html5/spec Overview.html,1.2897,1.2898

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
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Add a recommended reading section. (whatwg r3719)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2897
retrieving revision 1.2898
diff -u -d -r1.2897 -r1.2898
--- Overview.html	31 Aug 2009 07:46:28 -0000	1.2897
+++ Overview.html	31 Aug 2009 08:43:43 -0000	1.2898
@@ -307,7 +307,8 @@
      <li><a href="#how-to-read-this-specification"><span class="secno">1.8.1 </span>How to read this specification</a></li>
      <li><a href="#typographic-conventions"><span class="secno">1.8.2 </span>Typographic conventions</a></ol></li>
-   <li><a href="#a-quick-introduction-to-html"><span class="secno">1.9 </span>A quick introduction to HTML</a></ol></li>
+   <li><a href="#a-quick-introduction-to-html"><span class="secno">1.9 </span>A quick introduction to HTML</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#recommended-reading"><span class="secno">1.10 </span>Recommended reading</a></ol></li>
  <li><a href="#infrastructure"><span class="secno">2 </span>Common infrastructure</a>
    <li><a href="#terminology"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Terminology</a>
@@ -1462,8 +1463,69 @@
   consult tutorials and guides. Some of the examples included in this
   specification might also be of use, but the novice author is
   cautioned that this specification, by necessity, defines the
-  language with a level of detail that may be difficult to understand
-  at first.<h2 id="infrastructure"><span class="secno">2 </span>Common infrastructure</h2><h3 id="terminology"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Terminology</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i><p>This specification refers to both HTML and XML attributes and IDL
+  language with a level of detail that might be difficult to
+  understand at first.<h3 id="recommended-reading"><span class="secno">1.10 </span>Recommended reading</h3><p><i>This section is non-normative.</i><p>The following documents might be of interest to readers of this
+  specification.<dl><dt><cite>Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals</cite> <a href="#refsCHARMOD">[CHARMOD]</a></dt>
+   <dd><blockquote><p>This Architectural Specification provides
+   authors of specifications, software developers, and content
+   developers with a common reference for interoperable text
+   manipulation on the World Wide Web, building on the Universal
+   Character Set, defined jointly by the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC
+   10646. Topics addressed include use of the terms 'character',
+   'encoding' and 'string', a reference processing model, choice and
+   identification of character encodings, character escaping, and
+   string indexing.</blockquote></dd>
+   <dt><cite>Unicode Security Considerations</cite> <a href="#refsUTR36">[UTR36]</a></dt>
+   <dd><blockquote><p>Because Unicode contains such a large number of
+   characters and incorporates the varied writing systems of the
+   world, incorrect usage can expose programs or systems to possible
+   security attacks. This is especially important as more and more
+   products are internationalized. This document describes some of the
+   security considerations that programmers, system analysts,
+   standards developers, and users should take into account, and
+   provides specific recommendations to reduce the risk of
+   problems.</blockquote></dd>
+   <dt><cite>Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</cite> <a href="#refsWCAG">[WCAG]</a></dt>
+   <dd><blockquote><p>Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
+   covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more
+   accessible. Following these guidelines will make content accessible
+   to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness
+   and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities,
+   cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities,
+   photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these
+   guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to
+   users in general.</blockquote></dd>
+   <dt class="impl"><cite>Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0</cite> <a href="#refsATAG">[ATAG]</a></dt>
+   <dd class="impl"><blockquote><p>This specification provides
+   guidelines for designing Web content authoring tools that are more
+   accessible for people with disabilities. An authoring tool that
+   conforms to these guidelines will promote accessibility by
+   providing an accessible user interface to authors with disabilities
+   as well as by enabling, supporting, and promoting the production of
+   accessible Web content by all authors.</blockquote></dd>
+   <dt class="impl"><cite>User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0</cite> <a href="#refsUAAG">[UAAG]</a></dt>
+   <dd class="impl"><blockquote><p>This document provides guidelines
+   for designing user agents that lower barriers to Web accessibility
+   for people with disabilities. User agents include browsers and
+   other types of software that retrieve and render Web content. A
+   user agent that conforms to these guidelines will promote
+   accessibility through its own user interface and through other
+   internal facilities, including its ability to communicate with
+   other technologies (especially assistive
+   technologies). Furthermore, all users, not just users with
+   disabilities, should find conforming user agents to be more
+   usable.</blockquote></dd>
+  </dl><h2 id="infrastructure"><span class="secno">2 </span>Common infrastructure</h2><h3 id="terminology"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Terminology</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Working draft</i><p>This specification refers to both HTML and XML attributes and IDL
   attributes, often in the same context. When it is not clear which is
   being referred to, they are referred to as <dfn title="">content
   attributes</dfn> for HTML and XML attributes, and <dfn title="">IDL
@@ -67254,6 +67316,11 @@
    User Agent Implementation Guide</a></cite>, A. Snow-Weaver,
    M. Cooper. W3C, August 2009.</dd>
+   <dt id="refsATAG">[ATAG]</dt>
+   <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Authoring Tool Accessibility
+   Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0</a></cite>, J. Richards, J. Spellman,
+   J. Treviranus. W3C, May 2009.</dd>
    <dt id="refsATOM">[ATOM]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">The Atom Syndication
    Format</a></cite>, M. Nottingham, R. Sayre. IETF, December
@@ -67717,6 +67784,11 @@
    Ministry of Industry, Royal Thai Government, 1990. ISBN
+   <dt id="refsUAAG">[UAAG]</dt>
+   <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Web Content Accessibility
+   Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0</a></cite>, J. Allan, K. Ford, J. Richards,
+   J. Spellman. W3C, July 2009.</dd>
    <dt id="refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The Unicode Standard</a></cite>. Unicode Consortium, 2007.</dd>
@@ -67732,6 +67804,16 @@
    Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode</a></cite>,
    D. Goldsmith, M. Davis. IETF, May 1997.</dd>
+   <dt id="refsUTR36">[UTR36]</dt>
+   <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">UTR #36: Unicode
+   Security Considerations</a></cite>, M. Davis, M. Suignard. Unicode
+   Consortium, July 2008.</dd>
+   <dt id="refsWCAG">[WCAG]</dt>
+   <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Web Content Accessibility
+   Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</a></cite>, B. Caldwell, M. Cooper, L. Reid,
+   G. Vanderheiden. W3C, December 2008.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWEBADDRESSES">[WEBADDRESSES]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
    addresses in HTML5</a></cite>, D. Connolly,

Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 08:43:56 UTC