Bug#17470 Example code

I had an request from two meetings ago to produce some example code for pre-loading a MediaKeys instance independent of the HTMLMediaElements that the MediaKeys object may later be attached to.

Here is the example I propose:

var cdm;

// Preload some keys when page loads
function load()
  // Create a MediaKeys instance for the desired CDM not associated with an HTMLMediaElement
  cdm = new MediaKeys("com.example.somesystem");
  if (!cdm)
      throw "Could not create MediaKeys";

  // Create a new key session using the MediaKeys instance
  var keySession = cdm.createSession(NULL, NULL);
  if (!keySession)
      throw "Could not create MediaKeySession";

  // Load an application defined key package into the key session
  // The key package can be hard-coded into the page or loaded as a resource
  // Loading the key package may cause additional key messages to be sent
  var Uint8Array keyToPreload;

// Respond to key message
function handleMessage(event)
    var keySession = event.target;
    var message = event.message;

    var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlhttp.open("POST", "http://.../getkey", false);

    var key = new Uint8Array(xmlhttp.response);

// Attach pre-initialized MediaKeys to an HTMLMediaElement
function setMediaKeys()
  var video = event.target;
  var initData = event.initData;

  if (!cdm)
	throw "MediaKeys was not already created!";
  if (!video.keys)
	video.keys = cdm;
  // Create a new key session using the mimeType and initData
  var keySession = video.keys.createSession(mimeType, initData);
  if (!keySession)
	throw "Could not create MediaKeySession";

<body onload="load()">
  <video src="foo.dash" autoplay onneedkey="setMediaKeys(event)" onkeymessage="handleMessage(event)"></video>


I believe this should all work within the confines of the current draft. I am intentionally leaving how the preloaded key package is derived as an exercise for the application developer, since there are many possible ways to handle that. 

Joe Steele

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 18:55:46 UTC