Re: CP, ISSUE-30: Link longdesc to role of img [Was: hypothetical question on longdesc]

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 6:05 PM, John Foliot <> wrote:
> Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>> <track> is a timed resource. Neither transcript, nor description, nor
>> posterdescription are timed - they cannot be parsed into cues and
>> displayed time-synchronously over the video. You cannot misuse the
>> track element in this way.
> Hmmm... I don’t recall seeing anywhere where it states that @kind="metadata"
> was required to be a timed resource - is that specifically stated somewhere?

It's kinda hard to find, but it's there.

For example, the definition of what a text track is in
lists what a track consists of.

One part of that is a list of cues:
i.e. each track consist of a list of cues. This is independent of what
kind of text track we're dealing with.

And a little further on the actual definition of a text track through its cues:
"A text track cue is the unit of time-sensitive data in a text track,
corresponding for instance for subtitles and captions to the text that
appears at a particular time and disappears at another time."

The whole concept of text tracks is built around timed cues.

> A quick check of the spec simply defines metadata as "Tracks intended for
> use from script. Not displayed by the user agent." I do not see a definition
> of "track" as used in this context.
> Just curious.

Yeah, fair enough.


Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 12:44:57 UTC