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     <div id="toc">
       <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
-    <ul><li id="summary-toc"><a href="#summary">Summary: Changes impacting Web architecture</a></li><li id="fpwd-toc"><a href="#fpwd">Changes since the First Public Working Draft</a><ul><li id="introduction-toc"><a href="#introduction">Section 1, Introduction</a><ul><li id="structure-toc"><a href="#structure">Section 1.2, Structure of this specification</a></li><li id="conformance-toc"><a href="#conformance">Section 1.3, Conformance requirements</a></li><li id="terminology-toc"><a href="#terminology">Section 1.4, Terminology</a></li></ul></li><li id="dom-toc"><a href="#dom">Section 2, The Document Object Model</a><ul><li id="documents-toc"><a href="#documents">Section 2.1, Documents</a></li><li id="elements-toc"><a href="#elements">Section 2.2, Elements</a></li><li id="common0-toc"><a href="#common0">Section 2.3, Common DOM interfaces</a></li><li id="dom-tree-toc"><a href="#dom-tree">Section 2.4, DOM tree accessors</a></li><li id="dynamic-toc"><a href="#dynamic">Section 2.5, Dynamic markup insertion</a></l><li id="apis-in-toc"><a href="#apis-in">Section 2.6, APIs in HTML documents</a></li></ul></li><li id="semantics-toc"><a href="#semantics">Section 3, Semantics and structure of HTML elements</a><ul><li id="common1-toc"><a href="#common1">Section 3.2, Common microsyntaxes</a></li><li id="documents0-toc"><a href="#documents0">Section 3.3, Documents and document fragments</a></li><li id="global-toc"><a href="#global">Section 3.4, Global attributes</a></li><li id="interaction-toc"><a href="#interaction">Section 3.5, Interaction</a></li><li id="the-root-toc"><a href="#the-root">Section 3.6, The root element</a></li><li id="document-toc"><a href="#document">Section 3.7, Document metadata</a><ul><li id="the-base-toc"><a href="#the-base">Section 3.7.3, The base element</a></li><li id="the-link-toc"><a href="#the-link">Section 3.7.4, The link element</a></li><li id="meta-toc"><a href="#meta">Section 3.7.5, The meta element</a></li><li id="the-style0-toc"><a href="#the-style0">Section 3.7.6, The style element</a></li</ul></li><li id="sections-toc"><a href="#sections">Section 3.8, Sections</a><ul><li id="the-body-toc"><a href="#the-body">Section 3.8.1, The body element</a></li><li id="the-nav-toc"><a href="#the-nav">Section 3.8.3, The nav element</a></li><li id="blockquoteold-toc"><a href="#blockquoteold">Section 3.8.5 [now 3.9.6], The blockquote element</a></li><li id="the-aside-toc"><a href="#the-aside">Section 3.8.6 [now 3.8.5], The aside element</a></li><li id="the-header-toc"><a href="#the-header">Section 3.8.8 [now 3.8.7], The header element</a></li><li id="the-footer-toc"><a href="#the-footer">Section 3.8.9 [now 3.8.8], The footer element</a></li><li id="the-address-toc"><a href="#the-address">Section 3.8.10 [now 3.8.9], The address element</a></li><li id="headings-toc"><a href="#headings">Section 3.8.11 [now 3.8.10], Headings and sections</a></li></ul></li><li id="grouping-toc"><a href="#grouping">Section 3.9, Grouping content</a><ul><li id="the-pre-toc"><a href="#the-pre">Section 3.9.4 [was 3.10.1], The pre eleent</a></li><li id="the-blockquote-toc"><a href="#the-blockquote">Section 3.9.6 [was 3.8.5], The blockquote element</a></li><li id="the-ol-toc"><a href="#the-ol">Section 3.9.7 [was 3.11.1], The ol element</a></li><li id="the-ul-toc"><a href="#the-ul">Section 3.9.8 [was 3.11.2], The ul element</a></li><li id="the-li-toc"><a href="#the-li">Section 3.9.9 [was 3.11.3], The li element</a></li><li id="the-dl-toc"><a href="#the-dl">Section 3.9.10 [was 3.11.4], The dl element</a></li><li id="the-dt-toc"><a href="#the-dt">Section 3.9.11 [was 3.11.5], The dt element</a></li></ul></li><li id="text-level-toc"><a href="#text-level">Section 3.10 [was 3.12], Text-level semantics</a><ul><li id="the-a-toc"><a href="#the-a">Section 3.10.1, The a element</a></li><li id="the-q-toc"><a href="#the-q">Section 3.10.2, The q element</a></li><li id="the-cite-toc"><a href="#the-cite">Section 3.10.3, The cite element</a></li><li id="the-mark-toc"><a href="#the-mark">Section 3.10.7, The mark element [was: the m element]</a></li><li id=the-dfn-toc"><a href="#the-dfn">Section 3.10.8, The dfn element</a></li><li id="the-abbr-toc"><a href="#the-abbr">Section 3.10.9, The abbr element</a></li><li id="the-progress-toc"><a href="#the-progress">Section 3.10.11, The progress element</a></li><li id="the-meter-toc"><a href="#the-meter">Section 3.10.12, The meter element</a></li><li id="the-code-toc"><a href="#the-code">Section 3.10.13, The code element</a></li><li id="the-var-toc"><a href="#the-var">Section 3.10.14, The var element</a></li><li id="the-samp-toc"><a href="#the-samp">Section 3.10.15, The samp element</a></li><li id="the-sub-toc"><a href="#the-sub">Section 3.10.17, The sub and sup elements</a></li><li id="the-span-toc"><a href="#the-span">Section 3.10.18, The span element</a></li><li id="the-i-toc"><a href="#the-i">Section 3.10.19, The i element</a></li><li id="the-ruby-toc"><a href="#the-ruby">Section 3.10.22 [new], The ruby element</a></li><li id="the-rt-toc"><a href="#the-rt">Section 3.10.23 [new], The rt element</a></li><li id="the-p-toc"><a href="#the-rp">Section 3.10.24 [new], The rp element</a></li><li id="usage-toc"><a href="#usage">Section 3.10.25 [new], Usage summary</a></li><li id="footnotes-toc"><a href="#footnotes">Section 3.10.26 [new], Footnotes</a></li></ul></li><li id="edits-toc"><a href="#edits">Section 3.11 [was 3.13], Edits</a><ul><li id="edits0-toc"><a href="#edits0">Section 3.11.4 [new], Edits and paragraphs</a></li><li id="edits1-toc"><a href="#edits1">Section 3.11.5 [new], Edits and lists</a></li></ul></li><li id="embedded0-toc"><a href="#embedded0">Section 3.12 [was 3.14], Embedded content</a><ul><li id="the-figure-toc"><a href="#the-figure">Section 3.12.1, The figure element</a></li><li id="the-img-toc"><a href="#the-img">Section 3.12.2, The img element</a></li><li id="the-iframe-toc"><a href="#the-iframe">Section 3.12.3, The iframe element</a></li><li id="the-embed-toc"><a href="#the-embed">Section 3.12.4, The embed element</a></li><li id="the-object-toc"><a href="#the-object">Section 3.12.5, The object element<a></li><li id="the-param-toc"><a href="#the-param">Section 3.12.6, The param element</a></li><li id="the-video-toc"><a href="#the-video">Section 3.12.7, The video element</a></li><li id="the-source-toc"><a href="#the-source">Section 3.12.9, The source element</a></li><li id="media-toc"><a href="#media">Section 3.12.10, Media elements</a></li><li id="the-canvas-toc"><a href="#the-canvas">Section 3.12.11, The canvas element</a><ul><li id="the-2d-toc"><a href="#the-2d">Section, The 2D context</a></li></ul></li><li id="the-map-toc"><a href="#the-map">Section 3.12.12, The map element</a></li><li id="the-area-toc"><a href="#the-area">Section 3.12.13, The area element</a></li><li id="image-maps-toc"><a href="#image-maps">Section 3.12.14, Image maps</a></li><li id="mathml-toc"><a href="#mathml">Section 3.12.15 [new], MathML</a></li><li id="svg-toc"><a href="#svg">Section 3.12.16 [new], SVG</a></li></ul></li><li id="tabular-toc"><a href="#tabular">Section 3.13 [was 3.15], Tabular data</a><ul><li id="the-tale-toc"><a href="#the-table">Section 3.13.2, The table element</a></li><li id="the-colgroup-toc"><a href="#the-colgroup">Section 3.13.4, The colgroup element</a></li><li id="the-col-toc"><a href="#the-col">Section 3.13.5, The col element</a></li><li id="the-tbody-toc"><a href="#the-tbody">Section 3.13.6, The tbody element</a></li><li id="the-thead-toc"><a href="#the-thead">Section 3.13.7, The thead element</a></li><li id="the-tfoot-toc"><a href="#the-tfoot">Section 3.13.8, The tfoot element</a></li><li id="the-tr-toc"><a href="#the-tr">Section 3.13.9, The tr element</a></li><li id="the-td-toc"><a href="#the-td">Section 3.13.10, The td element</a></li><li id="the-th-toc"><a href="#the-th">Section 3.13.11, The th element</a></li><li id="attributes0-toc"><a href="#attributes0">Section 3.13.12 [new], Attributes common to td and th
+    <ul><li id="summary-toc"><a href="#summary">Summary: High-level list of selected changes</a></li><li id="fpwd-toc"><a href="#fpwd">Changes since the First Public Working Draft</a><ul><li id="introduction-toc"><a href="#introduction">Section 1, Introduction</a><ul><li id="structure-toc"><a href="#structure">Section 1.2, Structure of this specification</a></li><li id="conformance-toc"><a href="#conformance">Section 1.3, Conformance requirements</a></li><li id="terminology-toc"><a href="#terminology">Section 1.4, Terminology</a></li></ul></li><li id="dom-toc"><a href="#dom">Section 2, The Document Object Model</a><ul><li id="documents-toc"><a href="#documents">Section 2.1, Documents</a></li><li id="elements-toc"><a href="#elements">Section 2.2, Elements</a></li><li id="common0-toc"><a href="#common0">Section 2.3, Common DOM interfaces</a></li><li id="dom-tree-toc"><a href="#dom-tree">Section 2.4, DOM tree accessors</a></li><li id="dynamic-toc"><a href="#dynamic">Section 2.5, Dynamic markup insertion</a></i><li id="apis-in-toc"><a href="#apis-in">Section 2.6, APIs in HTML documents</a></li></ul></li><li id="semantics-toc"><a href="#semantics">Section 3, Semantics and structure of HTML elements</a><ul><li id="common1-toc"><a href="#common1">Section 3.2, Common microsyntaxes</a></li><li id="documents0-toc"><a href="#documents0">Section 3.3, Documents and document fragments</a></li><li id="global-toc"><a href="#global">Section 3.4, Global attributes</a></li><li id="interaction-toc"><a href="#interaction">Section 3.5, Interaction</a></li><li id="the-root-toc"><a href="#the-root">Section 3.6, The root element</a></li><li id="document-toc"><a href="#document">Section 3.7, Document metadata</a><ul><li id="the-base-toc"><a href="#the-base">Section 3.7.3, The base element</a></li><li id="the-link-toc"><a href="#the-link">Section 3.7.4, The link element</a></li><li id="meta-toc"><a href="#meta">Section 3.7.5, The meta element</a></li><li id="the-style0-toc"><a href="#the-style0">Section 3.7.6, The style element</a></l></ul></li><li id="sections-toc"><a href="#sections">Section 3.8, Sections</a><ul><li id="the-body-toc"><a href="#the-body">Section 3.8.1, The body element</a></li><li id="the-nav-toc"><a href="#the-nav">Section 3.8.3, The nav element</a></li><li id="blockquoteold-toc"><a href="#blockquoteold">Section 3.8.5 [now 3.9.6], The blockquote element</a></li><li id="the-aside-toc"><a href="#the-aside">Section 3.8.6 [now 3.8.5], The aside element</a></li><li id="the-header-toc"><a href="#the-header">Section 3.8.8 [now 3.8.7], The header element</a></li><li id="the-footer-toc"><a href="#the-footer">Section 3.8.9 [now 3.8.8], The footer element</a></li><li id="the-address-toc"><a href="#the-address">Section 3.8.10 [now 3.8.9], The address element</a></li><li id="headings-toc"><a href="#headings">Section 3.8.11 [now 3.8.10], Headings and sections</a></li></ul></li><li id="grouping-toc"><a href="#grouping">Section 3.9, Grouping content</a><ul><li id="the-pre-toc"><a href="#the-pre">Section 3.9.4 [was 3.10.1], The pre elment</a></li><li id="the-blockquote-toc"><a href="#the-blockquote">Section 3.9.6 [was 3.8.5], The blockquote element</a></li><li id="the-ol-toc"><a href="#the-ol">Section 3.9.7 [was 3.11.1], The ol element</a></li><li id="the-ul-toc"><a href="#the-ul">Section 3.9.8 [was 3.11.2], The ul element</a></li><li id="the-li-toc"><a href="#the-li">Section 3.9.9 [was 3.11.3], The li element</a></li><li id="the-dl-toc"><a href="#the-dl">Section 3.9.10 [was 3.11.4], The dl element</a></li><li id="the-dt-toc"><a href="#the-dt">Section 3.9.11 [was 3.11.5], The dt element</a></li></ul></li><li id="text-level-toc"><a href="#text-level">Section 3.10 [was 3.12], Text-level semantics</a><ul><li id="the-a-toc"><a href="#the-a">Section 3.10.1, The a element</a></li><li id="the-q-toc"><a href="#the-q">Section 3.10.2, The q element</a></li><li id="the-cite-toc"><a href="#the-cite">Section 3.10.3, The cite element</a></li><li id="the-mark-toc"><a href="#the-mark">Section 3.10.7, The mark element [was: the m element]</a></li><li id"the-dfn-toc"><a href="#the-dfn">Section 3.10.8, The dfn element</a></li><li id="the-abbr-toc"><a href="#the-abbr">Section 3.10.9, The abbr element</a></li><li id="the-progress-toc"><a href="#the-progress">Section 3.10.11, The progress element</a></li><li id="the-meter-toc"><a href="#the-meter">Section 3.10.12, The meter element</a></li><li id="the-code-toc"><a href="#the-code">Section 3.10.13, The code element</a></li><li id="the-var-toc"><a href="#the-var">Section 3.10.14, The var element</a></li><li id="the-samp-toc"><a href="#the-samp">Section 3.10.15, The samp element</a></li><li id="the-sub-toc"><a href="#the-sub">Section 3.10.17, The sub and sup elements</a></li><li id="the-span-toc"><a href="#the-span">Section 3.10.18, The span element</a></li><li id="the-i-toc"><a href="#the-i">Section 3.10.19, The i element</a></li><li id="the-ruby-toc"><a href="#the-ruby">Section 3.10.22 [new], The ruby element</a></li><li id="the-rt-toc"><a href="#the-rt">Section 3.10.23 [new], The rt element</a></li><li id="therp-toc"><a href="#the-rp">Section 3.10.24 [new], The rp element</a></li><li id="usage-toc"><a href="#usage">Section 3.10.25 [new], Usage summary</a></li><li id="footnotes-toc"><a href="#footnotes">Section 3.10.26 [new], Footnotes</a></li></ul></li><li id="edits-toc"><a href="#edits">Section 3.11 [was 3.13], Edits</a><ul><li id="edits0-toc"><a href="#edits0">Section 3.11.4 [new], Edits and paragraphs</a></li><li id="edits1-toc"><a href="#edits1">Section 3.11.5 [new], Edits and lists</a></li></ul></li><li id="embedded0-toc"><a href="#embedded0">Section 3.12 [was 3.14], Embedded content</a><ul><li id="the-figure-toc"><a href="#the-figure">Section 3.12.1, The figure element</a></li><li id="the-img-toc"><a href="#the-img">Section 3.12.2, The img element</a></li><li id="the-iframe-toc"><a href="#the-iframe">Section 3.12.3, The iframe element</a></li><li id="the-embed-toc"><a href="#the-embed">Section 3.12.4, The embed element</a></li><li id="the-object-toc"><a href="#the-object">Section 3.12.5, The object element/a></li><li id="the-param-toc"><a href="#the-param">Section 3.12.6, The param element</a></li><li id="the-video-toc"><a href="#the-video">Section 3.12.7, The video element</a></li><li id="the-source-toc"><a href="#the-source">Section 3.12.9, The source element</a></li><li id="media-toc"><a href="#media">Section 3.12.10, Media elements</a></li><li id="the-canvas-toc"><a href="#the-canvas">Section 3.12.11, The canvas element</a><ul><li id="the-2d-toc"><a href="#the-2d">Section, The 2D context</a></li></ul></li><li id="the-map-toc"><a href="#the-map">Section 3.12.12, The map element</a></li><li id="the-area-toc"><a href="#the-area">Section 3.12.13, The area element</a></li><li id="image-maps-toc"><a href="#image-maps">Section 3.12.14, Image maps</a></li><li id="mathml-toc"><a href="#mathml">Section 3.12.15 [new], MathML</a></li><li id="svg-toc"><a href="#svg">Section 3.12.16 [new], SVG</a></li></ul></li><li id="tabular-toc"><a href="#tabular">Section 3.13 [was 3.15], Tabular data</a><ul><li id="the-tble-toc"><a href="#the-table">Section 3.13.2, The table element</a></li><li id="the-colgroup-toc"><a href="#the-colgroup">Section 3.13.4, The colgroup element</a></li><li id="the-col-toc"><a href="#the-col">Section 3.13.5, The col element</a></li><li id="the-tbody-toc"><a href="#the-tbody">Section 3.13.6, The tbody element</a></li><li id="the-thead-toc"><a href="#the-thead">Section 3.13.7, The thead element</a></li><li id="the-tfoot-toc"><a href="#the-tfoot">Section 3.13.8, The tfoot element</a></li><li id="the-tr-toc"><a href="#the-tr">Section 3.13.9, The tr element</a></li><li id="the-td-toc"><a href="#the-td">Section 3.13.10, The td element</a></li><li id="the-th-toc"><a href="#the-th">Section 3.13.11, The th element</a></li><li id="attributes0-toc"><a href="#attributes0">Section 3.13.12 [new], Attributes common to td and th
               elements</a></li><li id="processing-toc"><a href="#processing">Section 3.13.13, Processing model</a></li></ul></li><li id="forms-toc"><a href="#forms">Section 3.14 [was 3.16], Forms</a></li><li id="scripting0-toc"><a href="#scripting0">Section 3.15 [was 3.17], Scripting</a><ul><li id="script-toc"><a href="#script">Section 3.15.1, The script element</a></li><li id="the-noscript-toc"><a href="#the-noscript">Section 3.15.2, The noscript element</a></li><li id="the-event-source-toc"><a href="#the-event-source">Section 3.15.3, The event-source element</a></li></ul></li><li id="interactive-elements-toc"><a href="#interactive-elements">Section 3.16 [was 3.18], Interactive elements</a><ul><li id="datagrid-toc"><a href="#datagrid">Section 3.16.2, The datagrid element</a></li><li id="menus-toc"><a href="#menus">Section 3.16.4, The menu element</a></li><li id="commands-toc"><a href="#commands">Section 3.16.5, Commands</a></li></ul></li><li id="datatemplate-toc"><a href="#datatemplate">Section 3.17 [was .19], Data Templates</a></li><li id="miscellaneous-toc"><a href="#miscellaneous">Section 3.18 [was 3.20], Miscellaneous elements</a></li></ul></li><li id="web-browsers-toc"><a href="#web-browsers">Section 4, Web browsers</a><ul><li id="windows-toc"><a href="#windows">Section 4.1, Browsing context</a></li><li id="the-default0-toc"><a href="#the-default0">Section 4.2, The default view</a></li><li id="origin-toc"><a href="#origin">Section 4.3 [was 4.3.2], Origin</a></li><li id="scripting-toc"><a href="#scripting">Section 4.3 [now 4.4], Scripting</a></li><li id="user-prompts-toc"><a href="#user-prompts">Section 4.4 [now 4.5], User prompts</a></li><li id="browser-toc"><a href="#browser">Section 4.5 [now 4.6], Browser state</a></li><li id="offline-toc"><a href="#offline">Section 4.6 [now 4.7], Offline Web applications</a></li><li id="history-toc"><a href="#history">Section 4.7 [now 4.8], Session history and navigation</a></li><li id="browsing0-toc"><a href="#browsing0">Section 4.9 [new], Browsing the Web</a></li>li id="content-type-sniffing-toc"><a href="#content-type-sniffing">Section 4.9 [now 4.10], Determining the type of a
             new resource in a browsing context</a></li><li id="structured-toc"><a href="#structured">Section 4.11 [new], Structured client-side storage</a></li><li id="links-toc"><a href="#links">Section 4.12, Links</a></li><li id="interfaces-toc"><a href="#interfaces">Section 4.13, Interfaces for URI manipulation</a></li></ul></li><li id="editing-toc"><a href="#editing">Section 5, Editing</a><ul><li id="contenteditable-toc"><a href="#contenteditable">Section 5.2, The contenteditable attribute</a></li><li id="dnd-toc"><a href="#dnd">Section 5.3, Drag and drop</a></li><li id="undo-toc"><a href="#undo">Section 5.4, Undo history</a></li><li id="command-toc"><a href="#command">Section 5.5 [now 5.6], Command APIs</a></li><li id="selection-toc"><a href="#selection">Section 5.6 [now 5.5], The text selection APIs</a></li></ul></li><li id="comms-toc"><a href="#comms">Section 6, Communication</a><ul><li id="event1-toc"><a href="#event1">Section 6.1, Event definitions</a></li><li id="server-sent-events-toc"><a href="server-sent-events">Section 6.2, Server-sent DOM events</a></li><li id="network-toc"><a href="#network">Section 6.3, Network connections</a></li><li id="crossDocumentMessages-toc"><a href="#crossDocumentMessages">Section 6.4, Cross-document messaging</a></li></ul></li><li id="repetition-toc"><a href="#repetition">Section 7, Repetition templates</a></li><li id="syntax-toc"><a href="#syntax">Section 8, The HTML syntax</a><ul><li id="writing0-toc"><a href="#writing0">Section 8.1, Writing HTML documents</a></li><li id="parsing-toc"><a href="#parsing">Section 8.2, Parsing HTML documents</a></li><li id="namespaces-toc"><a href="#namespaces">Section 8.3, Namespaces</a></li><li id="serializing-toc"><a href="#serializing">Section 8.4, Serializing HTML fragments</a></li><li id="parsing2-toc"><a href="#parsing2">Section 8.5, Parsing HTML fragments</a></li><li id="named-toc"><a href="#named">Section 8.6, Entities [now "Named character references"]</a></li></ul></li><li id="wsiwyg-toc"><a href="#wsiwyg">Section 9 [now rmoved], WYSIWYG editors</a></li><li id="rendering-toc"><a href="#rendering">Section 10 [now section 9], Rendering and
           user-agent behavior</a></li><li id="no-toc"><a href="#no">Section 11 [now section 10], Things that you
           can't do with this specification…</a></li><li id="acknowledgements-toc"><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li></ul></li><li id="references-toc"><a href="#references">References</a></li></ul></div>
     <div id="this_sections">
-      <div id="summary" class="section">
-    <h2>Summary: Changes impacting Web architecture <a href="#summary">#</a> <a href="#summary-toc">T</a></h2>
+      <div id="summary" class="section"> 
+    <h2>Summary: High-level list of selected changes <a href="#summary">#</a> <a href="#summary-toc">T</a></h2>
-    <p>This section provides a high-level summary of changes
-      introduced by new areas or features of the <a href="">HTML 5
-        specification</a> <a href="#html5">[HTML5]</a> that are believed to impact the Web
-      architecture. For more detailed descriptions of the changes,
+    <p>This section provides a high-level list of selected changes
+      made to the HTML 5 draft specification after 22 January
+      2008. For more detailed descriptions of the changes,
       see the sections in this document that follow this one.
       (Note: The source for this summary is maintained in the <a href="">HTML 5
         differences from HTML 4</a> document <a href="#html4diffs">[HTML4DIFFS]</a>; the summary was
       copied from that document into this one.)</p>
-     <li>The use of the DOM as a basis for defining the language.</li>
-     <li>The concept of browsing contexts.</li>
-     <li>The distinction between user agent requirements and authoring
-     requirements.</li>
-     <li>The use of imperative definitions rather than abstract definitions
-     with the requirement of black-box equivalence in implementations.</li>
-     <li>The new content model concepts (replacing HTML 4's block and
-     inline concepts).</li>
-     <li>The focus on accessibility as a built-in concept for new features
-     (such as the <code>irrelevant</code> attribute, the
-     <code>progress</code> element, et cetera) instead of an add-on (like
-     the <code>alt</code> attribute).</li>
-     <li>The focus on defining the semantics in detail (e.g. the outline
-     algorithm, replacing the vague semantics in HTML 4).</li>
-     <li>The server-sent events feature (the <code>event-source</code>
-     element).</li>
-     <li>The <code>datagrid</code> element.</li>
-     <li>The <code>menu</code> and <code>command</code> elements.</li>
-     <li>The origin concept.</li>
-     <li>Offline Web application caches.</li>
-     <li>The definition of the browsing context "navigation" algorithm and
-     the related session history traversal algorithms.</li>
-     <li>The content-type sniffing and character encoding sniffing.</li>
-     <li>The very explicit definition of a parser.</li>
-     <li>The two structured storage features.</li>
-     <li>The <code>contentEditable</code> feature and the
-     <code>UndoManager</code> feature.</li>
-     <li>The Drag and Drop and Copy and Paste architecture.</li>
-     <li>The cross-document messaging feature (the
-     <code>postMessage</code> API).</li>
-     <li>The new sandboxing features for <code>iframe</code>.</li>
+     <li>Implementation and authoring details around the <code>ping</code>
+     attribute have changed.
+     </li><li><code>&lt;meta http-equiv=content-type&gt;</code> is now a
+     conforming way to set the character encoding.</li>
+     <li>API for the <code>canvas</code> element has been cleaned up. Text
+     support has been added.
+     </li><li><code>globalStorage</code> is now restricted to the same-origin
+     policy and renamed to <code>localStorage</code>. Related event
+     dispatching has been clarified.
+     </li><li><code>postMessage()</code> API changed. Only the origin of the
+     message is exposed, no longer the URI. It also requires a second
+     argument that indicates the origin of the target document.
+     </li><li>Drag and drop API has got clarification. The
+     <code>dataTransfer</code> object now has a <code>types</code>
+     attribute indicating the type of data being transferred.
+     </li><li>The <code>m</code> element is now called <code>mark</code>.
+     </li><li>Server-sent events has changed and gotten clarification. It uses a
+     new format so that older implementations are not broken.
+     </li><li>The <code>figure</code> element no longer requires a caption.
+     </li><li>The <code>ol</code> element has a new <code>reversed</code>
+     attribute.
+     </li><li>Character encoding detection has changed in response to feedback.
+     </li><li>Various changes have been made to the HTML parser section in
+     response to implementation feedback.
+     </li><li>Various changes to the editing section have been made, including
+     adding <code>queryCommandEnabled()</code> and related methods.
+     </li><li>The <code>headers</code> attribute has been added for
+     <code>td</code> elements.
+     </li><li>The <code>table</code> element has a new <code>createTBody()</code>
+     method.
+     </li><li>MathML support has been added to the HTML parser section. (SVG
+     support is still awaiting input from the SVG WG.)
+     </li><li>Author defined attributes have been added. Authors can add
+     attributes to elements in the form of
+     <code>data-<var>name</var></code> and can access these through the DOM
+     using <code>dataset[<var>name</var>]</code> on the element in question.
+     </li><li>The <code>q</code> element has changed to require punctation inside
+     rather than having the browser render it.
+     </li><li>The <code>target</code> attribute can now have the value
+     <code>_blank</code>.
+     </li><li>The <code>showModalDialog</code> API has been added.
+     </li><li>The <code>document.domain</code> API has been defined.
+     </li><li>The <code>source</code> element now has a new
+     <code>pixelratio</code> attribute useful for videos that have some kind
+     encoding error.
+     </li><li><code>bufferedBytes</code>, <code>totalBytes</code> and
+     <code>bufferingThrottled</code> DOM attributes have been added to the
+     <code>video</code> element.
+     </li><li>Media <code>begin</code> event has been renamed to
+     <code>loadstart</code> for consistency with the Progress Events
+     specification.
+     </li><li><code>charset</code> attribute has been added to
+     <code>script</code>.
+     </li><li>The <code>iframe</code> element has gained the <code>sandbox</code>
+     and <code>seamless</code> attributes which provide sandboxing
+     functionality.
+     </li><li>The <code>ruby</code>, <code>rt</code> and <code>rp</code>
+     elements have been added to support ruby annotation.
+     </li><li>A <code>showNotification()</code> method has been added to show
+     notification messages to the user.
+     </li><li>Support for <code>beforeprint</code> and <code>afterprint</code>
+     events has been added.</li>
-    </div>
+  </div>
       <div id="fpwd" class="section">
         <h2>Changes since the First Public Working Draft <a class="hash" href="#fpwd">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#fpwd-toc">T</a></h2>
         <p>This section provides a per-section record of changes
@@ -3839,11 +3847,7 @@
       <div id="wsiwyg" class="section">
-        <h2>Section 9 [now removed], WYSIWYG editors <a class="hash" href="#wsiwyg">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#wsiwyg-toc">T</a></h2><div class="spec-links"><p class="spec-link">View “<a href="">Section 9 [now removed], WYSIWYG editors</a>” in the
-          10 June 2008 version of the specification.</p><p class="spec-link">View “<a href="">Section 9 [now removed], WYSIWYG editors</a>” in a
-          diff-marked version of the specification, showing
-          changes made between 22 January 2008 and 10 June
-          2008.</p></div>
+        <h2>Section 9 [now removed], WYSIWYG editors <a class="hash" href="#wsiwyg">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#wsiwyg-toc">T</a></h2>
         <p>The entire “WYSIWYG editors” section was removed from
         the specification. It had provided information that
         attempted to “allow a way for WYSIWYG editors, which

Index: summary.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/summary.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- summary.html	9 Jun 2008 18:56:51 -0000	1.1
+++ summary.html	11 Jun 2008 01:46:24 -0000	1.2
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
       functionality for the <code>rel</code> attribute.
+     <div> 
     <h2 id="changelog">HTML 5 Changelog</h2>
     <p>Below is a rough list of changes that have been made to the
@@ -1090,6 +1090,7 @@
      </li><li>Support for <code>beforeprint</code> and <code>afterprint</code>
      events has been added.</li>
+  </div>
     <h2 id="acknowledgments" class="no-num">Acknowledgments</h2>
@@ -1182,4 +1183,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.237
retrieving revision 1.238
diff -u -d -r1.237 -r1.238
--- Overview.src.html	10 Jun 2008 13:32:48 -0000	1.237
+++ Overview.src.html	11 Jun 2008 01:46:24 -0000	1.238
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     <div id=this_sections>
       <section id=summary>
-        <h2>Summary: Changes impacting Web architecture</h2>
+        <h2>Summary: High-level list of selected changes</h2>
       <section id=fpwd>
         <h2>Changes since the First Public Working Draft</h2>

Index: specgen.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/specgen.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -d -r1.29 -r1.30
--- specgen.xsl	10 Jun 2008 13:52:22 -0000	1.29
+++ specgen.xsl	11 Jun 2008 01:46:24 -0000	1.30
@@ -255,36 +255,39 @@
-  <xsl:template match="h:*[@id = 'summary']">
+  <!-- start including from HTML4 differences doc -->
+  <xsl:template match="*[@id = 'summary']">
     <div id="summary" class="section">
-        select="document('summary.html')//h:div[child::*[@id='webarch']]"/>
+        select="document('summary.html')//h:div[child::*[@id='changelog']]"/>
-  <xsl:template match="h:div[child::*[@id='webarch']]">
+  <xsl:template match="h:div[child::*[@id='changelog']]">
-  <xsl:template match="h:h3[@id = 'webarch']">
-    <h2>Summary: Changes impacting Web architecture <a
+  <xsl:template match="h:h2[@id = 'changelog']" priority="10">
+    <h2>Summary: High-level list of selected changes <a
       <xsl:text> </xsl:text><a href="#summary-toc">T</a></h2>
-  <xsl:template match="h:div[child::*[@id='webarch']]/h:p[1]">
-    <p>This section provides a high-level summary of changes
-      introduced by new areas or features of the <a
-        href="" >HTML 5
-        specification</a><xsl:text> </xsl:text><a href="#html5">[HTML5]</a> that are believed to impact the Web
-      architecture. For more detailed descriptions of the changes,
+  <xsl:template match="h:div[child::*[@id='changelog']]/h:p[1]">
+    <p>This section provides a high-level list of selected changes
+      made to the HTML 5 draft specification after 22 January
+      2008. For more detailed descriptions of the changes,
       see the sections in this document that follow this one.
       (Note: The source for this summary is maintained in the <a
         href="" >HTML 5
-        differences from HTML 4</a> document <a href="#html4diffs">[HTML4DIFFS]</a>; the summary was
+        differences from HTML 4</a> document <a
+        href="#html4diffs">[HTML4DIFFS]</a>; the summary was
       copied from that document into this one.)</p>
+  <!-- end including from HTML4 differences doc -->
   <xsl:template name='revision-note'>
       <xsl:if test='$maturity="ED"'>
         <div class='ednote'>
@@ -541,6 +544,7 @@
     <xsl:if test="not($myid = 'fpwd')
       and not($myid = 'references')
+      and not($myid = 'wsiwyg')
       <div class="spec-links">
         <p class="spec-link">View “<a href="{$filename}#{$myid}"

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 01:47:03 UTC