Handling HTTP errors resulting from key requests

I am running into this case while debugging and it is not clear from the spec how to handle this. 

Here is the use case I am thinking about —
* Application starts playback of encrypted stream
* UA sends needKey to app - app responds by creating a session
* CDM sends key request to app
* App forwards key request to server via XMLHttpRequest
* Server responds with something other than HTTP/200
* App does what exactly?

At this point we are in a grey area — if the error is something related to auth, the handling is probably straight-forward and the EME philosophy indicates the app should handle it. But if the error is anything else, the only option I see is closing the session and opening a new one.  Does this sound correct to everyone?

I am concerned that the CDM is *only* notified in the success case. The CDM might be able to offer an alternative request URL when errors are encountered, however there is no mechanism for this currently.


Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 20:49:21 UTC