html5/pubnotes Overview.html,1.333,1.334 Overview.src.html,1.325,1.326

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	Overview.html Overview.src.html 
Log Message:
1.1123 Define <area alt> authoring conformance criteria.

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.333
retrieving revision 1.334
diff -u -d -r1.333 -r1.334
--- Overview.html	24 Jul 2008 10:03:09 -0000	1.333
+++ Overview.html	24 Jul 2008 10:57:12 -0000	1.334
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
         of the changes without necessarily needing to read the
         specification itself.</p>
     <div class="ednote"><h4 class="ednoteHeader">Editorial note</h4><p>This document was generated on
-          <b>2008-07-24T18:23:16+09:00</b>.</p></div></div>
+          <b>2008-07-24T19:38:44+09:00</b>.</p></div></div>
     <div id="status">
       <h2>Status of this Document</h2>
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@
+<li id="the-area_wd2-toc"><a href="#the-area_wd2">Section 4.7.13, The area element</a>
 <li id="dimension_wd2-toc"><a href="#dimension_wd2">Section 4.7.17, Dimension attributes</a>
@@ -1917,6 +1919,47 @@
+            <div id="the-area_wd2" class="section">
+              <h2>Section 4.7.13, The area element <a class="hash" href="#the-area_wd2">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#the-area_wd2-toc">T</a></h2><div class="spec-links"><p class="spec-link">View “<a href="">Section 4.7.13, The area element</a>” in the
+        current “Editor’s Draft”
+        version of the specification.</p><p class="spec-link">View
+        “<a href="">Section 4.7.13, The area element</a>”
+        in a
+        diff-marked version of the specification, showing
+        changes made between
+        10 June 2008
+        and 
+        current “Editor’s Draft”.</p></div>
+              <p>In this section, the following changes were
+              made:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>A paragraph that provides
+                authoring-conformance criteria for the
+                <code class="element">area</code>
+                element was updated to now read (added text
+                highlighted):
+                <blockquote>
+                  <p><q>If the area element has an href attribute,
+                    then the area element represents a hyperlink.
+                    In this case, the alt attribute attribute must
+                    be present, present. It specifies the text.
+                    However, text of the hyperlink. <em class="highlight">Its value must
+                    be text that, when presented with the texts
+                    specified for the other hyperlinks of the
+                    image map, and with the alternative text of
+                    the image, but without the image itself,
+                    provides the user with the same kind of choice
+                    as the hyperlink would when used without its
+                    text but with its shape applied to the image.
+                    The alt attribute may be left blank if there
+                    is another area element in the same image map
+                    that points to the same resource and has a
+                    non-blank alt attribute.</em></q></p>
+                </blockquote>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </div>
             <div id="dimension_wd2" class="section">
               <h2>Section 4.7.17, Dimension attributes <a class="hash" href="#dimension_wd2">#</a> <a class="toc-bak" href="#dimension_wd2-toc">T</a></h2><div class="spec-links"><p class="spec-link">View “<a href="">Section 4.7.17, Dimension attributes</a>” in the
         current “Editor’s Draft”

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/pubnotes/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.325
retrieving revision 1.326
diff -u -d -r1.325 -r1.326
--- Overview.src.html	24 Jul 2008 10:03:09 -0000	1.325
+++ Overview.src.html	24 Jul 2008 10:57:12 -0000	1.326
@@ -1094,6 +1094,38 @@
+            <section id=the-area_wd2>
+              <h2>Section 4.7.13, The area element</h2>
+              <p>In this section, the following changes were
+              made:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>A paragraph that provides
+                authoring-conformance criteria for the
+                <code class=element>area</code>
+                element was updated to now read (added text
+                highlighted):
+                <blockquote>
+                  <p><q>If the area element has an href attribute,
+                    then the area element represents a hyperlink.
+                    In this case, the alt attribute attribute must
+                    be present, present. It specifies the text.
+                    However, text of the hyperlink. <em
+                      class=highlight>Its value must
+                    be text that, when presented with the texts
+                    specified for the other hyperlinks of the
+                    image map, and with the alternative text of
+                    the image, but without the image itself,
+                    provides the user with the same kind of choice
+                    as the hyperlink would when used without its
+                    text but with its shape applied to the image.
+                    The alt attribute may be left blank if there
+                    is another area element in the same image map
+                    that points to the same resource and has a
+                    non-blank alt attribute.</em></q></p>
+                </blockquote>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </section>
             <section id=dimension_wd2>
               <h2>Section 4.7.17, Dimension attributes</h2>
               <p>Refinements were made the text specifying

Received on Thursday, 24 July 2008 10:57:47 UTC