Minutes: HTML A11Y TF Teleconference, 17 JUL 2014


The minutes for the HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 17 July 2014
are available in HTML and plain text below:




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

              HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

17 Jul 2014

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2014/07/17-html-a11y-irc


          Mark_Sadecki, ShaneM, Adrian_Roselli, Judy,
          Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Janina, Paul_Cotton, JF, Liam,


          ShaneM, MarkS


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Identify Scribe
         2. [5]Longdesc
         3. [6]Media Subteam
         4. [7]Useful Alt Techniques Publication
         5. [8]Date-UI Overview
         6. [9]HTML 5.1 Next Steps
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 17 July 2014

   <janina__> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference

   <paulc> trackbot, start meeting

   <trackbot> Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force

   <trackbot> Date: 17 July 2014

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ShaneM

Identify Scribe


   <paulc> Can we add an agenda item for "publish "Techniques for
   providing useful text alternatives" as an WG note."?

   janina__: Making progress. Hope to be done in time for the team
   coordination call this afternoon.
   ... assuming the answers are right and meets approval we will
   proceed with that.

Media Subteam

   janina__: close to publishing today, but there are some items
   that need to be clarified. At least one will take a little bit
   of time. Publication will be pushed into next week. Hopefully
   no further.
   ... the items to clear up are in the front and end matter.

   Judy: michael confirmed that he has time to assist with getting
   this out next week.
   ... there is a section of significant comment pending (from the
   education outreach working group). Typically there would be an
   editorial note in the document so that readers know there is
   additional content coming.

   janina__: this is in the very first section - explanation of
   how various disabilities effect a users ability to access the

   Judy: we are not going to make the updates right now - just let
   readers know it is coming.

   MarkS: actually the editorial note is already there.

Useful Alt Techniques Publication

   janina__: everything is approved. is there a way to get the
   final draft with Sotd circulated?
   ... for example the document we reviewed still says "Draft".

   paulc: the status section is probably inappropriate for a
   working group note. surprised I didn't catch that.


     [11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2014Jun/0055.html

   paulc: the working group decision was made on 20 June. Who is
   on point? Why has this not yet been published?
   ... at what level of decision making do you want approval of
   the Sotd?

   janina__: Just chair level would be fine.

   Judy: Or not even that.

   paulc: the body of the document has not changed since the CfC -
   is that correct?

   janina__: I haven't seen the final so I don't know. I would
   hope not.

   Judy: It is a fine question though. Seems like something we
   should check.

   paulc: Delegating to the task force coordinators and the
   editors to clean up the Sotd etc. is a fine approach.

   Judy: We would want to coordinate anyway so we can make an
   ... publication date needs to get looped through too

   paulc: there are two formal objections on this document. the
   objections are about it being on rec track.
   ... so I have an action to go back to them once it is a note to
   ask them to remove their formal objection.


     [12] http://rawgit.com/w3c/alt-techniques/master/index.html


     [13] http://rawgit.com/w3c/alt-techniques/master/index.html#references

   paulc: I just scanned through the document and there is a
   broken reference.

Date-UI Overview

   <paulc> Robin Berjon; et al. HTML 5.1 11 December 2008. W3C
   Recommendation. needs to fixed

   janina__: Prepared with a report.

   calendaring / date picking are frequently an a11y nightmare

   looking at the chain... all that gets to the communicated back
   to the server is a simple string that identifies the date.

   scribe: sometimes there is additional logic that customizes the
   ... most user agents have accessible built in date pickers
   ... customization / business logic is required to, for example,
   allow limiting of the range of selectable dates.
   ... calendar representations are something that vary via
   ... what's the first day of the week? non-gregorian calendars

   I don't have a full proposal. But I wonder if there is a way to
   get the user agent implementors to offer a choice of which
   widget should be presented when a date input is requested?

   scribe: this is sort of a classic approach to A11Y

   JF: This is a user agent problem. A browser plugin? Might be a
   solution, but it is really just another "roll your own"
   ... abstracting it down might reduce the number, but the plugin
   will still not be a strong solution.
   ... Boils down to authoring guidance. It would be nice if the
   widgets in the browsers had more hooks for styling and control.
   ... user agent problem.

   Judy: Seems like an interesting issue, but more in agreement
   with John.
   ... back in the gallery of accessible components work there was
   thinking about this.
   ... not catching the HTML5 connection at this point.

   janina__: I don't see a connection with the spec yet. But there
   is clearly a problem in this space.

   Judy: Maybe we should hand this off to WAI coordination then.

   <Zakim> MarkS, you wanted to agree with JF and point out that
   there may be progress on this

   MarkS: Agree with John. Encourage authors to use standard
   widgets. The complaint I hear most is that they cannot style
   ... I hear now that there is an option in Chrome to style
   elements in the shadow dom. If that becomes standard and works
   across browsers, authors may be encouraged to use native
   controls/widgets more.

   janina__: let's not forget about the business logic. The reason
   people do their own is to restrict date ranges.
   ... one good available option that would help would be a right
   click option to just type in a date. If you are comfortable
   with that interface, it is a very a11y way to do it.

   Judy: what about mobile - would it work there?

   MarkS: What about encouraging html5 to add support for
   something like the patterns attribute to restrict date input

   JF: What about using CSS to restrict input values on date-time

   ShaneM: I kind of like Mark's suggestion - is there a way to do

HTML 5.1 Next Steps

   JF: We were supposed to talk about access keys today. We are
   not prepared.

   no obvious benefits to accesskey right now. any new
   requirements would be on the browser, not on HTML itself.


     [14] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/ED-xhtml-access-20090423/

   <richardschwerdtfeger> [15]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-access/

     [15] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-access/

   scribe: there was work on this.
   ... but access + key = accesskey. unless the user can override
   the keybinding it doesn't solve the problem.
   ... opera had a nice way to deal with it back in the day.

   richardschwerdtfeger: Why not allow the user agent to do it in
   a device independent way?
   ... look at the access module. Think about it as if you were
   going to make it device independent. Could it define actions
   that indicate intent?

   JF: discoverability remains a problem. People need to be able
   to learn what key bindings / actions are avialable and what
   they do

   richardschwerdtfeger: what you do is register them and allow
   the user to pull up list

   JF: and those are user agent functions. not code functions.
   There could be some metadata that advises the user agent.

   richardschwerdtfeger: how does the author specify a mnemonic
   and a mapping?

   JF: I have always said there is a need for this. But that the
   implementations are bad. And there are issues with
   internationalization issues too.

   richardschwerdtfeger: the browser knows what the language of
   the user is. It could do the transformation to different
   ... we do this for forms now.

   janina__: Let's not forget that this would be useful in SVG.
   Would an extension spec be useful?

   <MarkS> +1 to extension spec

   richardschwerdtfeger: it could be an extension spec.

   <MarkS> scribe: MarkS

   SM: I appreciate the concern. The spec I linked to was never
   finished, but the idea was that it was possible, as an author
   to provide the mapping, an that users can override that.
   ... device independence adds additional complexities...

   JS: perhaps this is an IndieUI thing

   SM: these are all discussions that can be had developing an
   extension spec

   JF: we need to get browser vendors on board.
   ... had this available for a really long time, but poorly
   implemented to date.

   RS: and poorly designed

   JB: is this an extension spec or an HTML5.1 feature

   <JF> JF notes taht accesskey is already part of HTML5:


   DM: does anyone recognize extension specs?

   JB: they are equal citizens in the open web platform

   JS: important for us to look at extension specs from other
   groups as well.

   <paulc> Examples of extensions specs: EME, MSE, longdesc,
   <picture> (now folded in), srcset (now folded in), Ruby (now
   folded in), etc.

   <Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to talk about the access module

   <paulc> Lots of other examples

   PC: several extension specs have been folded in too. There are
   a lot of other WGs that are doing them as well.
   ... web performance for instance, are doing lots of extension
   ... there is no difference in full spec or extension spec for
   getting browsers to implement

   <JF> <input type=submit accesskey="N @ 1" value="Compose">

   JF: accesskey is already in HTML5. one of the proposed way of
   doing keybinding is a space separated list of values
   ... as an attempt to avoid conflicts.
   ... an extension spec will either build on this or be in
   conflict with this

   JS: or to replace as well
   ... sounds like there is interest in this.

   <ShaneM> I will champion this extension if there is interest.

   JS: we are currently going through a list of topics to decide
   what we want to focus our future work on

   <JF> I am happy to be involved in a sub-team on this topic

   JF: because its an existing attribute, it might lend weight to

   MS: glad to see this prioritization process is working.

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

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    $Date: 2014-07-17 16:09:05 $

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Received on Thursday, 17 July 2014 16:10:30 UTC