copy and paste section of HTML5's drag and drop no longer in spec

under the section 5.3 "Drag and Drop" there used to appear section
5.3.5. "Copy and Paste" reproduced below:

under the section 5.3 "Drag and Drop" there used to appear section 5.3.5. 
"Copy and Paste" reproduced below: 

QUOTE cite=""

5.3.5. Copy and paste

Copy-and-paste is a form of drag-and-drop: the "copy" part is equivalent 
to dragging content to another application (the "clipboard"), and the 
"paste" part is equivalent to dragging content from another application.

Select-and-paste (a model used by mouse operations in the X Window 
System) is equivalent to a drag-and-drop operation where the source is 
the selection. Copy to clipboard

When the user invokes a copy operation, the user agent must act as if 
the user had invoked a drag on the current selection. If the 
drag-and-drop operation initiates, then the user agent must act as if 
the user had indicated (as the immediate user selection) a 
hypothetical application representing the clipbroad. Then, the user 
agent must act as if the user had ended the drag-and-drop operation 
without canceling it. If the drag-and-drop operation didn't get 
canceled, the user agent should then follow the relevant 
platform-specific conventions for copy operations (e.g. updating the 
clipboard). Cut to clipboard

When the user invokes a cut operation, the user agent must act as if 
the user had invoked a copy operation (see the previous section), 
followed, if the copy was completed successfully, by a selection 
delete operation. Paste from clipboard

When the user invokes a clipboard paste operation, the user agent must 
act as if the user had invoked a drag on a hypothetical application 
representing the clipboard, setting the data associated with the drag 
as the text from the keyboard (either as text/plain or text/uri-list). 
If the contents of the clipboard cannot be represented as text or 
URIs, then the paste operation must not have any effect.

Then, the user agent must act as if the user had indicated (as the 
immediate user selection) the element with the keyboard focus, and 
then ended the drag-and-drop operation without canceling it. Paste from selection

When the user invokes a selection paste operation, the user agent must 
act as if the user had invoked a drag on the current selection, then 
indicated (as the immediate user selection) the element with the 
keyboard focus, and then ended the drag-and-drop operation without 
canceling it.

If the contents of the selection cannot be represented as text or URIs, 
then the paste operation must not have any effect. 


Received on Thursday, 23 September 2010 16:00:19 UTC