Backwards compatibility and DOCTYPE

The HTML5 WD states (section 1.1.1[1]) that the format is meant to be as 
much backwards-compatible as possible. With a little change to section 
8.1.1[2], HTML5 could, in fact, be fully backwards compatible.

The current version (4.01) of HTML requires[3] documents to start with 
this DOCTYPE line:

     <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"

But that line is not allowed in the latest draft of version 5. Why not?

The corresponding DOCTYPE lines from earlier versions of HTML can also 
be allowed. I think most documents that conformed to HTML when those 
DOCTYPE lines were current are still valid in HTML5 (once HTML5 allows 
those DOCTYPEs.)


   Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C )                               W3C/ERCIM                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
   +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2008 00:03:45 UTC