Status of reflection tests

My reflection tests have been sitting around for months.  I've
promptly addressed all feedback I received.  At this point I'd like to
ask that either 1) they all be approved immediately, or 2) some
definite criteria be agreed upon that they have to meet to be
approved.  I've already offered to make whatever changes people feel
are necessary, such as rewriting the test suite in some well-specified
way that people feel will make it easier to understand, provided that
we agree the tests will be approved after I do it.

It is not acceptable for large test suites with no known problems to
languish indefinitely without approval.  We're going to need many
millions of tests to thoroughly cover all of HTML, and we have to have
a functional test approval system to handle them.

Received on Friday, 23 September 2011 19:55:09 UTC