Re: ACTION-88: Check on whether the proposed generic license request/response protocol is in scope of the current html wg charter


My suggestion on the call today was that this work could be divided into
two parts:

Phase I: Further develop the "clear key" protocol to support the features
we believe should be standardized
Phase ||: Define security wrapping for the "clear key" protocol that would
enable its use as a real DRM protocol

I wonder if Phase I might be considered in scope ? This would enable us to
make progress on that in advance of the re-chartering or new group creation
needed to work on Phase ||. The answer to this question depends on the
reasons that the team judged the overall task out-of-scope.


On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Paul Cotton <>

>  ACTION-88: Check on whether the proposed generic license
> request/response protocol is in scope of the current html wg charter
> At the Media Task Force F2F I was asked to check to see if Joe’s proposed
> work on a generic license request/response protocol is in the scope of the
> Task Force and/or the HTML WG charter [1]:
> I have discussed with the W3C Team and they are of the opinion this work
> is NOT currently in scope of the HTML WG.  The next step therefore is to
> discuss adding this item to a revised charter which is required since the
> current charter expires on June 30.  I am working on this with the W3C Team.
> /paulc
> [1]
> Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
> 17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
> Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2015 18:38:44 UTC