Equivalent of RadioNodeList for checkboxes


Recently a question regarding best practices for getting input radio  
elements was posted on StackOverflow.com at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2437190/best-practice-accessing-radio-button-group 
.. I tried to lookup the specs and saw that a RadioNodeList interface  
has been defined. The spec says that when accessing an  
HTMLFormsCollection with the namedItem method, a RadioNodeList object  
is returned if multiple elements are matched with same names.

interface RadioNodeList : NodeList {
           attribute DOMString value;

However, this seems to deal specifically with radio input elements.  
The RadioNodeList interface defines an attribute value which is a  
DOMString. Is there a similar interface for checkbox elements and  
their collection that provides access to values of all elements that  
are checked?


Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 08:26:37 UTC