HTML to platform accessibility API guide

Hi all

work on this[1] has slowed to a crawl for some time for various reasons.

I would like to see a version of this spec done.

So I am proposing the following:

We limit the scope of the spec to:
 - role state and property mapping of HTML elements and attributes
- accessible name calculation

many other things could be in scope, but what should have not been defined
and having at least the above defined would be better than what we have now.

the spec be made normative (current status undefined)

we ask for additional editors (people who will commit to working on the
spec to get it completed).

Cynthia has indicated she doesn't have time to work on it (confirmation
needed), but I believe jason is still doing bits and I will commit to help.

I will also move to github as its easier to work on from there. (unless
anyone objects)



HTML 5.1 <>

Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 09:00:06 UTC