h:tml; checkpointing in midst of minor cleanup and organizing tweaks.

h:tml; checkpointing in midst of minor cleanup and organizing tweaks.


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/schema.html,v
retrieving revision 1.104
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -u -d -r1.104 -r1.105
--- schema.html 15 Jun 2009 20:27:01 -0000 1.104
+++ schema.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.105
@@ -982,10 +982,7 @@
   <span class='pattern' id='meta.charset.attrs.charset'><span class='type'>attribute </span>
   <span class='name'>charset</span>
    {<span class='model'>
-      (<a class='ref' href='#common.data.charset'>common.data.charset</a>
-       &amp; empty)
-      | (xsd:string { pattern = "[uU][tT][fF]-8" }
-         &amp; notAllowed)
+      <a class='ref' href='#common.data.charset'>common.data.charset</a>

Index: datatypes.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/datatypes.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- datatypes.html 13 Jun 2009 07:31:31 -0000 1.9
+++ datatypes.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.10
@@ -206,8 +206,16 @@
         <h2 class="common-subhead">10.23. Charset <a class="hash" href="#common.data.charset-mdl">#</a></h2>
         <div class="content-models">
           <div><span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.data.charset">charset</dfn></span><code class="punc"> = </code> <a href="datatypes.html#common.data.charset" class="hash">#</a></div>
-      <div class="datatype-desc">Any <b class="defined-elsewhere">character set name</b>
-        listed in the IANA <cite>Character Sets</cite> list <a href="references.html#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a>.</div>
+      <div class="datatype-desc">
+        <p>For documents in the <a href="syntax.html#html-syntax">HTML
+          syntax</a>: Any <b class="defined-elsewhere">character
+          set name</b> listed in the IANA <cite>Character Sets</cite>
+        list <a href="references.html#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a>.</p>
+        <p>For documents in the <a href="syntax.html#xml-syntax">XML
+          syntax</a>, any <a href="terminology.html#ascii-case-insensitive">ASCII
+          case-insensitive</a> match for the string
+        "<code>UTF-8</code>".</p>
+      </div>
       <div id="common.data.meta-charset-mdl" class="section">

Index: common-models.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/common-models.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- common-models.html 30 May 2009 12:05:45 -0000 1.8
+++ common-models.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.9
@@ -17,17 +17,7 @@
         <h2 class="common-subhead">7.1. Any element from any namespace <a class="hash" href="#common-anything">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="Overview.html#common-anything-toc">T</a></h2>
         <dl class="content-models">
           <dt class="content-model"><span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.elem.anything">common.elem.anything</dfn></span> = <a class="hash" href="common-models.html#common.elem.anything">#</a></dt>
-          <dd><span class="type">element </span>
-  <span class="name">*</span>
-   {
-      <span class="pattern" id="common.inner.anything">text
-  &amp; <a class="ref" href="common-models.html#common.elem.anything">common.elem.anything</a>*</span>
-      &amp; <span class="pattern" id="common.attr.anything"><span class="type">attribute </span>
-  <span class="name">*</span>
-   {<span class="model"> text </span>}
-  *</span>
-    }
+          <dd><span class="attr-prose-desc">any element from any namespace</span>

Index: schema.rnc
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/schema.rnc,v
retrieving revision 1.91
retrieving revision 1.92
diff -u -d -r1.91 -r1.92
--- schema.rnc 15 Jun 2009 20:27:02 -0000 1.91
+++ schema.rnc 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.92
@@ -419,11 +419,7 @@
     meta.charset.elem = element meta { empty & meta.charset.attrs }
     meta.charset.attrs = common.attrs & meta.charset.attrs.charset
     meta.charset.attrs.charset =
-      attribute charset {
-        (common.data.charset & empty)
-        | (xsd:string { pattern = "[uU][tT][fF]-8" }
-           & notAllowed)
-      }
+      attribute charset { common.data.charset }
     ## Inline Character Encoding Statement for HTML: <meta http-equiv='content-type'>
     meta.http-equiv.content-type.elem =

Index: select.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/select.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- select.html 3 Jun 2009 10:12:58 -0000 1.5
+++ select.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:01 -0000 1.6
@@ -43,11 +43,10 @@
             <dd>The number of options to show to the user.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="select.attrs.multiple" title="select.attrs.multiple" href="select.html#select.attrs.multiple">multiple</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "multiple" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>If present, specifies that its <a href="select.html#select" class="element">select</a>
-      element represents a control for selecting zero or more
-      options from a list of options.</dd><dd>If absent, its <a href="select.html#select">select</a> element
-      represents a control for selecting a single option from a
-      list of options.</dd>
+            <dd>If present, indicates that its <a href="select.html#select" class="element">select</a>
+        element represents a control for selecting zero or more
+        options from a list of options.</dd><dd>If not present, indicates that its <a href="select.html#select">select</a> element represents a control
+        for selecting a single option from a list of options.</dd>

Index: patch-schema
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/patch-schema,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -d -r1.60 -r1.61
--- patch-schema 15 Jun 2009 17:16:10 -0000 1.60
+++ patch-schema 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.61
@@ -1,107 +1,3 @@
-Index: schema/applications.rnc
---- schema/applications.rnc (revision 436)
-+++ schema/applications.rnc (working copy)
-@@ -114,12 +114,26 @@
-  command.command.attrs =
-   ( common.attrs
-   & command.command.attrs.type?
--  & common-command.attrs
-+  & command.command.attrs.label?
-+  & command.command.attrs.icon?
-+  & command.command.attrs.disabled?
-   )
-   command.command.attrs.type =
-    attribute type {
-     w:string "command"
-    }
-+  command.command.attrs.label =
-+   attribute label {
-+    string
-+   }
-+  command.command.attrs.icon =
-+   attribute icon {
-+    common.data.uri
-+   }
-+  command.command.attrs.disabled =
-+   attribute disabled {
-+    w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
-+   }
-  command.elem = command.command.elem
- ## Selection of one item from a list of items: <command type='radio'>
-@@ -132,7 +146,9 @@
-     & command.radio.attrs.radiogroup #REVISIT taking liberties here
-     & command.radio.attrs.checked?
-     )
--   & common-command.attrs
-+   & command.radio.attrs.label?
-+   & command.radio.attrs.icon?
-+   & command.radio.attrs.disabled?
-   )
-   command.radio.attrs.type =
-    attribute type {
-@@ -146,6 +162,18 @@
-    attribute checked {
-     w:string "checked" | w:string ""
-    }
-+  command.radio.attrs.label =
-+   attribute label {
-+    string
-+   }
-+  command.radio.attrs.icon =
-+   attribute icon {
-+    common.data.uri
-+   }
-+  command.radio.attrs.disabled =
-+   attribute disabled {
-+    w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
-+   }
-  command.elem |= command.radio.elem
- ## State or option that can be toggled: <command type='checkbox'>
-@@ -157,7 +185,9 @@
-    & ( command.checkbox.attrs.type
-     & command.checkbox.attrs.checked?
-     )
--   & common-command.attrs
-+   & command.checkbox.attrs.label?
-+   & command.checkbox.attrs.icon?
-+   & command.checkbox.attrs.disabled?
-    )
-   command.checkbox.attrs.type =
-    attribute type {
-@@ -167,25 +197,20 @@
-    attribute checked {
-     w:string "checked" | w:string ""
-    }
-- command.elem |= command.checkbox.elem
-- common-command.attrs =
--  ( command.attrs.label?
--  & command.attrs.icon?
--  & command.attrs.disabled?
--  )
--  command.attrs.label =
-+  command.checkbox.attrs.label =
-    attribute label {
-     string
-    }
--  command.attrs.icon =
-+  command.checkbox.attrs.icon =
-    attribute icon {
-     common.data.uri
-    }
--  command.attrs.disabled =
-+  command.checkbox.attrs.disabled =
-    attribute disabled {
-     w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
-    }
-+ command.elem |= command.checkbox.elem
-  command.inner =
-   ( empty )
 Index: schema/revision.rnc
 --- schema/revision.rnc (revision 436)
@@ -255,6 +151,136 @@
   button.elem |= button.button.elem
+Index: schema/media.rnc
+--- schema/media.rnc (revision 437)
++++ schema/media.rnc (working copy)
+@@ -4,32 +4,6 @@
+ ##  RELAX NG Schema for HTML 5: Advanced Embedded Content             #
+ # #####################################################################
+-## Attributes Common to Media Elements
+- # src not included
+- media.attrs = 
+-  ( media.attrs.autoplay?
+-  & media.attrs.autobuffer?
+-  & media.attrs.controls?
+-  & media.attrs.loop?
+-  )
+-  media.attrs.autoplay   =
+-   attribute autoplay   {
+-    w:string "autoplay" | w:string ""
+-   }
+-  media.attrs.autobuffer   =
+-   attribute autobuffer   {
+-    w:string "autobuffer" | w:string ""
+-   }
+-  media.attrs.controls  =
+-   attribute controls  {
+-    w:string "controls" | w:string ""
+-   }
+-  media.attrs.loop =
+-   attribute loop {
+-    w:string "loop" | w:string ""
+-   }
+ ## Source: <source>
+  source.elem =
+@@ -67,20 +41,6 @@
+  source.inner =
+   ( empty )
+-## Media Source
+- media.source = 
+-  ( media.attrs.src
+-  | ( source.elem*
+-   , source.elem.last
+-   )
+-  )
+- media.attrs.src =
+-  attribute src {
+-   common.data.uri
+-  }
+ ## Video: <video>
+  video.elem.flow =
+@@ -89,7 +49,10 @@
+   element video { video.inner.phrasing & video.attrs }
+  video.attrs =
+   ( common.attrs
+-  & media.attrs
++  & video.attrs.autoplay?
++  & video.attrs.autobuffer?
++  & video.attrs.controls?
++  & video.attrs.loop?
+   & video.attrs.poster?
+   & video.attrs.height?
+   & video.attrs.width?
+@@ -106,12 +69,24 @@
+    attribute width {
+     common.data.integer.positive
+    }
++  video.attrs.src =
++   attribute src {
++    common.data.uri
++   }
+  video.inner.flow =
+-  ( media.source
++  ( ( video.attrs.src
++   | ( source.elem*
++    , source.elem.last
++    )
++   )
+   , common.inner.flow
+   )
+  video.inner.phrasing =
+-  ( media.source
++  ( ( video.attrs.src
++   | ( source.elem*
++    , source.elem.last
++    )
++   )
+   , common.inner.phrasing
+   )
+@@ -126,14 +101,29 @@
+   element audio { audio.inner.phrasing & audio.attrs }
+  audio.attrs =
+   ( common.attrs
+-  & media.attrs
++  & audio.attrs.autoplay?
++  & audio.attrs.autobuffer?
++  & audio.attrs.controls?
++  & audio.attrs.loop?
+   )
++  audio.attrs.src =
++   attribute src {
++    common.data.uri
++   }
+  audio.inner.flow =
+-  ( media.source
++  ( ( audio.attrs.src
++   | ( source.elem*
++    , source.elem.last
++    )
++   )
+   , common.inner.flow
+   )
+  audio.inner.phrasing =
+-  ( media.source
++  ( ( audio.attrs.src
++   | ( source.elem*
++    , source.elem.last
++    )
++   )
+   , common.inner.phrasing
+   )
 Index: schema/web-forms2.rnc
 --- schema/web-forms2.rnc (revision 430)
@@ -270,6 +296,128 @@
   textarea.attrs &=
    ( shared-form.attrs.maxlength?
    & shared-form.attrs.autofocus? 
+Index: schema/meta.rnc
+--- schema/meta.rnc (revision 437)
++++ schema/meta.rnc (working copy)
+@@ -219,11 +219,8 @@
+   )
+   meta.charset.attrs.charset =
+    attribute charset {
+-    (common.data.charset & HTMLonly)
+-    | (xsd:string {
+-     pattern = "[uU][tT][fF]-8"
+-    } & XMLonly )
+-   } 
++    common.data.charset
++   }
+ ## Inline Character Encoding Statement for HTML: <meta http-equiv='content-type'>
+Index: schema/applications.rnc
+--- schema/applications.rnc (revision 436)
++++ schema/applications.rnc (working copy)
+@@ -114,12 +114,26 @@
+  command.command.attrs =
+   ( common.attrs
+   & command.command.attrs.type?
+-  & common-command.attrs
++  & command.command.attrs.label?
++  & command.command.attrs.icon?
++  & command.command.attrs.disabled?
+   )
+   command.command.attrs.type =
+    attribute type {
+     w:string "command"
+    }
++  command.command.attrs.label =
++   attribute label {
++    string
++   }
++  command.command.attrs.icon =
++   attribute icon {
++    common.data.uri
++   }
++  command.command.attrs.disabled =
++   attribute disabled {
++    w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
++   }
+  command.elem = command.command.elem
+ ## Selection of one item from a list of items: <command type='radio'>
+@@ -132,7 +146,9 @@
+     & command.radio.attrs.radiogroup #REVISIT taking liberties here
+     & command.radio.attrs.checked?
+     )
+-   & common-command.attrs
++   & command.radio.attrs.label?
++   & command.radio.attrs.icon?
++   & command.radio.attrs.disabled?
+   )
+   command.radio.attrs.type =
+    attribute type {
+@@ -146,6 +162,18 @@
+    attribute checked {
+     w:string "checked" | w:string ""
+    }
++  command.radio.attrs.label =
++   attribute label {
++    string
++   }
++  command.radio.attrs.icon =
++   attribute icon {
++    common.data.uri
++   }
++  command.radio.attrs.disabled =
++   attribute disabled {
++    w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
++   }
+  command.elem |= command.radio.elem
+ ## State or option that can be toggled: <command type='checkbox'>
+@@ -157,7 +185,9 @@
+    & ( command.checkbox.attrs.type
+     & command.checkbox.attrs.checked?
+     )
+-   & common-command.attrs
++   & command.checkbox.attrs.label?
++   & command.checkbox.attrs.icon?
++   & command.checkbox.attrs.disabled?
+    )
+   command.checkbox.attrs.type =
+    attribute type {
+@@ -167,25 +197,20 @@
+    attribute checked {
+     w:string "checked" | w:string ""
+    }
+- command.elem |= command.checkbox.elem
+- common-command.attrs =
+-  ( command.attrs.label?
+-  & command.attrs.icon?
+-  & command.attrs.disabled?
+-  )
+-  command.attrs.label =
++  command.checkbox.attrs.label =
+    attribute label {
+     string
+    }
+-  command.attrs.icon =
++  command.checkbox.attrs.icon =
+    attribute icon {
+     common.data.uri
+    }
+-  command.attrs.disabled =
++  command.checkbox.attrs.disabled =
+    attribute disabled {
+     w:string "disabled" | w:string ""
+    }
++ command.elem |= command.checkbox.elem
+  command.inner =
+   ( empty )
 Index: schema/common.rnc
 --- schema/common.rnc (revision 430)

Index: spec.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/spec.html,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -d -r1.36 -r1.37
--- spec.html 15 Jun 2009 20:27:02 -0000 1.36
+++ spec.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:01 -0000 1.37
@@ -10157,9 +10157,7 @@
         <dl class="attr-defs">
 <a class="attribute-name" id="meta.charset.attrs.charset" title="meta.charset.attrs.charset" href="#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
-      (<a class="ref" href="#common.data.charset" title="common.data.charset">charset</a>
-       &amp; empty)
-      | (xs { pattern = "[uU][tT][fF]-8" })
+      <a class="ref" href="#common.data.charset" title="common.data.charset">charset</a>
     </span> </dt>
             <dd>Specifies a character encoding name.</dd>
@@ -10189,10 +10187,6 @@
         <div class="no-number no-toc" id="meta.charset-constraints">
 <h2 class="element-subhead">Additional constraints <a class="hash" href="#meta.charset-constraints">#</a>
-    <p>The <a href="#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a>
-    attribute may be specified on the <a href="#meta" class="element">meta</a> element in a <a href="#syntax-document-html">document in the HTML
-      syntax</a>, but it must not be used in a <a href="#syntax-document-xml">document in the XML
-      syntax</a>.</p>
     <p>There must not be more than one <a href="#meta" class="element">meta</a> element per document with a <a href="#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a>
     <p>If a document contains a
@@ -10847,8 +10841,9 @@
 <a class="attribute-name" id="ol.attrs.reversed" title="ol.attrs.reversed" href="#ol.attrs.reversed">reversed</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "reversed" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>Indicates that the list is a descending list (&#8230;, 3, 2,
-        1). If the attribute is omitted, the list is an ascending
+            <dd>If present, indicates that the list is a descending
+        list (&#8230;, 3, 2, 1).</dd>
+<dd>If not present, indicates that the list is an ascending
         list (1, 2, 3, &#8230;).</dd>
@@ -11950,12 +11945,11 @@
 <a class="attribute-name" id="select.attrs.multiple" title="select.attrs.multiple" href="#select.attrs.multiple">multiple</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "multiple" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>If present, specifies that its <a href="#select" class="element">select</a>
-      element represents a control for selecting zero or more
-      options from a list of options.</dd>
-<dd>If absent, its <a href="#select">select</a> element
-      represents a control for selecting a single option from a
-      list of options.</dd>
+            <dd>If present, indicates that its <a href="#select" class="element">select</a>
+        element represents a control for selecting zero or more
+        options from a list of options.</dd>
+<dd>If not present, indicates that its <a href="#select">select</a> element represents a control
+        for selecting a single option from a list of options.</dd>
@@ -13624,17 +13618,7 @@
 <span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.elem.anything">common.elem.anything</dfn></span> = <a class="hash" href="#common.elem.anything">#</a>
-<span class="type">element </span>
-  <span class="name">*</span>
-   {
-      <span class="pattern" id="common.inner.anything">text
-  &amp; <a class="ref" href="#common.elem.anything">common.elem.anything</a>*</span>
-      &amp; <span class="pattern" id="common.attr.anything"><span class="type">attribute </span>
-  <span class="name">*</span>
-   {<span class="model"> text </span>}
-  *</span>
-    }
+<span class="attr-prose-desc">any element from any namespace</span>
@@ -14588,8 +14572,16 @@
 <span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.data.charset">charset</dfn></span><code class="punc"> = </code> <a href="#common.data.charset" class="hash">#</a>
-      <div class="datatype-desc">Any <b class="defined-elsewhere">character set name</b>
-        listed in the IANA <cite>Character Sets</cite> list <a href="#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a>.</div>
+      <div class="datatype-desc">
+        <p>For documents in the <a href="#html-syntax">HTML
+          syntax</a>: Any <b class="defined-elsewhere">character
+          set name</b> listed in the IANA <cite>Character Sets</cite>
+        list <a href="#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a>.</p>
+        <p>For documents in the <a href="#xml-syntax">XML
+          syntax</a>, any <a href="#ascii-case-insensitive">ASCII
+          case-insensitive</a> match for the string
+        "<code>UTF-8</code>".</p>
+      </div>
       <div id="common.data.meta-charset-mdl" class="section">

Index: ol.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/ol.html,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- ol.html 3 May 2009 15:59:42 -0000 1.4
+++ ol.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.5
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
             <dd>The ordinal value of the first list item.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="ol.attrs.reversed" title="ol.attrs.reversed" href="ol.html#ol.attrs.reversed">reversed</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "reversed" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>Indicates that the list is a descending list (&#8230;, 3, 2,
-        1). If the attribute is omitted, the list is an ascending
+            <dd>If present, indicates that the list is a descending
+        list (&#8230;, 3, 2, 1).</dd><dd>If not present, indicates that the list is an ascending
         list (1, 2, 3, &#8230;).</dd>

Index: meta.charset.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/meta.charset.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- meta.charset.html 3 Jun 2009 10:12:58 -0000 1.5
+++ meta.charset.html 16 Jun 2009 06:49:00 -0000 1.6
@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@
         <h2 class="element-subhead">Element-specific attributes <a class="hash" href="#meta.charset-attributes">#</a></h2>
         <dl class="attr-defs">
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="meta.charset.attrs.charset" title="meta.charset.attrs.charset" href="meta.charset.html#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
-      (<a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.charset" title="common.data.charset">charset</a>
-       &amp; empty)
-      | (xs { pattern = "[uU][tT][fF]-8" })
+      <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.charset" title="common.data.charset">charset</a>
     </span> </dt>
             <dd>Specifies a character encoding name.</dd>
@@ -63,10 +61,6 @@
         <div class="no-number no-toc" id="meta.charset-constraints"><h2 class="element-subhead">Additional constraints <a class="hash" href="#meta.charset-constraints">#</a></h2>
-    <p>The <a href="meta.charset.html#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a>
-    attribute may be specified on the <a href="meta.html#meta" class="element">meta</a> element in a <a href="syntax.html#syntax-document-html">document in the HTML
-      syntax</a>, but it must not be used in a <a href="syntax.html#syntax-document-xml">document in the XML
-      syntax</a>.</p>
     <p>There must not be more than one <a href="meta.html#meta" class="element">meta</a> element per document with a <a href="meta.charset.html#meta.charset.attrs.charset">charset</a>
     <p>If a document contains a

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 06:50:02 UTC