[EME] Open bugs summary

There are 20 open EME bugs. I've grouped them based on my quick assessment
of their current status and/or next steps.

*** New ***
23340 P2 Introduction details give too much freedom to EME implementors.
23341 P2 The extension should not require special (handcuffed) hardware.
23342 P2 The user should be in control of its own computing

*** Topics for discussion/feedback (please read most recent updates) ***
21854 P2 Define MediaKeySession life cycle states and/or events
*  ^ Mostly done. Any feedback on the changes? Discuss the three remaining
issues **Adrian listed**.*
19809 P3 Specify which portion of addKey() algorithm to run when updating
license for a key
*  ^ Mostly, should we remove keyadded (now that we have the state machine
and keyready)?*
17202 P3 Explicitly document how keys are to be shared
17682 P2 Clear Key: Document how keys and key IDs are associated
*  ^ If there are no objections, we can just implement the additional

*** Might be worth revisiting ***
*// What is the current status now that the state machine has been added?*
17750 P3 Define the behavior MediaKeySession close() and clearing the keys

*** Waiting for action ***
17673 P2 Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to
support the ISO Base Media File Format
21855 P3 Avoid network traffic and duplicate sessions for the same key(s)
21798 P2 Revisit MediaKeyError codes

*** Need proposals - any volunteers? ***
18515 P3 Provide more details on behavior of the media element when the key
for an encrypted block is not available
22909 P2 Needs non-normative Security Considerations section
22910 P2 Needs non-normative Privacy Consideration section

*** Needs investigation or implementation ***
*// We should try to implement now that the state machine has been added.*
20622 P2 SessionID may be assigned asynchronously in MediaKeys.createSession
20991 P2 MediaKeys constructor: make CDM loading asynchronous and fix the
load failure algorithm

*** Discussed but no consensus ***
17199 P2 Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release
17660 P2 need token relative with user identity for a new
generateKeyRequest parameter
20944 P2 EME should do more to encourage/ensure CDM-level interop
21869 P2 Need clarity on stored keys for CDMs

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 00:13:52 UTC