Re: Canvas, Audio, Video Test Submission

Kris Krueger wrote:
> In an effort to improve browser interoperability, Microsoft has submitted more HTML5 tests for audio, video and canvas.
> Microsoft welcomes feedback on the tests if they are incorrect per the HTML5 specification.

I've checked all the tests in and they look 
valid to me, except canvas_pixelmanipulation_imagedata_001.htm is 
incorrect: it calls ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1) and then assumes 
imgdata.width == 1. The spec says: "Note: The width and height (w and h) 
might be different from the sw and sh arguments to the above methods, 
e.g. if the canvas is backed by a high-resolution bitmap, or if the sw 
and sh arguments are negative". The test should be changed so that it 
works regardless of the initial value of imgdata.width.

Philip Taylor

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 16:13:29 UTC