h:tml; revised <img> attribute descriptions and fixed some more broken IDREFs

h:tml; revised <img> attribute descriptions and fixed some more broken

Diffs for this change per section: 


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.310
retrieving revision 1.311
diff -u -d -r1.310 -r1.311
--- Overview.html 7 Jun 2009 05:27:00 -0000 1.310
+++ Overview.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:53 -0000 1.311
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <div class="head">
 <h1>HTML 5: The Markup Language</h1>
-<h2>Editor&#8217;s Draft <em>7 June 2009</em>
+<h2>Editor&#8217;s Draft <em>8 June 2009</em>
 <dt>Latest Editor&#8217;s Draft:</dt>
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-        This document is the 7 June 2009 Editor&#8217;s Draft of 
+        This document is the 8 June 2009 Editor&#8217;s Draft of 
         <cite>HTML 5: The Markup Language</cite>.

Index: object.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/object.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- object.html 7 Jun 2009 05:27:01 -0000 1.5
+++ object.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:54 -0000 1.6
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="object.attrs.usemap" title="object.attrs.usemap" href="object.html#object.attrs.usemap">usemap</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.hash-name" title="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>A <a href="terminology.html#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="map.html#map">map</a> element.</dd>
+            <dd>A <a href="datatypes.html#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="map.html#map">map</a> element with which to associate the
+        image.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="object.attrs.name" title="object.attrs.name" href="object.html#object.attrs.name">name</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.browsing-context" title="common.data.browsing-context">browsing-context</a>

Index: terminology.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/terminology.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- terminology.html 7 Jun 2009 05:27:01 -0000 1.5
+++ terminology.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:54 -0000 1.6
@@ -33,12 +33,11 @@
       LETTER Z). Many strings in the HTML syntax (for example, the
       names of elements and their attributes) are <a href="terminology.html#case-insensitive">case-insensitive</a>.
-    <dt><dfn id="hash-name">hash-name reference</dfn></dt>
-    <dd>A valid <a href="terminology.html#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to an
-      element of type <i>type</i> is a string consisting of a U+0023
-      NUMBER SIGN (<code>#</code>) character followed by a string
-      which exactly matches the value of the name attribute of an
-      element in the document with type <i>type</i>.</dd>
+    <dt><dfn id="fallback">fallback content</dfn></dt>
+    <dd>Some embedded content elements can have fallback content:
+      content that is to be used when the external resource cannot
+      be used (for example, because it is of an unsupported
+      format).</dd>
     <dt><dfn id="newlines">newline</dfn></dt>
     <dd>A <a href="terminology.html#newlines">newline</a> may be represented as any
       of the following:

Index: img.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/img.html,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- img.html 3 May 2009 15:59:41 -0000 1.4
+++ img.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:54 -0000 1.5
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <div id="img" class="section">
       <h2 class="element-head"><span class="element">img</span> &#8211; <span class="shortdesc">image</span> <a class="hash" href="#img">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="Overview.html#img-toc">T</a></h2>
       <div id="img-longdesc" class="longdesc">
-    <p>An <a href="img.html#img" class="element">img</a> element
+    <p>The<a href="img.html#img" class="element">img</a> element
     represents an image.</p>
       <div class="no-number no-toc" id="img-content">
@@ -40,61 +40,33 @@
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.src" title="img.attrs.src" href="img.html#img.attrs.src">src</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.uri" title="common.data.uri">uri</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The image given by the <code>src</code> attribute is the embedded
-   content, and the value of the <code>alt</code> attribute is the <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code> element's <a href=".html#fallback">fallback
-   content</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>A URL referencing a non-interactive, optionally
+        animated, image resource that is neither paged nor
+        scripted.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.alt" title="img.attrs.alt" href="img.html#img.attrs.alt">alt</a><span class="attr-values"> =  text </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The image given by the <code>src</code> attribute is the embedded
-   content, and the value of the <code>alt</code> attribute is the <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code> element's <a href=".html#fallback">fallback
-   content</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The <a href="terminology.html#fallback">fallback content</a> for the
+        image.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.height" title="img.attrs.height" href="img.html#img.attrs.height">height</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.integer.non-negative" title="common.data.integer.non-negative">integer.non-negative</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>width</code> and
-   <code>height</code> attributes
-   on <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code>, <code><a href="embed.html#embed">embed</a></code>, <code><a href="object.html#object">object</a></code>,
-   and <code><a href=".html#video1">video</a></code> elements may be specified to
-   give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and
-   height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output
-   medium), in CSS pixels. The attributes, if specified, must have values
-   that are <a href=".html#valid3">valid positive non-zero integers</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The height of the image, in CSS pixels.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.width" title="img.attrs.width" href="img.html#img.attrs.width">width</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.integer.non-negative" title="common.data.integer.non-negative">integer.non-negative</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>width</code> and
-   <code>height</code> attributes
-   on <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code>, <code><a href="embed.html#embed">embed</a></code>, <code><a href="object.html#object">object</a></code>,
-   and <code><a href=".html#video1">video</a></code> elements may be specified to
-   give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and
-   height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output
-   medium), in CSS pixels. The attributes, if specified, must have values
-   that are <a href=".html#valid3">valid positive non-zero integers</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The width of the image, in CSS pixels.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.usemap" title="img.attrs.usemap" href="img.html#img.attrs.usemap">usemap</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="datatypes.html#common.data.hash-name" title="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>An image, in the form of an <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code> element
-   or an <code><a href="object.html#object">object</a></code> element representing an
-   image, may be associated with an image map (in the form of a
-   <code><a href="map.html#map">map</a></code> element) by specifying a
-   <code>usemap</code> attribute on the
-   <code><a href="img.html#img">img</a></code> or <code><a href="object.html#object">object</a></code> element. The <code title="attr-area-usemap">usemap</code> attribute, if specified, must be a <a href=".html#valid7">valid hash-name reference</a> to a <code><a href="map.html#map">map</a></code> element.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>A <a href="datatypes.html#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="map.html#map">map</a> element with which to associate the
+        image.</dd>
             <dt><a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.ismap" title="img.attrs.ismap" href="img.html#img.attrs.ismap">ismap</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "ismap" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>ismap</code>
-   attribute, when used on an element that is a descendant of an <code><a href="a.html#a">a</a></code> element with an <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href=".html#href6">href</a></code> attribute, indicates by its presence that
-   the element provides access to a server-side image map. This affects how
-   events are handled on the corresponding <code><a href="a.html#a">a</a></code>
-   element.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>Specifies that its <a href="img.html#img">img</a> element
+        provides access to a server-side image map.</dd>

Index: datatypes.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/datatypes.html,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- datatypes.html 9 May 2009 14:58:58 -0000 1.7
+++ datatypes.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:54 -0000 1.8
@@ -82,7 +82,11 @@
       <div id="common.data.hash-name-mdl" class="section">
         <h2 class="common-subhead">10.9. Hash-name <a class="hash" href="#common.data.hash-name-mdl">#</a></h2>
         <div class="content-models">
-          <div><span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</dfn></span><code class="punc"> = </code><code class="regexp">#.+</code> <a href="datatypes.html#common.data.hash-name" class="hash">#</a></div></div>
+          <div><span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</dfn></span><code class="punc"> = </code><code class="regexp">#.+</code> <a href="datatypes.html#common.data.hash-name" class="hash">#</a></div>A valid <dfn id="hash-name">hash-name reference</dfn> to an
+      element of type <i>type</i> is a string consisting of a U+0023
+      NUMBER SIGN (<code>#</code>) character followed by a string
+      which exactly matches the value of the name attribute of an
+      element in the document with type <i>type</i>.</div>
       <div id="common.data.integer-mdl" class="section">
         <h2 class="common-subhead">10.10. Integer <a class="hash" href="#common.data.integer-mdl">#</a></h2>

Index: spec.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/markup/spec.html,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -d -r1.24 -r1.25
--- spec.html 7 Jun 2009 05:27:01 -0000 1.24
+++ spec.html 7 Jun 2009 23:07:54 -0000 1.25
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <div class="head">
 <h1>HTML 5: The Markup Language</h1>
-<h2>Editor&#8217;s Draft <em>7 June 2009</em>
+<h2>Editor&#8217;s Draft <em>8 June 2009</em>
 <dt>Latest Editor&#8217;s Draft:</dt>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-        This document is the 7 June 2009 Editor&#8217;s Draft of 
+        This document is the 8 June 2009 Editor&#8217;s Draft of 
         <cite>HTML 5: The Markup Language</cite>.
@@ -763,12 +763,11 @@
       LETTER Z). Many strings in the HTML syntax (for example, the
       names of elements and their attributes) are <a href="#case-insensitive">case-insensitive</a>.
-    <dt><dfn id="hash-name">hash-name reference</dfn></dt>
-    <dd>A valid <a href="#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to an
-      element of type <i>type</i> is a string consisting of a U+0023
-      NUMBER SIGN (<code>#</code>) character followed by a string
-      which exactly matches the value of the name attribute of an
-      element in the document with type <i>type</i>.</dd>
+    <dt><dfn id="fallback">fallback content</dfn></dt>
+    <dd>Some embedded content elements can have fallback content:
+      content that is to be used when the external resource cannot
+      be used (for example, because it is of an unsupported
+      format).</dd>
     <dt><dfn id="newlines">newline</dfn></dt>
     <dd>A <a href="#newlines">newline</a> may be represented as any
       of the following:
@@ -6370,7 +6369,7 @@
 <span class="element">img</span> &#8211; <span class="shortdesc">image</span> <a class="hash" href="#img">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#img-toc">T</a>
       <div id="img-longdesc" class="longdesc">
-    <p>An <a href="#img" class="element">img</a> element
+    <p>The<a href="#img" class="element">img</a> element
     represents an image.</p>
       <div class="no-number no-toc" id="img-content">
@@ -6403,66 +6402,38 @@
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.src" title="img.attrs.src" href="#img.attrs.src">src</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="#common.data.uri" title="common.data.uri">uri</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The image given by the <code>src</code> attribute is the embedded
-   content, and the value of the <code>alt</code> attribute is the <code><a href="#img">img</a></code> element's <a href="#fallback">fallback
-   content</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>A URL referencing a non-interactive, optionally
+        animated, image resource that is neither paged nor
+        scripted.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.alt" title="img.attrs.alt" href="#img.attrs.alt">alt</a><span class="attr-values"> =  text </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The image given by the <code>src</code> attribute is the embedded
-   content, and the value of the <code>alt</code> attribute is the <code><a href="#img">img</a></code> element's <a href="#fallback">fallback
-   content</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The <a href="#fallback">fallback content</a> for the
+        image.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.height" title="img.attrs.height" href="#img.attrs.height">height</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="#common.data.integer.non-negative" title="common.data.integer.non-negative">integer.non-negative</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>width</code> and
-   <code>height</code> attributes
-   on <code><a href="#img">img</a></code>, <code><a href="#embed">embed</a></code>, <code><a href="#object">object</a></code>,
-   and <code><a href="#video1">video</a></code> elements may be specified to
-   give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and
-   height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output
-   medium), in CSS pixels. The attributes, if specified, must have values
-   that are <a href="#valid3">valid positive non-zero integers</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The height of the image, in CSS pixels.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.width" title="img.attrs.width" href="#img.attrs.width">width</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="#common.data.integer.non-negative" title="common.data.integer.non-negative">integer.non-negative</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>width</code> and
-   <code>height</code> attributes
-   on <code><a href="#img">img</a></code>, <code><a href="#embed">embed</a></code>, <code><a href="#object">object</a></code>,
-   and <code><a href="#video1">video</a></code> elements may be specified to
-   give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and
-   height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output
-   medium), in CSS pixels. The attributes, if specified, must have values
-   that are <a href="#valid3">valid positive non-zero integers</a>.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>The width of the image, in CSS pixels.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.usemap" title="img.attrs.usemap" href="#img.attrs.usemap">usemap</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="#common.data.hash-name" title="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>An image, in the form of an <code><a href="#img">img</a></code> element
-   or an <code><a href="#object">object</a></code> element representing an
-   image, may be associated with an image map (in the form of a
-   <code><a href="#map">map</a></code> element) by specifying a
-   <code>usemap</code> attribute on the
-   <code><a href="#img">img</a></code> or <code><a href="#object">object</a></code> element. The <code title="attr-area-usemap">usemap</code> attribute, if specified, must be a <a href="#valid7">valid hash-name reference</a> to a <code><a href="#map">map</a></code> element.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>A <a href="#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="#map">map</a> element with which to associate the
+        image.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="img.attrs.ismap" title="img.attrs.ismap" href="#img.attrs.ismap">ismap</a><span class="attr-values"> =   "ismap" |  "" </span> </dt>
-            <dd>The <code>ismap</code>
-   attribute, when used on an element that is a descendant of an <code><a href="#a">a</a></code> element with an <code title="attr-hyperlink-href"><a href="#href6">href</a></code> attribute, indicates by its presence that
-   the element provides access to a server-side image map. This affects how
-   events are handled on the corresponding <code><a href="#a">a</a></code>
-   element.
-  </dd>
+            <dd>Specifies that its <a href="#img">img</a> element
+        provides access to a server-side image map.</dd>
@@ -10782,7 +10753,8 @@
 <a class="attribute-name" id="object.attrs.usemap" title="object.attrs.usemap" href="#object.attrs.usemap">usemap</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
       <a class="ref" href="#common.data.hash-name" title="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</a>
     </span> </dt>
-            <dd>A <a href="#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="#map">map</a> element.</dd>
+            <dd>A <a href="#hash-name">hash-name reference</a> to a <a href="#map">map</a> element with which to associate the
+        image.</dd>
 <a class="attribute-name" id="object.attrs.name" title="object.attrs.name" href="#object.attrs.name">name</a><span class="attr-values"> = 
@@ -14472,8 +14444,11 @@
         <div class="content-models">
 <span class="common-pattern-name"><dfn id="common.data.hash-name">hash-name</dfn></span><code class="punc"> = </code><code class="regexp">#.+</code> <a href="#common.data.hash-name" class="hash">#</a>
+</div>A valid <dfn id="hash-name">hash-name reference</dfn> to an
+      element of type <i>type</i> is a string consisting of a U+0023
+      NUMBER SIGN (<code>#</code>) character followed by a string
+      which exactly matches the value of the name attribute of an
+      element in the document with type <i>type</i>.</div>
       <div id="common.data.integer-mdl" class="section">
         <h2 class="common-subhead">10.10. Integer <a class="hash" href="#common.data.integer-mdl">#</a>

Received on Sunday, 7 June 2009 23:08:59 UTC