Automating the Test Suite

Hey everyone,

I was looking to automate a test suite to get a feel for what browsers

Looking at the readme and files available, it looks like either the harness
or the tools, are the best bet.

The harness seems to require manually entering pass or fail for each test &
tools I can't find any info on the format of manifest.txt and I'm not even
sure what the output of that will be.

I appreciate that not all the tests can be automated, but some of them seem
like they could be.

Sidenote: I had to alter the uri in loader.htm for local running of the
test suite, is that normal or have I missed something else? Using the host - I just received a CORs error.

function init()
    //var host = "";

    // you will want to update this to run/test this on your local system
before submitting changes to HG
    //var host = "";
    //var uri  = host + "html/tests/approved/approvedtests.txt";

    var uri = "./approvedtests.txt";


Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:21:09 UTC