update html5-diff to take into account the latest edits to html5; I need someone to carefully check this; really

update html5-diff to take into account the latest edits to html5; I need
someone to carefully check this; really

HTML 5 differences from HTML 4
4.2 Extensions to HTMLElement
5.2 Changes since 10 June 2008
Status of this Document
4.1 Extensions to HTMLDocument
3.2 New Attributes
1.2 Backwards Compatible
3.1 New Elements
Table of Contents
2.1 Character Encoding
5.1 Changes since 12 February 2009
1.1 Open Issues
4 APIs
W3C Working Draft 15 April 2009
5.3 Changes from 22 January 2008 to 10 June 2008
2.4 Miscellaneous
2.3 MathML and SVG
1.3 Development Model
2 Syntax
3.4 Absent Elements
5 HTML 5 Changelogs
3.5 Absent Attributes
1.4 Impact on Web Architecture
1 Introduction


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/html4-differences/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -d -r1.61 -r1.62
--- Overview.html 11 Feb 2009 13:11:20 -0000 1.61
+++ Overview.html 15 Apr 2009 17:01:56 -0000 1.62
@@ -20,14 +20,13 @@
    <h1 id=html5-diff>HTML&nbsp;5 differences from HTML&nbsp;4</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=w3c-doctype>W3C Working Draft 12 February
-    2009</h2>
+   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=w3c-doctype>W3C Working Draft 15 April 2009</h2>
     <dt>This Version:
-     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-diff-20090212/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-diff-20090212/</a>
+     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-diff-20090415/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-diff-20090415/</a>
     <dt>Latest Version:
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@
    can be found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports
    index</a> at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</em>
-  <p>This is the 12 February 2009 W3C Working Draft produced by the <a
+  <p>This is the 15 April 2009 W3C Working Draft produced by the <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/html/wg/">HTML Working Group</a>, part of the <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Activity">HTML Activity</a>. The Working
    Group intends to publish this document as a <a
@@ -148,7 +147,10 @@
      <li><a href="#doctype"><span class=secno>2.2 </span>The <code
-     <li><a href="#syntax-misc"><span class=secno>2.3
+     <li><a href="#mathml-svg"><span class=secno>2.3 </span>MathML and
+      SVG</a>
+     <li><a href="#syntax-misc"><span class=secno>2.4
@@ -182,10 +184,13 @@
    <li><a href="#changelog"><span class=secno>5 </span>HTML&nbsp;5
     <ul class=toc>
-     <li><a href="#changes-2008-06-10"><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Changes
+     <li><a href="#changes-2009-02-12"><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Changes
+      since 12 February 2009</a>
+     <li><a href="#changes-2008-06-10"><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Changes
       since 10 June 2008</a>
-     <li><a href="#changes-2008-01-22"><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Changes
+     <li><a href="#changes-2008-01-22"><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Changes
       from 22 January 2008 to 10 June 2008</a>
@@ -236,8 +241,8 @@
   <p><strong>HTML&nbsp;5 is still a draft.</strong> The contents of
    HTML&nbsp;5, as well as the contents of this document which depend on
    HTML&nbsp;5, are still being discussed on the HTML Working Group and
-   WHATWG mailing lists. Some of the open issues include (this list is
-   <em>not</em> exhaustive):
+   WHATWG mailing lists. The open issues include (this list is not
+   exhaustive):
    <li>De facto semantic definitions for some formerly presentational
@@ -258,14 +263,14 @@
    presentational elements that are better dealt with using CSS.
   <p>User agents, however, will always have to support these older elements
-   and this is why the specification clearly separates requirements for
-   authors and user agents. This means that authors can not use the
-   <code>isindex</code> or <code>plaintext</code> element, but user agents
-   are required to support them in a way that is compatible with how these
-   elements need to behave for compatibility with deployed content.
+   and attributes and this is why the specification clearly separates
+   requirements for authors and user agents. This means that authors cannot
+   use the <code>isindex</code> or the <code>plaintext</code> element, but
+   user agents are required to support them in a way that is compatible with
+   how these elements need to behave for compatibility with deployed content.
   <p>Since HTML&nbsp;5 has separate conformance requirements for authors and
-   user agents there is no longer a need for marking things "deprecated".
+   user agents there is no longer a need for marking features "deprecated".
   <h3 id=development-model><span class=secno>1.3 </span>Development Model</h3>
@@ -303,10 +308,11 @@
     <li>The focus on defining the semantics in detail (e.g. the outline
-     algorithm, replacing the vague semantics in HTML&nbsp;4).
-    <li>The server-sent events feature (the <code>eventsource</code>
-     element).
+     algorithm, replacing the vague semantics in HTML&nbsp;4).</li>
+    <!--
+     <li>The server-sent events feature (the <code>eventsource</code>
+     element).</li>
+     -->
     <li>The <code>datagrid</code> element.
@@ -321,9 +327,10 @@
     <li>The content-type sniffing and character encoding sniffing.
-    <li>The very explicit definition of a parser.
-    <li>The two structured storage features.
+    <li>The very explicit definition of a parser.</li>
+    <!--
+     <li>The two structured storage features.</li>
+     -->
     <li>The <code>contentEditable</code> feature and the
      <code>UndoManager</code> feature.
@@ -429,7 +436,24 @@
    documents written using the HTML syntax. Browsers already do this for
    <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE html></code>.
-  <h3 id=syntax-misc><span class=secno>2.3 </span>Miscellaneous</h3>
+  <h3 id=mathml-svg><span class=secno>2.3 </span>MathML and SVG</h3>
+  <p>The HTML syntax of HTML&nbsp;5 allows for MathML and SVG elements to be
+   used inside a document. E.g. a very simple document using some of the
+   minimal syntax features could look like:
+  <pre><code>&lt;!doctype html>
+&lt;title>SVG in text/html&lt;/title>
+ A green circle:
+ &lt;svg> &lt;circle r="50" cx="50" cy="50" fill="green"/> &lt;/svg>
+  <p>More complex combinations are also possible. E.g. with the SVG
+   <code>foreignObject</code> element you could nest MathML, HTML, or both
+   inside an SVG fragment that is itself inside HTML.
+  <h3 id=syntax-misc><span class=secno>2.4 </span>Miscellaneous</h3>
   <p>There are a few other syntax changes worthy of mentioning:
@@ -454,8 +478,9 @@
     <p><code>section</code> represents a generic document or application
-     section. It can be used together with <code>h1</code>-<code>h6</code> to
-     indicate the document structure.
+     section. It can be used together with the <code>h1</code>,
+     <code>h2</code>, <code>h3</code>, <code>h4</code>, <code>h5</code>, and
+     <code>h6</code> elements to indicate the document structure.
     <p><code>article</code> represents an independent piece of content of a
@@ -533,7 +558,7 @@
     <p><code>canvas</code> is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics on
-     the fly, such as graphs, games, et cetera.
+     the fly, such as graphs or games.
     <p><code>command</code> represents a command the user can invoke.
@@ -559,8 +584,13 @@
-    <p><code>eventsource</code> is used to set up a persistent connection
-     with a server of which messages (events) can be received.
+    <p><code>keygen</code> representa control for key pair generation.
+   </li>
+   <!--
+      <li><p><code>eventsource</code> is used to set up a
+      persistent connection with a server of which messages (events) can be
+      received.</p></li>
+      -->
     <p><code>bb</code> represents a user agent command that the user can
@@ -606,7 +636,7 @@
   <p>The idea of these new types is that the user agent can provide the user
    interface, such as a calendar date picker or integration with the user's
-   address book and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user
+   address book, and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user
    a better experience as his input is checked before sending it to the
    server meaning there is less time to wait for feedback.
@@ -626,7 +656,7 @@
      called <code>ping</code> that specifies a space separated list of URIs
      which have to be pinged when the hyperlink is followed. Currently user
      tracking is mostly done through redirects. This attribute allows the
-     user agent to inform users which URIs are going to be pinged as well as
+     user agent to inform users which URLs are going to be pinged as well as
      giving privacy-conscious users a way to turn it off.
@@ -688,10 +718,17 @@
      <code>datalist</code> and <code>select</code> element.
-    <p>The <code>input</code>, <code>button</code> and <code>form</code>
-     elements also have a <code>novalidate</code> attribute can be used to
-     disable form validation submission (i.e. the form can always be
-     submitted).
+    <p>The <code>form</code> element has a <code>novalidate</code> attribute
+     that can be used to disable form validation submission (i.e. the form
+     can always be submitted).
+   <li>
+    <p>The <code>input</code> and <code>button</code> elements have
+     <code>formaction</code>, <code>formenctype</code>,
+     <code>formmethod</code>, <code>formnovalidate</code>, and
+     <code>formtarget</code> as new attributes. They are equivalent to the
+     attributes not prefixed with <code>form</code> on the <code>form</code>
+     element and override those.</p>
     <p>The <code>menu</code> element has two new attributes:
@@ -746,17 +783,20 @@
    <li>The <code>contextmenu</code> attribute can be used to point to a
     context menu provided by the author.
+   <li>The <code>data-<var>*</var></code> collection of author-defined
+    attributes. Authors can define any attribute they want as long as they
+    prefix it with <code>data-</code> to avoid clashes with future versions
+    of HTML. The only requirement on these attributes is that they are not
+    used for user agent extensions.
    <li>The <code>draggable</code> attribute can be used together with the new
     drag &amp; drop API.
    <li>The <code>hidden</code> attribute indicates that an element is not
     yet, or is no longer, relevant.
-   <li>The <code>data-<var>*</var></code> collection of author-defined
-    attributes. Authors can define any attribute they want as long as they
-    prefix it with <code>data-</code> to avoid clashes with future versions
-    of HTML. The only requirement on these attributes is that they are not
-    used for user agent extensions.
+   <li>The <code>spellcheck</code> attribute allows for hinting whether
+    content can be checked for spelling or not.
   <p>HTML&nbsp;5 also makes all event handler attributes from HTML&nbsp;4
@@ -821,12 +861,12 @@
   <h3 id=absent-elements><span class=secno>3.4 </span>Absent Elements</h3>
   <p>The elements in this section are not to be used by authors. User agents
-   will still have to support them and HTML&nbsp;5 will get a rendering
-   section in due course that says exactly how. (The <code>isindex</code>
-   element for instance is already supported by the parser.)
+   will still have to support them and various sections in HTML&nbsp;5 define
+   how. E.g. the obsolete <code>isindex</code> element is handled by the
+   parser section.
   <p>The following elements are not in HTML&nbsp;5 because their effect is
-   purely presentational and therefore better handled by CSS:
+   purely presentational and whose function is better handled by CSS:
@@ -858,10 +898,11 @@
   <p>The following elements are not included because they have not been used
-   often, created confusion or can be handled by other elements:
+   often, created confusion, or their function can be handled by other
+   elements:
-   <li><code>acronym</code> is not included because it has created lots of
+   <li><code>acronym</code> is not included because it has created a lot of
     confusion. Authors are to use <code>abbr</code> for abbreviations.
    <li><code>applet</code> has been obsoleted in favor of
@@ -927,7 +968,7 @@
   <p>In addition, HTML&nbsp;5 has none of the presentational attributes that
-   were in HTML&nbsp;4 as they are better handled by CSS:
+   were in HTML&nbsp;4 as their functions are better handled by CSS:
    <li><code>align</code> attribute on <code>caption</code>,
@@ -1009,9 +1050,11 @@
    <li>API for playing of video and audio which can be used with the new
-    <code>video</code> and <code>audio</code> elements.
-   <li>Persistent storage. Both key / value and a SQL database are supported.
+    <code>video</code> and <code>audio</code> elements.</li>
+   <!--
+      <li>Persistent storage. Both key / value and a SQL database are
+      supported.</li>
+      -->
    <li>An API that enables offline Web applications.
@@ -1022,18 +1065,20 @@
     <code>contenteditable</code> attribute.
    <li>Drag &amp; drop API in combination with a <code>draggable</code>
-    attribute.
-   <li>Web Socket API.
+    attribute.</li>
+   <!--
+      <li>Web Socket API.</li>
+      -->
    <li>API that exposes the history and allows pages to add to it to prevent
     breaking the back button. (This API has the necessary security
     restrictions in place.)
-   <li>Cross-document messaging.
-   <li>Server-sent events in combination with the new
-    <code>eventsource</code> element.
+   <li>Cross-document messaging.</li>
+   <!--
+      <li>Server-sent events in combination with the new
+      <code>eventsource</code> element.</li>
+      -->
   <h3 id=htmldocument-extensions><span class=secno>4.1 </span>Extensions to
@@ -1048,9 +1093,9 @@
     <p><code>getElementsByClassName()</code> to select elements by their
-     class name. The way this method is defined it will allow it to work for
-     any content with <code>class</code> attributes and a
-     <code>Document</code> object such as SVG and MathML.
+     class name. The way this method is defined will allow it to work for any
+     content with <code>class</code> attributes and a <code>Document</code>
+     object such as SVG and MathML.
     <p><code>innerHTML</code> as an easy way to parse and serialize an HTML
@@ -1088,9 +1133,9 @@
     <p><code>classList</code> is a convenient accessor for
-     <code>className</code>. The object it returns exposes methods, such as
+     <code>className</code>. The object it returns exposes methods,
      <code>has()</code>, <code>add()</code>, <code>remove()</code> and
-     <code>toggle()</code> for manipulating the element's classes. The
+     <code>toggle()</code>, for manipulating the element's classes. The
      <code>a</code>, <code>area</code> and <code>link</code> elements have a
      similar attribute called <code>relList</code> that provides the same
      functionality for the <code>rel</code> attribute.
@@ -1115,7 +1160,84 @@
   <p>The changes in the changelogs are in rough chronological order to ease
    editing this document.
-  <h3 id=changes-2008-06-10><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Changes since 10
+  <h3 id=changes-2009-02-12><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Changes since 12
+   February 2009</h3>
+  <ul>
+   <li>A new global attribute called <code>spellcheck</code> has been added.
+   <li>Defined that <code>this</code> in the global object returns a
+    <code>WindowProxy</code> object rather than the <code>Window</code>
+    object.
+   <li>The <code>value</code> DOM attribute for <code>input</code> elements
+    in the File Upload state is now defined.
+   <li>Definition of <code>designMode</code> was changed to be more in line
+    with legacy implementations.
+   <li>The <code>drawImage()</code> method of the 2D drawing API can now take
+    a <code>video</code> element as well.
+   <li>The way media elements load resources has been clarified.
+   <li><code>document.domain</code> is now IPv6-compatible.
+   <li>The <code>video</code> element gained an <code>autobuffer</code>
+    boolean attribute that serves as a hint.
+   <li>You are now allowed to specify the <code>meta</code> element with a
+    <code>charset</code> attribute in XML documents if the value of that
+    attribute matches the encoding of the document. (Note that it does not
+    specify the value, it is just a talisman.)
+   <li>The <code>bufferingRate</code> and <code>bufferingThrottled</code>
+    members of media elements have been removed.
+   <li>The media element resource selection algorithm is now asynchronous.
+   <li>The <code>postMessage()</code> API now takes an array of
+    <code>MessagePort</code> objects rather than just one.
+   <li>The second argument of the <code>add()</code> method on the
+    <code>select</code> element and the <code>options</code> member of the
+    <code>select</code> element is now optional.
+   <li>The <code>action</code>, <code>enctype</code>, <code>method</code>,
+    <code>novalidate</code>, and <code>target</code> attributes on
+    <code>input</code> and <code>button</code> elements have been renamed to
+    <code>formaction</code>, <code>formenctype</code>,
+    <code>formmethod</code>, <code>formnovalidate</code>, and
+    <code>formtarget</code>.
+   <li>A "storage mutex" concept has been added to deal with separate pages
+    trying to change the <code>document.cookie</code> and
+    <code>localStorage</code> object at the same time. The
+    <code>Navigator</code> gained a <code>getStorageUpdates()</code> method
+    to allow it to be explicitly released.
+   <li>A syntax for SVG similar to MathML is now defined so that SVG can be
+    included in <code>text/html</code> resources.
+   <li>The <code>placeholder</code> attribute has been added to the
+    <code>textarea</code> element.
+   <li>Added a <code>keygen</code> element for key pair generation.
+  </ul>
+  <p>In addition, several parts of HTML&nbsp;5 have been taken out and will
+   be further developed by the Web Applications Working Group as standalone
+   specifications:
+  <ul>
+   <li>Web Sockets
+   <li>Server-Sent Events
+   <li>Web Storage (the persistent storage and database storage features)
+  </ul>
+  <h3 id=changes-2008-06-10><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Changes since 10
    June 2008</h3>
@@ -1410,7 +1532,7 @@
-  <h3 id=changes-2008-01-22><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Changes from 22
+  <h3 id=changes-2008-01-22><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Changes from 22
    January 2008 to 10 June 2008</h3>
@@ -1510,9 +1632,9 @@
    McCathieNevile, Dan Connolly, David H&aring;s&auml;ther, Frank Ellermann,
    Henri Sivonen, James Graham, J&uuml;rgen Jeka, Maciej Stachowiak, Martijn
    Wargers, Martyn Haigh, Masataka Yakura, Michael Smith, Olivier Gendrin,
-   Philip Taylor and Simon Pieters for their contributions to this document
-   as well as to all the people who have contributed to HTML&nbsp;5 over the
-   years for improving the Web!
+   &Oslash;istein E. Andersen, Philip Taylor and Simon Pieters for their
+   contributions to this document as well as to all the people who have
+   contributed to HTML&nbsp;5 over the years for improving the Web!
   <h2 class=no-num id=references>References</h2>
@@ -1549,7 +1671,7 @@
     5</a></cite> (editor's draft), I. Hickson, editor. WHATWG, 2009.
-    href="http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/">HTML&nbsp;5</a></cite> (editor's
+    href="http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/">HTML&nbsp;5</a></cite> (editors'
     draft), I. Hickson, D. Hyatt, editors. W3C, 2009.
    <dt>[<dfn id=ref-psl>PSL</dfn>]

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/html4-differences/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.40
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -d -r1.40 -r1.41
--- Overview.src.html 11 Feb 2009 13:11:20 -0000 1.40
+++ Overview.src.html 15 Apr 2009 17:01:56 -0000 1.41
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
     <p><strong>HTML&nbsp;5 is still a draft.</strong> The contents of
     HTML&nbsp;5, as well as the contents of this document which depend on
     HTML&nbsp;5, are still being discussed on the HTML Working Group
-    and WHATWG mailing lists. Some of the open issues include (this list is
-    <em>not</em> exhaustive):</p>
+    and WHATWG mailing lists. The open issues include (this list is not
+    exhaustive):</p>
       <li>De facto semantic definitions for some formerly presentational
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@
     <p>User agents, however, will always have to support these older
-    elements and this is why the specification clearly separates
-    requirements for authors and user agents. This means that authors can
-    not use the <code>isindex</code> or <code>plaintext</code> element, but
-    user agents are required to support them in a way that is compatible
-    with how these elements need to behave for compatibility with deployed
-    content.</p>
+    elements and attributes and this is why the specification clearly
+    separates requirements for authors and user agents. This means that
+    authors cannot use the <code>isindex</code> or the
+    <code>plaintext</code> element, but user agents are required to support
+    them in a way that is compatible with how these elements need to behave
+    for compatibility with deployed content.</p>
     <p>Since HTML&nbsp;5 has separate conformance requirements for authors
-    and user agents there is no longer a need for marking things
+    and user agents there is no longer a need for marking features
@@ -225,8 +225,10 @@
      <li>The focus on defining the semantics in detail (e.g. the outline
      algorithm, replacing the vague semantics in HTML&nbsp;4).</li>
+     <!--
      <li>The server-sent events feature (the <code>eventsource</code>
+     -->
      <li>The <code>datagrid</code> element.</li>
@@ -243,7 +245,9 @@
      <li>The very explicit definition of a parser.</li>
+     <!--
      <li>The two structured storage features.</li>
+     -->
      <li>The <code>contentEditable</code> feature and the
      <code>UndoManager</code> feature.</li>
@@ -351,6 +355,24 @@
     case and the <code title="">DOCTYPE</code> is only needed to enable
     standards mode for documents written using the HTML syntax. Browsers
     already do this for <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE html></code>.</p>
+    <h3 id="mathml-svg">MathML and SVG</h3>
+    <p>The HTML syntax of HTML&nbsp;5 allows for MathML and SVG elements to
+    be used inside a document. E.g. a very simple document using some of the
+    minimal syntax features could look like:</p>
+    <pre><code>&lt;!doctype html>
+&lt;title>SVG in text/html&lt;/title>
+ A green circle:
+ &lt;svg> &lt;circle r="50" cx="50" cy="50" fill="green"/> &lt;/svg>
+    <p>More complex combinations are also possible. E.g. with the SVG
+    <code>foreignObject</code> element you could nest MathML, HTML, or both
+    inside an SVG fragment that is itself inside HTML.</p>
     <h3 id="syntax-misc">Miscellaneous</h3>
@@ -380,8 +402,9 @@
       <li><p><code>section</code> represents a generic document or
-      application section. It can be used together with
-      <code>h1</code>-<code>h6</code> to indicate the document
+      application section. It can be used together with the
+      <code>h1</code>, <code>h2</code>, <code>h3</code>, <code>h4</code>,
+      <code>h5</code>, and <code>h6</code> elements to indicate the document
       <li><p><code>article</code> represents an independent piece of content
@@ -454,7 +477,7 @@
       <li><p><code>time</code> represents a date and/or time.</p></li>
       <li><p><code>canvas</code> is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics
-      on the fly, such as graphs, games, et cetera.</p></li>
+      on the fly, such as graphs or games.</p></li>
       <li><p><code>command</code> represents a command the user can
@@ -477,10 +500,15 @@
  &lt;option value="Firefox">
+      <li><p><code>keygen</code> representa control for key pair
+      generation.</p></li>
+      <!--
       <li><p><code>eventsource</code> is used to set up a
       persistent connection with a server of which messages (events) can be
+      -->
       <li><p><code>bb</code> represents a user agent command that the user
       can invoke.</p></li>
@@ -523,7 +551,7 @@
     <p>The idea of these new types is that the user agent can provide the user
     interface, such as a calendar date picker or integration with the user's
-    address book and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user a
+    address book, and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user a
     better experience as his input is checked before sending it to the server
     meaning there is less time to wait for feedback.</p>
@@ -542,7 +570,7 @@
       attribute called <code>ping</code> that specifies a space separated list
       of URIs which have to be pinged when the hyperlink is followed. Currently
       user tracking is mostly done through redirects. This attribute allows the
-      user agent to inform users which URIs are going to be pinged as well as
+      user agent to inform users which URLs are going to be pinged as well as
       giving privacy-conscious users a way to turn it off.
       <li><p>The <code>area</code> element, for consistency, now has the
@@ -596,10 +624,16 @@
       before it also has a new <code>list</code> attribute which can be used
       together with the <code>datalist</code> and <code>select</code> element.
-      <li><p>The <code>input</code>, <code>button</code> and
-      <code>form</code> elements also have a <code>novalidate</code>
-      attribute can be used to disable form validation submission (i.e. the
-      form can always be submitted).
+      <li><p>The <code>form</code> element has a <code>novalidate</code>
+      attribute that can be used to disable form validation submission (i.e.
+      the form can always be submitted).
+      <li><p>The <code>input</code> and <code>button</code> elements have
+      <code>formaction</code>, <code>formenctype</code>,
+      <code>formmethod</code>, <code>formnovalidate</code>, and
+      <code>formtarget</code> as new attributes. They are equivalent to the
+      attributes not prefixed with <code>form</code> on the
+      <code>form</code> element and override those.</p>
       <li><p>The <code>menu</code> element has two new attributes:
       <code>type</code> and <code>label</code>. They
@@ -647,17 +681,21 @@
       <li>The <code>contextmenu</code> attribute can be used to point to a
       context menu provided by the author.
+      <li>The <code>data-<var>*</var></code> collection of author-defined
+      attributes. Authors can define any attribute they want as long as they
+      prefix it with <code>data-</code> to avoid clashes with future
+      versions of HTML. The only requirement on these attributes is that
+      they are not used for user agent extensions.
       <li>The <code>draggable</code> attribute can be used together with the new
       drag &amp; drop API.
       <li>The <code>hidden</code> attribute indicates that an element is not
       yet, or is no longer, relevant.
+      <li>The <code>spellcheck</code> attribute allows for hinting whether
+      content can be checked for spelling or not.
-      <li>The <code>data-<var>*</var></code> collection of author-defined
-      attributes. Authors can define any attribute they want as long as they
-      prefix it with <code>data-</code> to avoid clashes with future
-      versions of HTML. The only requirement on these attributes is that
-      they are not used for user agent extensions.
     <p>HTML&nbsp;5 also makes all event handler attributes from HTML&nbsp;4 that
@@ -714,13 +752,13 @@
     <h3 id="absent-elements">Absent Elements</h3>
-    <p>The elements in this section are not to be used by authors. User agents
-    will still have to support them and HTML&nbsp;5 will get a rendering section
-    in due course that says exactly how. (The <code>isindex</code> element for
-    instance is already supported by the parser.)</p>
+    <p>The elements in this section are not to be used by authors. User
+    agents will still have to support them and various sections in
+    HTML&nbsp;5 define how. E.g. the obsolete <code>isindex</code> element
+    is handled by the parser section.</p>
     <p>The following elements are not in HTML&nbsp;5 because their effect is
-    purely presentational and therefore better handled by CSS:</p>
+    purely presentational and whose function is better handled by CSS:</p>
@@ -752,12 +790,14 @@
-    <p>The following elements are not included because they have not been used
-    often, created confusion or can be handled by other elements:</p>
+    <p>The following elements are not included because they have not been
+    used often, created confusion, or their function can be handled by other
+    elements:</p>
-      <li><code>acronym</code> is not included because it has created lots of
-      confusion. Authors are to use <code>abbr</code> for abbreviations.</li>
+      <li><code>acronym</code> is not included because it has created a lot
+      of confusion. Authors are to use <code>abbr</code> for
+      abbreviations.</li>
       <li><code>applet</code> has been obsoleted in favor of
@@ -823,8 +863,9 @@
       <li><code>scope</code> attribute on <code>td</code>.
-    <p>In addition, HTML&nbsp;5 has none of the presentational attributes that
-    were in HTML&nbsp;4 as they are better handled by CSS:</p>
+    <p>In addition, HTML&nbsp;5 has none of the presentational attributes
+    that were in HTML&nbsp;4 as their functions are better handled by
+    CSS:</p>
       <li><code>align</code> attribute on <code>caption</code>,
@@ -911,8 +952,10 @@
       <li>API for playing of video and audio which can be used with the new
       <code>video</code> and <code>audio</code> elements.</li>
+      <!--
       <li>Persistent storage. Both key / value and a SQL database are
+      -->
       <li>An API that enables offline Web applications.</li>
@@ -925,7 +968,9 @@
       <li>Drag &amp; drop API in combination with a <code>draggable</code>
+      <!--
       <li>Web Socket API.</li>
+      -->
       <li>API that exposes the history and allows pages to add to it to prevent
       breaking the back button. (This API has the necessary security
@@ -933,8 +978,10 @@
       <li>Cross-document messaging.</li>
+      <!--
       <li>Server-sent events in combination with the new
       <code>eventsource</code> element.</li>
+      -->
@@ -949,7 +996,7 @@
       <li><p><code>getElementsByClassName()</code> to select elements by their
-      class name. The way this method is defined it will allow it to work for
+      class name. The way this method is defined will allow it to work for
       any content with <code>class</code> attributes and a <code>Document</code>
       object such as SVG and MathML.
@@ -982,9 +1029,9 @@
       defined to work in XML context (when it is used in an XML document).
       <li><p><code>classList</code> is a convenient accessor for
-      <code>className</code>. The object it returns exposes methods, such as
+      <code>className</code>. The object it returns exposes methods,
       <code>has()</code>, <code>add()</code>, <code>remove()</code> and
-      <code>toggle()</code> for manipulating the element's classes. The
+      <code>toggle()</code>, for manipulating the element's classes. The
       <code>a</code>, <code>area</code> and <code>link</code> elements have a
       similar attribute called <code>relList</code> that provides the same
       functionality for the <code>rel</code> attribute.
@@ -1009,6 +1056,66 @@
     <p>The changes in the changelogs are in rough chronological order to
     ease editing this document.</p>
+    <h3 id="changes-2009-02-12">Changes since 12 February 2009</h3>
+    <ul>
+     <li>A new global attribute called <code>spellcheck</code> has been
+     added.</li>
+     <li>Defined that <code>this</code> in the global object returns a
+     <code>WindowProxy</code> object rather than the <code>Window</code>
+     object.</li>
+     <li>The <code>value</code> DOM attribute for <code>input</code>
+     elements in the File Upload state is now defined.</li>
+     <li>Definition of <code>designMode</code> was changed to be more in
+     line with legacy implementations.</li>
+     <li>The <code>drawImage()</code> method of the 2D drawing API can now
+     take a <code>video</code> element as well.</li>
+     <li>The way media elements load resources has been clarified.</li>
+     <li><code>document.domain</code> is now IPv6-compatible.</li>
+     <li>The <code>video</code> element gained an <code>autobuffer</code>
+     boolean attribute that serves as a hint.</li>
+     <li>You are now allowed to specify the <code>meta</code> element with a
+     <code>charset</code> attribute in XML documents if the value of that
+     attribute matches the encoding of the document. (Note that it does not
+     specify the value, it is just a talisman.)</li>
+     <li>The <code>bufferingRate</code> and <code>bufferingThrottled</code>
+     members of media elements have been removed.</li>
+     <li>The media element resource selection algorithm is now
+     asynchronous.</li>
+     <li>The <code>postMessage()</code> API now takes an array of
+     <code>MessagePort</code> objects rather than just one.</li>
+     <li>The second argument of the <code>add()</code> method on the
+     <code>select</code> element and the <code>options</code> member of the
+     <code>select</code> element is now optional.</li>
+     <li>The <code>action</code>, <code>enctype</code>, <code>method</code>,
+     <code>novalidate</code>, and <code>target</code> attributes on
+     <code>input</code> and <code>button</code> elements have been
+     renamed to <code>formaction</code>, <code>formenctype</code>,
+     <code>formmethod</code>, <code>formnovalidate</code>, and
+     <code>formtarget</code>.</li>
+     <li>A "storage mutex" concept has been added to deal with separate
+     pages trying to change the <code>document.cookie</code> and
+     <code>localStorage</code> object at the same time. The
+     <code>Navigator</code> gained a <code>getStorageUpdates()</code> method
+     to allow it to be explicitly released.</li>
+     <li>A syntax for SVG similar to MathML is now defined so that SVG can
+     be included in <code>text/html</code> resources.</li>
+     <li>The <code>placeholder</code> attribute has been added to
+     the <code>textarea</code> element.</li>
+     <li>Added a <code>keygen</code> element for key pair generation.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>In addition, several parts of HTML&nbsp;5 have been taken out and
+    will be further developed by the Web Applications Working Group as
+    standalone specifications:</p>
+    <ul>
+     <li>Web Sockets</li>
+     <li>Server-Sent Events</li>
+     <li>Web Storage (the persistent storage and database storage features)</li>
+    </ul>
     <h3 id="changes-2008-06-10">Changes since 10 June 2008</h3>
@@ -1311,6 +1418,7 @@
     Masataka Yakura,
     Michael Smith,
     Olivier Gendrin,
+    &Oslash;istein E. Andersen,
     Philip Taylor and
     Simon Pieters
@@ -1354,7 +1462,7 @@
       5</a></cite> (editor's draft), I. Hickson, editor. WHATWG, 2009.</dd>
       <dd><cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/">HTML&nbsp;5</a></cite>
-      (editor's draft), I. Hickson, D. Hyatt, editors. W3C, 2009.</dd>
+      (editors' draft), I. Hickson, D. Hyatt, editors. W3C, 2009.</dd>
       <dt>[<dfn id="ref-psl">PSL</dfn>]</dt>

Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 17:03:08 UTC