html5/md Overview.html,1.50,1.51

Update of /sources/public/html5/md
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv5579

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Log Message:
Fix meaning of 'live' throughout. Hide a Window object that had leaked out instead of turning into a WindowProxy object. Fix a note that had rotted. (whatwg r4857)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/md/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -d -r1.50 -r1.51
--- Overview.html	17 Mar 2010 23:24:09 -0000	1.50
+++ Overview.html	17 Mar 2010 23:50:42 -0000	1.51
@@ -557,22 +557,20 @@
   <span>represented by the collection</span>.</p>
   <p>The <dfn id="dom-htmlpropertiescollection-names" title="dom-HTMLPropertiesCollection-names"><code>names</code></dfn>
-  attribute must return a live <code>DOMStringList</code> object
-  giving the <a href="#property-names">property names</a> of all the elements
+  attribute must return a <span>live</span> <code>DOMStringList</code>
+  object giving the <a href="#property-names">property names</a> of all the elements
   <span>represented by the collection</span>, listed in <a href="#tree-order">tree
   order</a>, but with duplicates removed, leaving only the first
   occurrence of each name. The same object must be returned each
   <p>The <dfn id="dom-htmlpropertiescollection-nameditem" title="dom-HTMLPropertiesCollection-namedItem"><code>namedItem(<var title="">name</var>)</code></dfn> method must return a
-  <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object representing a live view of the
-  <code><a href="#htmlpropertiescollection">HTMLPropertiesCollection</a></code> object, further filtered so that
-  the only nodes in the <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object are those
-  that have a <a href="#property-names" title="property names">property name</a> equal
-  to <var title="">name</var>. The nodes in the
-  <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object must be sorted in <a href="#tree-order">tree
-  order</a>, and the same object must be returned each time a
-  particular <var title="">name</var> is queried.</p>
+  <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object representing a
+  <span>live</span> view of the <code><a href="#htmlpropertiescollection">HTMLPropertiesCollection</a></code>
+  object, further filtered so that the only nodes in the
+  <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> object are those that have a <a href="#property-names" title="property names">property name</a> equal to <var title="">name</var>. The nodes in the <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code>
+  object must be sorted in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, and the same
+  object must be returned each time a particular <var title="">name</var> is queried.</p>
   <hr><p>Members of the <code><a href="#propertynodelist">PropertyNodeList</a></code> interface inherited
   from the <code>NodeList</code> interface must behave as they would
@@ -1383,15 +1381,15 @@
   <p>The <dfn id="dom-document-getitems" title="dom-document-getItems"><code>document.getItems(<var title="">typeNames</var>)</code></dfn> method takes an optional
   string that contains an <a href="#unordered-set-of-unique-space-separated-tokens">unordered set of unique
   space-separated tokens</a> representing types. When called, the
-  method must return a live <code>NodeList</code> object containing
-  all the elements in the document, in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, that
-  are each <a href="#top-level-microdata-items">top-level microdata items</a> with a <a href="#item-type" title="item type">type</a> equal to one of the types specified in
-  that argument, having obtained the types by <a href="#split-a-string-on-spaces" title="split a
-  string on spaces">splitting the string on spaces</a>. If there
-  are no tokens specified in the argument, or if the argument is
-  missing, then the method must return a <code>NodeList</code>
-  containing all the <a href="#top-level-microdata-items">top-level microdata items</a> in the
-  document.
+  method must return a <span>live</span> <code>NodeList</code> object
+  containing all the elements in the document, in <a href="#tree-order">tree
+  order</a>, that are each <a href="#top-level-microdata-items">top-level microdata items</a>
+  with a <a href="#item-type" title="item type">type</a> equal to one of the types
+  specified in that argument, having obtained the types by <a href="#split-a-string-on-spaces" title="split a string on spaces">splitting the string on
+  spaces</a>. If there are no tokens specified in the argument, or
+  if the argument is missing, then the method must return a
+  <code>NodeList</code> containing all the <a href="#top-level-microdata-items">top-level microdata
+  items</a> in the document.
   When the method is invoked on a <code>Document</code> object again
   with the same argument, the user agent may return the same object as
   the object returned by the earlier call. In other cases, a new

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 23:50:46 UTC