HTML5 Image Description Extension comments

Hi Chaals,

I hope you don't mind a few late questions and comments on the Working 
Draft dated 06 June 2013.

First a question about wording in part of 2. Use Cases and Requirements, 
Requirements for an Image Description functionality. For Maintenance the 
document states, "It /must/ be simple to maintain a library of images 
and descriptions for dynamic assembly, or dis-assembly and re-assembly, 
of content". For Discoverability it states, "It /must/ be simple for a 
user agent to automatically discover a description provided for a given 
image". Both of these use the term simple and I'm wondering if there is 
a reason why possible isn't used in the same way that Inline or Reuse 
have it stated. Simple just seems a big vague.

Also in Discoverability the following is stated, "A user /should/ be 
able to determine that there is a description available for a given 
image".  This concept is repeated under 3.0.3 User Agents with the 
statement, "User agents /should/ enable users to discover when images in 
a page contain a long description". What would the reason be for using a 
"should" requirement level instead of a "must" requirement? Are there 
reasons when these statements might be ignored?

The requirement under 3.0.2 Authors states, "Authors /should/ put 
descriptions within an element which is the target of a fragment link 
(e.g. |longdesc="example.html#description"|) if a description is only 
part of the target document". If this isn't a must requirement for the 
author I'm wondering how a user agent could present the appropriate long 
description. As an example when multiple descriptions are on a page 
would the user agent simply present all of them from the beginning of 
the page to the end. Another situation arises when the description is on 
the same page as the image. It would seem in this situation that the 
full page would be used including the original image with its long 

I think there might be an implied requirement for user agents when the 
description is in an element which is the target of a fragment link. Is 
it expected that only the description target element be presented and 
not other content present in the target document?

Thank you for putting this document together and my apologies if I'm 
going over items that have been raised before. I'm still trying to run 
through the various discussions that brought this document to this point.



Peter Grucza

Received on Friday, 21 June 2013 21:08:20 UTC