{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2013-08-01: Task Force reports, misc items and F2F registration

Draft minutes: http://www.w3.org/2013/08/01-html-wg-minutes.html
IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2013/08/01-html-wg-irc
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013JulSep/0013.html    
	(note copypasta error on date) 

HTML Weekly Teleconference

01 Aug 2013

Chair: Paulc
Scribe: Jaymunro
Present:  glenn, paulc, janina, jaymunro, Daniel, Clarke, CyrilRa, Dio 

1. ACTION items due by Thursday, August 1: none
2.Things closing last week: none
3.Items closed last week: none
4.Items closing this week: none
5.New calls this week: none
6.Decisions this week: none
7.Accessiblity task force
8.Media task force
9.Other business
10.WG Decision to publish two revised heartbeat Candidate Recommendations
11.Responsive images meet-up in Paris: 
12.[CSSWG][css-counter-styles] Last Call WD of CSS Counter Styles
13.Updated alt text advice in HTML spec
14.Registration open for HTML WG F2F meeting, Shenzen, China, Nov 14-15 2013
15.Any other business? None

*Summary of Action Items


<paulc> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Date: 01 August 2013
<scribe> scribe: jaymunro

[1] paulc: ACTION items due by Thursday, August 1: none

[2] paulc: Topic: Items closed last week: none

[3] paulc: Topic: Items closing this week: none

[5] paulc: Topic: New calls this week: none

[5] paulc: Topic: Decisions this week: none

[7] paulc: Topic: Task force reports
      a. Testing task force: Krisk is out this week. Postponed until next week. 

      b. Accessiblity task force: 
         janina: We just met. The main item, a lot of status updates , relating to alt. 
        Refining, making sure everything is correct and solid. Not expecting to change.
        Talked about all the permutations and approaches
        Talked about testing, decision is to start a new sub team
        Discussed getting longdesc going.
        Several people spoke up on what platforms they need to test on. 
        Talked about need to start media sub team. Should start sometime in August.
        Concerns about media controls voiced. There needs to be keyboard accessibility, need to get specs available in the right places.
        Charles apologized for work statement and decision policy. He's had bad network access... Expects resolution soon.
        Will be forwarding email with [not clear] 2014. 
        Paul should expect mail next week
        Team contact Marc Sedeki - team contact - was handling the comments on the exit criteria content.
        paulc: last week we heard on comments that chairs pushed back because of bugs. Will they be presented back to the wg?
       Janina: An email on which issues need bugs, tests, drop, etc... should be expected this afternoon.

    c. paulc: media task force
        CfC to take MSE Last Call:  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2013Jul/0018.html
        Currently a cfc going on inside the task force to take MSE to last call
        That closes at the end of the week. If closes successfully, Paul will issue a WG call for consensus.
        Task force has dealt with pre-LC bugs except for a couple that were presented after closed.
        Encrypted media has about 15 bugs, some very hard.

      Since MSE is making more progress, changing schedule and do two or three EME calls 
       paulc: We expect last call from Aug 15 - end of Sept for EME. 
       Janina: yes 

[7] Topic: Other business
      a. WG Decision to publish two revised heartbeat Candidate Recommendations
          Status: Publication is expect on Thu Aug 1.
          publications were expected today, but glitch. Now Canvas spec holding up until next week.
         Both HTML and Canvas specs are expected to be done next week

     b. Responsive images meet-up in Paris
          During CSS meeting, there will be a meet up to discuss responsive images spec.

     c.  [CSSWG][css-counter-styles] Last Call WD of CSS Counter Styles

    d.  Heads-up: Last Call for css3-cascade
          Last calls on these. Please make comments on these. If anything in CSS spec that breaks HTML spec, discuss in WG to get feedback. 

   e.  Updated alt text advice in HTML spec
       Status: If these items are all accepted then we may be able to terminate work on "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives":
       The task force has been working on taking content with bugs and working them into HTML5 spec. 
       If there's a consensus on this, the alt alternatives doc             could go away, and be combined into the HTML5 spec. 

      If the separate topic has separate normative text. Combining would be better to have it all in one place. 

   f. Registration open for HTML WG F2F meeting, Shenzen, China, Nov 14-15 2013

       This is three and a half months away. Chairs put out a survey to see if members want to meet for the F2F (see 2nd link above). 
       Keeping item on agenda to see if people are responding.

   8.  Volunteer scribe? None

   9. Adjournment 
[End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2013 17:34:36 UTC