Re: EME: Rendering behavior undefined

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Hans Schmucker <> wrote:
> 1. EME-protected content rendering happens in a separate frame, which
> overlays any HTML, SVG or other content that the user-agent may be able to
> process. However, a user-agent may display its own controls above the
> EME-protected content.

Netflix's EME-based player overlays both custom subtitles/captions and
custom controls over the video frame. What you suggest would break

It seems to me that being able to composite other content over EME
content is already a de facto requirement. Section 2.3 of the draft
indeed isn't particularly useful for interoperability, but, then
again, the whole purpose of the draft is at odds with the sort of
interoperability that one would expect from a Web spec.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 13 January 2014 10:53:01 UTC