spec/Overview.html 1.1897 2727 Change from the 'prevent scripts from ru

Change from the 'prevent scripts from running when documents are active'
model to the 'split window' model, as it has better performance
characteristics. (whatwg r2727)

Status of this document
A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
Editor's Draft 31 January 2009
12.5 Rendering and the DOM


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1896
retrieving revision 1.1897
diff -u -d -r1.1896 -r1.1897
--- Overview.html 30 Jan 2009 08:39:33 -0000 1.1896
+++ Overview.html 31 Jan 2009 10:22:14 -0000 1.1897
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
    <p><a href=http://www.w3.org/><img alt=W3C height=48 src=http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home width=72></a></p>
    <h1>HTML 5</h1>
    <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml>A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=editor-s-draft-date-zzz-9-june-2008><!-- "W3C Working Draft" --> Editor's Draft <!--ZZZ-->30 January 2009</h2>
+   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=editor-s-draft-date-zzz-9-june-2008><!-- "W3C Working Draft" --> Editor's Draft <!--ZZZ-->31 January 2009</h2>
    <dl><!-- ZZZ: update the month/day
     <dt>This Version:</dt>
     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-20090610/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-20090610/</a></dd>
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
   specification's progress along the W3C Recommendation
[...2094 lines suppressed...]
    object</a>, then <a href=#queue-a-task>queue a task</a> to fire a <code title=event-popstate><a href=#event-popstate>popstate</a></code> event in no namespace on the
-   <a href=#browsing-context>browsing context</a>'s <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> object using
-   the <code><a href=#popstateevent>PopStateEvent</a></code> interface, with the <code title=dom-PopStateEvent-state><a href=#dom-popstateevent-state>state</a></code> attribute set to the
+   <code>Document</code>'s <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> object using the
+   <code><a href=#popstateevent>PopStateEvent</a></code> interface, with the <code title=dom-PopStateEvent-state><a href=#dom-popstateevent-state>state</a></code> attribute set to the
    current value of the <a href=#pending-state-object>pending state object</a>. This event
    must bubble but not be cancelable and has no default action.</li>
@@ -46160,8 +46085,9 @@
   with a value that does not correspond to an active timeout or
   interval, the methods must return without doing anything.<p>For both <code title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout><a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout>setTimeout()</a></code> and <code title=dom-windowtimers-setInterval><a href=#dom-windowtimers-setinterval>setInterval()</a></code>, the clock
   upon which the timers are based must only tick while the
-  <a href=#script-group>script group</a> of their callbacks is not
-  <i>frozen</i>.<h3 id=rendering-and-the-dom><span class=secno>12.5 </span>Rendering and the DOM</h3><p class=XXX>This section is expected to be moved to its own
+  <code>Document</code> of the <a href=#script-s-global-object title="script's global
+  object">global object</a> of their callbacks is <a href=#fully-active>fully
+  active</a>.<h3 id=rendering-and-the-dom><span class=secno>12.5 </span>Rendering and the DOM</h3><p class=XXX>This section is expected to be moved to its own
   specification in due course. It needs a lot of work to actually make
   it into a semi-decent spec.<p>Any object implement the <code>AbstractView</code> interface must
   also implement the <code><a href=#mediamodeabstractview>MediaModeAbstractView</a></code> interface.<pre class=idl>[NoInterfaceObject, ImplementedOn=<span>AbstractView</span>] interface <dfn id=mediamodeabstractview>MediaModeAbstractView</dfn> {

Received on Saturday, 31 January 2009 10:26:20 UTC