html5/2dcontext Overview.html,1.134,1.135

Update of /sources/public/html5/2dcontext
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv2924

Modified Files:
Log Message:
commit 37b3183567666a226d304c54d6ac5123ba564dcc
Author: Rik Cabanier <>
Date:   Thu Aug 23 10:46:20 2012 -0700

    Fixed IDL for createPattern
    Most browsers allow null or the empty string for the second argument to createPattern.
    Fixed IDL and prose to reflect this

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/2dcontext/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.134
retrieving revision 1.135
diff -u -d -r1.134 -r1.135
--- Overview.html	22 Aug 2012 10:43:12 -0000	1.134
+++ Overview.html	23 Aug 2012 18:13:49 -0000	1.135
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
            attribute any <a href=#dom-context-2d-fillstyle title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle>fillStyle</a>; // (default black)
   <a href=#canvasgradient>CanvasGradient</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createlineargradient title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient</a>(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
   <a href=#canvasgradient>CanvasGradient</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createradialgradient title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient</a>(double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1);
-  <a href=#canvaspattern>CanvasPattern</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createpattern title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</a>((<span>HTMLImageElement</span> or <span>HTMLCanvasElement</span> or <span>HTMLVideoElement</span>) image, DOMString? repetition);
+  <a href=#canvaspattern>CanvasPattern</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createpattern title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</a>((<span>HTMLImageElement</span> or <span>HTMLCanvasElement</span> or <span>HTMLVideoElement</span>) image, [TreatNullAs=Emptytring]DOMString repetition);
   // shadows
            attribute unrestricted double <a href=#dom-context-2d-shadowoffsetx title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetX>shadowOffsetX</a>; // (default 0)
@@ -3158,9 +3158,9 @@
   must not affect the pattern. The second argument must be a string
   with one of the following values: <code title="">repeat</code>,
   <code title="">repeat-x</code>, <code title="">repeat-y</code>,
-  <code title="">no-repeat</code>. If the empty string or null is specified,
-  <code title="">repeat</code> must be assumed. If an unrecognized value
-  is given, then the user agent must throw a <code>SyntaxError</code>
+  <code title="">no-repeat</code>. If the second argument is empty, 
+  the value <code title="">repeat</code> must be assumed. If an unrecognized
+  value is given, then the user agent must throw a <code>SyntaxError</code>
   exception. User agents must recognize the four values described above
   exactly (e.g. they must not do case folding). Except as specified
   below, the method must return a <code><a href=#canvaspattern>CanvasPattern</a></code> object

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 18:14:00 UTC