Summary of HTML5.0 bug processing



Per today’s TF call, here is a brief summary of the work we’ve done to
review the accessibility bugs filed against the core 5.0 spec, and tracked
by the TF.


We’ve reviewed all bugs marked as resolved (either needsInfo or wontFix),
going back to the pre-LC1 component. This covers an estimated 75+ bugs, and
in the majority of cases the status was accepted and the bug closed.


We have three bugs awaiting further review. The initial review wasn’t
conclusive enough to make a decision as to whether the bugs could be closed,
moved to the 5.1 spec, or whether they would need to be dealt with under


Bug 13553 – 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text


Bug 13560 – dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for
accessibilty APIs


Bug 23284 – The accesskey attribute should be translatable


Please be assured that the decision to re-open any of these bugs against 5.0
will not be taken lightly. The TF understands that time is of the essence.


We also moved four bugs to the HTML A11y TF component in Bugzilla. These
bugs do not need to be re-opened against 5.0, but further review is needed
before we can determine whether there is a case to be made for moving them
to 5.1. The HTML A11y TF component puts these bugs into a holding pattern
until we can be certain what action is required.


Short link to the Bugzilla search:


The remainder were moved to the 5.1 spec. Our next steps will be to begin
reviewing all TF tracked bugs against 5.1, with a view to providing the
necessary follow-up.


Hope this gives you the information you were looking for. If not, let me
know and I’ll do what I can to help.





Léonie Watson - Senior accessibility engineer

@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup


Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 16:28:24 UTC