RE: Finalizing an Issue-204 CP

Oops.  That's supposed to be accessible name and accessible description.  Fixed.

On to the more substantive feedback...

-----Original Message-----
From: Silvia Pfeiffer [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 4:54 PM
To: Cynthia Shelly
Cc: Laura Carlson; Janina Sajka; HTML Accessibility Task Force; John Foliot; Joshue O Connor; Judy Brewer;; Richard Schwerdtfeger; James Nurthen; Leif Halvard Silli; Jonas Sicking (
Subject: Re: Finalizing an Issue-204 CP

Hmm in the "Details" section the proposed change has this sentence:
"At the time of this writing, some screen reader products will read both the accessible name and and accessible name, so authors should take care with the length of text provided via this method."

I'm sure there's something wrong with repeating "the accessible name"... ?


On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Cynthia Shelly <> wrote:
> OK, I think I'm close.
> essibility_API_mappings
> 1) rewrote summary to talk more about @hidden being simpler than CSS, 
> rather than @aria-describedby being simpler than something else
> 2) changed example to one using an input and a label rather than an 
> image with a short and long description
> 3) added section on what happens in the API when the item is hidden or 
> not hidden
> 4) added the aria-labelledby row to the table from UIAG to show that 
> the behavior is not just for description
> 5) changed the details section to offer stronger advice to authors not to do this with structured content.
> 6) minor copy edits, adding <code> styling, etc.
> Jonas, this is an attempt to merge your proposal and Laura's, so that we can get to a single proposal for Issue 204.
> Thanks,
> Cynthia

Received on Friday, 20 April 2012 01:30:50 UTC