Re: Table of contents tag for html 5?

Daniel Benamy wrote:

> There could also be attributes which control how the table of contents
> is generated, such as whether the entries are numbered or not or which
> headings are included (all, only those after the <toc>, only those
> before, only headings greater than n, etc.)

The main problem with this is that it would break incremental rendering; the toc 
couldn't be rendered completely until the entire document has been fetched, so 
the UA would have to re-layout the page to insert the toc, creating an 
unpleasant user experience.

In general, this feature seems like something that would be better handled on 
the server side, with the publishing system converting <toc/> to the fully 
expanded HTML (which could then be adjusted as needed on a per-site basis).

"Eternity's a terrible thought. I mean, where's it all going to end?"
  -- Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 10:56:28 UTC