Re: Response from Director to formal objection "Turn off EME by default and activate only with express permission from user"

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 11:56 AM, David Singer <> wrote:

> > On Apr 11, 2017, at 15:49 , Harry Halpin <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> ​I mean, more explicitly, that Google could clearly gain advantage by
> having their browser pony up privacy-sensitive tracking information that
> would enhance their ad targeting and hence their ad sales. Yet users trust
> them not to do this in a user-hostile way. ​I don't see the situation is
> any different with DRM, except that the amount of money Google stand to
> make from DRM is probably insignificant compared to their ad revenue.
> >>
> > Not so. Thus interest in various ad-blockers, privacy-enhanced browsing,
> etc.
> >

"The bulk of Google’s $75 billion revenue in 2015 came from its proprietary
> advertising service, Google AdWords. Of that revenue, over 77% – or just
> over $52 billion – came from Google’s own websites.
> Read more: The Business of Google (GOOG) | Investopedia
> ixzz4dz5ukeRu
> Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook”
> You must be saying something other than what I understand; all indications
> I have are that Google does almost all it does in order to sell more
> advertising, including why they deliver media.

David, I would suggest you actually read the thread.

I am stating "Users do not mindlessly trust Google UA implementers, and
therefore there has been a surge of interest in ad-blockers and
privacy-enhanced browsers." as a response to MarkW's belief that "users
always trust UA implementers."

Whether or not the long-term business model of the Web ends up being more
dependent on advertising or DRM or some combination thereof is pure
speculation, and clearly out of scope.

However, I am asking this Working Group to adopt, as per WebRTC, an
'off-by-default' setting for EME, which is clearly, as per Paul Cotton's
previous take on this issue, *in scope.*


> David Singer
> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2017 23:01:51 UTC