html5/html-api-map overview.html,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/html5/html-api-map
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv5938

Added Files:
Log Message:
initial draft of html to accessibility API mapping guide

--- NEW FILE: overview.html ---

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<HTML lang="en-US">
	<TITLE>HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide</TITLE>
	<STYLE type="text/css">caption {text-align:left; font-weight:bold}

{ width:100%;

 border-collapse: collapse;

 border: 1px solid #630; 
font: normal 80% arial, Verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;

[...1036 lines suppressed...]
	<P class="style2">In addition to the comments column, here are some general to do
         items.&nbsp; It would be great if we could discuss this at next
         week&rsquo;s sub-team meeting.</P>
	<LI>Add additional attribute mappings</LI>
	<LI>Add additional element mappings</LI>
	<LI>Describe individual elements that &quot;define a command&quot;
               and how their mappings change based on context (when they do and
               don&#39;t define a command)</LI>
	<LI>double check all &#39;none&#39; mappings.&nbsp; Are they
               true?&nbsp; Is it really none, or text, or inherits?</LI>
	<LI>change msaa to ROLE_SYSTEM_FOO</LI>
	<LI>use composites for MSAA for menuitemcheckbox and menuitemradio?</LI>
	<LI>either expand name, state, value etc for other APIs, or combine
               for MSAA</LI>
	<LI>update based on Steve&#39;s more recent draft of HTML to ARIA
               mappings, and keep updated as that changes based on html wg
	<LI>Look at how to augment imperfect mappings with UIA patterns.</LI>
	<LI>double check harmonization with ARIA UAI Guide</LI></UL></BODY></HTML>

Received on Thursday, 23 September 2010 12:39:50 UTC