Bug triage - New bugs report

Bug triage,

There were 14 bugs filed during the past week. 4 have accessibility implications and have been tagged with the a11y keyword, none of these appear to need tracking by the TF.

22948 [AAPI]: clarify mappings for <link>
Assigned a11y keyword, no need to track.

22929 input type text and other text inputs may share the description
Assigned a11y keyword, no need to track.

22930 img with empty alt don't need to have own item
Assigned a11y keyword, no need to track.

22921 simplify aria table
Assigned a11y keyword, no need to track.

## Not a11y related

22931 Standardize support for equivalents of mozInnerScreenX / Y

22958 "The parameter's value must be 'utf-8'"

22955 Make section heading clickable

22909 Needs non-normative Security Considerations section

22901 Should consider the possibility of active (executable) content

22910 Needs non-normative Privacy Consideration section

22914 Unclear if setting element.dataset.fooBar should update data-foo-bar attribute

22922 use of DL in HTML5 Q and A

22957 Activation behavior for <select>

22956 Is <area> interactive content?

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 19:03:36 UTC