Re: 有人感兴趣翻译《How to Read W3C Specs》一文吗


于 03/01/2014 15:57, 高博 写道:
> 译完,发给谁?
> 2014/1/3 Xiaoqian Cindy Wu < <>>
>     太荣幸了!
>     没有deadline,如果有什么需要协助的请和我们联系:)。
>     于 03/01/2014 15:50, 高博 写道:
>>     我来吧,有deadline吗?
>>     2014/1/3 Xiaoqian Cindy Wu < <>>
>>         大家好!
>>         非常感谢Jingtao Tommy上次对《理解CSS规范》的翻译,中文版本已获
>>         得原作者的赞许并发布在W3C中国官网上。
>>         《How to Read W3C Specs》【1】是一篇比较早但全面的阅读W3C规范的
>>         介绍文章,里面各种比喻阐述都很生动。我刚刚拿到文章作者J.
>>         David Eisenberg和A List Apart网站负责人Jeffrey Zeldman对该指
>>         南的翻译授权,不知道小组里面有兴趣翻译这篇文章么?我在网上搜
>>         到有人曾经翻译了文章的前两段【2】,不过没有找到进一步的翻译。
>>         如 果有人能进行全文翻译,对大家阅读标准是很有帮助的。
>>         Jeffrey说网站的文章翻译应该在发布页面里面说明“Translated with
>>         the permission of A List Apart <>
>>         and the author[s].”,并遵照以下条款:
>>         1. Your publication must be freely available. You may not
>>         sell ALA content that you have translated.
>>         2. You must faithfully translate the article as written.
>>         Except for minor issues of vernacular, you may not alter the
>>         author’s meaning.
>>         3. You must link to the original web page at A List Apart in
>>         which the article appeared, and must credit the magazine and
>>         the original author[s].
>>         4. You must not reproduce the illustration at the top of the
>>         article. Custom illustrations by Kevin Cornell are licensed
>>         solely for use on A List Apa.
>>         非常感谢!
>>         【1】
>>         【2】
>>         -- 
>>         Best Regards,
>>         Xiaoqian(Cindy) Wu
>     -- 
>     Best Regards,
>     Xiaoqian(Cindy) Wu

Best Regards,
Xiaoqian(Cindy) Wu

Received on Friday, 3 January 2014 08:00:59 UTC