs are pending.  In the Chairs input queue.
[09:09] <paulc> We are still waiting on EME and Polyglot Candidate heartbeat Working Drafts from the respective Editors.
[09:09] <krisk> paulc: the first is for EME and the next is Polyglot
[09:09] <krisk> EME and Polyglot: We are still waiting on EME and Polyglot Candidate heartbeat Working Drafts from the respective Editors.
[09:10] <krisk> For EME the editor has been family illness and has been out of the office
[09:10] <krisk> For polygot the editor has asked the co-chairs some questions
[09:10] <krisk> paulc: for polygot we have zero bugs
[09:11] <rubys> ack next
[09:11] <paulc> Polyglot bugs are at zero: http://intertwingly.net/tmp/wgtrends.cgi#html-xhtml-compatibility-authoring-guide
[09:12] <krisk> Eliot: The editors are working to compete this and get a candidate working draft and publish this as a heardbeat
[09:12] <krisk> paulc: One the document has been published the co-chairs will start to bring the question to the working group on normativity of the document
[09:13] <krisk> Next Still waiting for feedback from PF re: WAI-ARIA in HTML:
[09:13] <krisk> paulc: This document was almost published but it was blocked because we are waiting for concensus from PF
[09:13] <krisk> http://www.w3.org/2013/09/05-html-a11y-minutes.html#item02
[09:14] <krisk> paulc: Let me help here
[09:14] <krisk> paulc: see the minutes from last week (just above)
[09:14] <paulc> http://www.w3.org/TR/aria-in-html/
[09:15] <paulc> What was published this week is: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-aapi/
[09:15] <paulc> Title: HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide
[09:16] <krisk> paulc: The task force needs to take note of publications
[09:17] <paulc> See bug on status section on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23209
[09:19] <paulc> PF WG will run a CfC to permi the publication of Using ARIA
[09:19] <krisk> janina: I'm sorry and we'll get this done so that PF can permit publication using ARIA
[09:19] <krisk> Next Last Call WD: Media Source Extensions published on Sep 5
[09:19] <krisk> see http://www.w3.org/News/2013#entry-9930 
[09:19] <krisk> paulc: Has the accessibility task force looked into MSE?
[09:20] <krisk> janina: Yes we are aware of this and are tracking this work
[09:20] <paulc> Heartbeat WD: HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide published on Sep 10
[09:21] <krisk> The next agenda item was discussed above 
[09:21] <paulc> See above discussion.

[09:24] <krisk> TOPIC: Task Force Reports
[09:24] <krisk> SUBTOPIC:
[09:24] <krisk> We met on #testing this week as planned
[09:25] <krisk> The discussion was really about TPAC and who is planning on attending
[09:25] <krisk> A TTWF event will be occuring at this time and they are looking for some people to potentially give a talk and/or help
[09:25] <krisk> Ideally the person can give a talk in Chinese
[09:26] <paulc> TTWF is on Sat before TPAC week in Shenzen
[09:26] <krisk> James Graham will be attending
[09:26] <paulc> TTWF: http://testthewebforward.org/#
[09:27] <krisk> paulc: The chairs may be asking about how the TTF can help with the Canvas Document
[09:27] <krisk> krisk: OK
[09:28] <krisk> paulc: We suspect is that we have areas of the spec that are at RISK and the features are accessibility related
[09:28] <krisk> janina: I believe we are OK
[09:29] <krisk> paulc: The spec could move forward by removing the at risk features
[09:30] <krisk> paulc: The process would be to delete from 5.0 and then added to 5.1 
[09:31] <krisk> paulc: Leaving them in 5.1 (v2) would allow implementation time
[09:31] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force
[09:31] <krisk> paulc: any items to add?
[09:32] <krisk> janina: Testing has started (not complete) for implementations
[09:32] <krisk> janina: We are working on how to publish/process comments we have recieved
[09:33] <krisk> janina: We have a few bugs on 'alt' in html 5.0
[09:33] <krisk> janina: we think we can be done with 'alt' bugs in weeks (not months)
[09:33] <krisk> paulc: Their are zero bugs on image description?
[09:33] <krisk> janina: We are handling them in tracker and not bugzilla
[09:34] <krisk> paulc: We need to have them in bugzilla and I though this was agreed upon last week
[09:34] <krisk> paulc: Can you give me a link?
[09:35] <krisk> janina: I'll need some more time
[09:35] <paulc> May be member-only: https://www.w3.org/2006/02/lc-comments-tracker/44061/WD-html-longdesc-20130716/
[09:35] <krisk> paulc: I found the link - though it's member only which should not be the case
[09:36] <krisk> krisk: I also get prompted
[09:36] <krisk> paulc: Looks like we have 3 comments?
[09:36] <krisk> janina: We have 5 actually
[09:37] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Media Task Force 
[09:37] <krisk> The TF has worked on EME during the last month
[09:37] <krisk> paulc: we have not made alot of progress on bugs
[09:38] <krisk> paulc: one of the editors have been out of the office, though we are looking to publish a heartbeat next week
[09:39] <krisk> paulc: We do have some last call MSE bugs which means we'll go back to work on the MSE spec 
[09:39] <krisk> ..once these are done we'll work on the EME spec
[09:39] <paulc> EME status: http://intertwingly.net/tmp/wgtrends.cgi#encrypted-media-extensions
[09:39] <krisk> paulc: any questions for the task forces?
[09:39] <krisk> paulc: none

[09:40] <krisk> TOPIC: Registration for F2F meeting, Shenzen, Nov 14-15 
[09:40] <krisk> http://www.w3.org/2013/11/TPAC/ 
[09:40] <krisk> HTML WG meets on Thurs/Friday
[09:40] <krisk> paulc: 33 people have registers with about 40 observers
[09:40] <krisk> paulc: Registration ends on Oct 18th
[09:41] <plh> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2013Sep/0004.html
[09:41] <krisk> plh: The web performance group wants to meet at the event (one hour?)
[09:41] <paulc> Wiki agenda page: http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/wg/2013-11-Agenda
[09:42] <krisk> paulc: please add this the wiki (other agenda items as well)
[09:42] <krisk> paulc: what is the specific topic?
[09:42] <paulc> timing: 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM:    HTML5 Working Group visit
[09:42] <krisk> plh: Resource priority and pre-rendering
[09:42] <paulc> on thursday Nov 14
[09:42] <krisk> plh: What parts should be in HTML vs the web performance wg
[09:43] <krisk> paulc: It sounds like an extension spec?
[09:43] <krisk> paulc: why would it not just be in their spec?
[09:43] <krisk> plh: Some people think the extension would be better in the HTML spec
[09:43] <krisk> paulc: Is this a quality of the spec issue?
[09:44] <rubys> q+
[09:44] <paulc> ack plh
[09:44] <paulc> ack rubys
[09:44] <krisk> plh: We want to first talk about the attributes and then figure where they are best to be located
[09:45] <krisk> rubys: We have tried really hard to make sure that attributes that are not in HTML are not second class citizens
[09:45] <krisk> paulc: should a co-chair attend a web perf meeting?
[09:46] <krisk> paulc: Please tell web perf to discuss this friday morning - ok?
[09:46] <krisk> plh: sure
[09:47] <krisk> paulc: Many people may needs a visa and the registration page information about getting a 'invitation letter'
[09:48] <krisk> paulc: We were holding off on publish until the recent meeting in France
[09:49] <krisk> paulc: so we should process the bugs and work on publishing the document
[09:49] <paulc> Adaptive image spec bugs: http://intertwingly.net/tmp/wgtrends.cgi#adaptive-image-element
[09:50] <krisk> paulc: plh it seems we need to have an agenda item to discuss this two features
[09:50] <krisk> paulc: any other items to discuss?
[09:50] <krisk> paulc: none
[09:50] <krisk> paulc: I can c-chair next week
[09:50] <krisk> krisk I can scribe
[09:51] <krisk> paulc: meeting adjourned

From: Paul Cotton <Paul.Cotton@microsoft.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:02 AM
To: public-html-wg-announce@w3.org
Subject: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2013-09-12: Publications, task force reports and F2F registration

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on 2013-09-12 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.
Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.
Chair of the meeting: Paul Cotton
Scribe: Kris Krueger
(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)
== Agenda ==
1. ACTION items due by Thursday, September 5
2. Items Closing This Week
3. Decisions this week
4. Outstanding closed CfCs
a) CfC: Approve overview of Canvas testing in view of permissive CR exit criteria, closed Sept 4
b) CfC: Approve overview of testing in view of permissive CR exit, closed Sep 4
5. Last Call and heartbeat publications
a) EME and Polyglot: We are still waiting on EME and Polyglot Candidate heartbeat Working Drafts from the respective Editors.
b) Still waiting for feedback from PF re: WAI-ARIA in HTML:
c) Last Call WD: Media Source Extensions published on Sep 5
d) Heartbeat WD: HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide published on Sep 10
6. Task Force Reports
a) Testing Task Force
b) Accessibility Task Force
c) Media Task Force 
7. Registration for F2F meeting, Shenzen, Nov 14-15 
Status:  So far 33 WG members have registered.  Registration closes on Oct 18.
8. Other Business
9. Scribe for next meeting
10. Adjournment
== Dial-in and IRC Details ==
Zakim teleconference bridge:
   +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)
Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
   #html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80
Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 15:37:22 UTC