html5/md Overview.html,1.140,1.141

Update of /sources/public/html5/md
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv1519

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Work around a limitation of Turtle syntax. (whatwg r6280)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/md/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.140
retrieving revision 1.141
diff -u -d -r1.140 -r1.141
--- Overview.html	7 Jul 2011 22:59:58 -0000	1.140
+++ Overview.html	7 Jul 2011 23:03:50 -0000	1.141
@@ -1961,24 +1961,20 @@
    triple that in this case is expressed twice, though that is not
    meaningful in RDF):</p>
-   <pre class="turtle">@prefix rdf: &lt;; .
-@prefix dct: &lt;; .
-@prefix hcard: &lt;; .
-&lt;&gt; &lt;; _:n0 ;
+   <pre class="turtle">&lt;&gt; &lt;; _:n0 ;
    &lt;; _:n1 .
-_:n0  rdf:type &lt;; ;
-      hcard:fn "Princeton" ;
-      hcard:n _:n0a
-      hcard:adr _:n2 .
-_:n0a hcard:n%20given-name "Princeton" .
-_:n1  rdf:type &lt;; ;
-      hcard:fn "Trekkie" ;
-      hcard:n _:n1a
-      hcard:adr _:n2 .
-_:n1a hcard:n%20given-name "Trekkie" .
-_:n2  hcard:adr%20street-address "Avenue Q" ;
-      hcard:adr%20street-address "Avenue Q" .</pre>
+_:n0  &lt;; &lt;; ;
+      &lt;; "Princeton" ;
+      &lt;; _:n0a
+      &lt;; _:n2 .
+_:n0a &lt;; "Princeton" .
+_:n1  &lt;; &lt;; ;
+      &lt;; "Trekkie" ;
+      &lt;; _:n1a
+      &lt;; _:n2 .
+_:n1a &lt;; "Trekkie" .
+_:n2  &lt;; "Avenue Q" ;
+      &lt;; "Avenue Q" .</pre>

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2011 23:03:58 UTC