Re: 中文字體與Generic Font Family的對應



> 銋∟撣曹敺踵園渲悟隞祇閫餈銝果eneric Font Family桅嚗隞交園鈭銝鈭亥芯漣銝閫嚗憭扯游銝雿銋嚗憟賢典鈭箏啣銋撖孵銝剜generic font family湔亙軏ursiveU雿餈鈭芣航蝔輸嗆挾嚗祆交蝞踹憭雿甬18n桐辣 :-)
> Richard憟賢舀蝞頝銝剜摮雿喟桅渡憟踝汽PAC銝剜箸伐敶Z悄霈箏航賢捆銝嫘撣賊港賣冉PAC嚗dPub 頞蝏颲對Ivan喳汽PACi18n撘銝銝芾霈刻捏session嚗銝韏瑁悄霈箔葉桅嚗雿踵餈乩韏瑁悄霈箏嚗
> --------------------------------------
> Songfeng Li(Manager, Turing Beijing Cultural Development Co.):
> As for the mapping of the Chinese fonts and the CSS generic font families, I think the examples in the spec is Ok.
> 1. Hei(暺雿) -- sans-serif(銵祉瑪);
> 2. Song(摰雿) -- serif(銵祉瑪);
> 3. Kai(璆瑚)Fangsong(隞踹) -- cursitve(雿);
> 4. decorative Chinese fonts(蝢臬雿) -- fantasy;
> 5. monospace, all the Hanzi have the same fixed width, so we dont have problem with this.


隞踹銝臭芸餅穿靘瘣餌啣瑚蝙剁撠望閰脩兄erif鋆⊿准典祕頦銝撠梢閬孵乩蝙@font-face靘摰Webfontembedded font嚗Y蝟餌絞摮鋆∪隞踹擃


> In dpub, if the resolution of screen is high enough, Song(摰雿), Kai(璆瑚), Fangsong(隞踹) and serif(for western charaters) are always the best choices because they are more user-friendly. Otherwise, we could consider the sans-serif fonts i.e. Xihei(蝏暺), Yahei(暺) or Zhunyuan() for the low resolution screesn.

霈喳唬啁憿嚗烘ac OS X鋆⊿凋family憭摮嚗靘憒摰擃蝜嚗STSongti-TC嚗撠望嚗

 蝝圈 嚗STSongti-TC-Light嚗
 蝎擃 嚗STSongti-TC-Bold嚗

銝蝯摮嚗隢銝閰脫臬臭誑font-weight: boldlighter靘芸嚗雿臬祕銝嗡閬摰蝎擃嚗敺閬暻澆嚗

b {  font-family: "STSongti-TC-Bold, serif;
 font-weight: normal; }


雿典閬箏航賣狹A憿嚗CSS Font Module 3臬行靽嚗閬憓隤芣嚗閬蝛嗡銝


> Haiping Huang(dPub Engineer, Baidu)
> In our dPub products, Song(摰雿), Kai(璆瑚), Lanting Hei(唬滬暺) and Lanting Mid-Hei(唬滬銝剝) are the most  frequently used fonts. When the UA couldn't font the target font, we will use the font provided by the OS.
> We prefer the 2nd, 3rd, 4th solution on the list[1].
> Lei Zhang(dPub Engineer, Duokan)
> Agree with most of [1], just need to emphasize that when there are some western characters in a Chinese article, we should use western fonts for the western characters instead of the Chinese fonts. 
> [1] <>
> 鈭 04/10/2014 22:27, Bobby Tung :
>> 撠
>> 迺18n WG餉店霅啁蝝嚗鋆⊿剛唬鈭銝剜摮擃Generic Font Family撠憿 [1]
>> 嗅銋Ishii Koji蝔亥隢鈭銝銝[2]
>> 桀頛仿憿冽嘯erif唾膩鋆⊥銝剜璆琿銋蝝伐雿曉每ursive頛粹拍嗚典餃僑 TPAC敺曉針ww-style閮隢[3]嚗雿瘝銝
>> 嗆臬慢SS Text Module Level 3蝺刻摩John Daggett急a嚗銝皺oji隤芸旦撌脩啣雿銝嚗閬箏閰脣砌銝莎Y銋閮隢瘝撠閬
>> 銋撖針ww-style隞嗡[4]嚗銋隢函臬衣泵箸祉瘙
>> 血嚗蝮賜啁鞎鳴隞撟湔BiB霅啗TPAC嚗抵亙芾∪憯怒
>> 雓雓
>> [1]: <>
>> [2]: <>
>> [3]: <>
>> [4]: <>
>> WANDERER Digital Publishing Inc.
>> Bobby Tung
>> Mobile嚗+886-975068558
>> <>
>> Web嚗 <>
> -- 
> Xiaoqian or Cindy

Received on Saturday, 4 October 2014 15:23:52 UTC