Re: Publishing Use Cases and <picture> document through HTMLWG

Hi Paul, All, 

On Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Paul Cotton wrote:

> Moving this non-technical discussion to ( I have included the original message below. It can also be found at:
> The HTML WG weekly teleconference discussed this item today. See minutes:
> There seemed to be agreement on the call that the HTML WG should consider your publication request along with an upcoming request to publish the srcset extension specification [1] in January since the srcset author would like some time to process some bugs filed on that specification.
We've prepared our documents for publication:
We've also checked the requirements with Mike Smith and Ian Jacobs about making this a joint RICG/HTMLWG publication. We believe we have gotten all the relevant Final Specification Licensing Commitments from the parties that have contributed to both documents spec.
> Note that since the functionality in the <picture> extension proposal [2] overlaps with the functionality in the srcset attribute proposal it was felt that it might be best if the two documents included something in their Status sections to answer the question "Why is the WG publishing two overlapping extension specs?". I suggest you work with the srcset attribute author to see if you can agreement on that kind of text.

The RICG currently has the following text:

However, we would be happy to work with Ted to create some text we can use in both specs. 

> The WG Chairs will bring this item forward in January or sooner if we see progress on the srcset attribute proposal bugs.
Sounds great! 

Kind regards,

Received on Friday, 28 December 2012 19:14:06 UTC