Re: 48-Hour Consensus Call: InstateLongdesc CP Update

I support the CP.

Steve Faulkner, Sun, 16 Sep 2012 10:31:40 +0100:

> There are  substandard features in the spec, there are features that
> are not yet supported, there are features that not yet accessibility
> supported.  if longdesc is put back in the spec i would consider it
> appropriate to have a warning about its use. I would consider it  a
> feature at risk CR wise unless its interoperable support in browsers
> is improved. I would consider it a failed feature unless it is
> meaningfully supported across the major browsers and AT. i.e. if
> browsers such as IE and webkit based browsers, and AT such as
> voiceover and NVDA do not implement meaningfull support for it.

Like just mentioned:[1][2] VoiceOver have Webkit related link focus 
problems that deal with too. At least if the 'traditional' 
implementation of @longdesc is what is searched for (where the longdesc 
resource is opened in a new browsing context). Webkit/Chromium also, 
for the same reason,  doesn't support skip-to links.[3] In my view, we 
have to weigh in Webkit/Chromium substandard link focus implementation 
when evaluation their (eventual) lack of longdesc support.

When it comes to NVDA + Firefox, then it seems like NVDA just needs a 
little push - and then it could support it. It has asked for something 
to hook on to in the browser. However, it has already got that - in 
Firefox, so I believe it asks the wrong question.

Finally we have the new addition to HTML5, where "Accessibility APIs 
are encouraged to allow a way to expose structured content while 
marking it as hidden in the default view".[4] This would seem to allow 
for a way to support same-page longdesc links - where the longdesc 
resouce is kept inside a hidden="" element on the same page. If e.g. 
the VoiceOver think the traditional way of dealing with longdesc names 
is a clunky wheelchair lift method, then perhaps this would open for 
something he would consider more elegant?

Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2012 11:48:14 UTC