Re: Shared Properties

On 2 Oct 2011, at 17:55, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2011, at 4:20 AM, Jeni Tennison wrote:
>> # Microformats #
>> Microformats don't seem to have any support for shared properties; it looks as if users have to use hidden elements (empty spans) to add the shared properties within the wrapper element for each entity.
> Microformats have the Include Pattern [7], which is similar to @itemref. Basically, this is a way to reference information defined in one part of the document from another:
> 	<a class="include" href="#author">Gregg Kellogg</a>
> 	<div class="vcard" id="author">
> 	  <div class="fn">Gregg Kellogg</div>
> 	</div>
> [7]

Thanks for the correction, Gregg.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 3 October 2011 07:45:25 UTC