Re: keep CAPTCHA out of HTML5

aloha, matt!

you articulated something i've been pondering ever since i sent 
the post that started this thread:

> I believe that it is a unique enough use case, and is used 
> frequently enough that a case could be made for a "captcha" role 
> on img. That would give UAs and assistive technologies a chance 
> to call internal or cloud-based CAPTCHA solving systems like 
> Webvisum, and validation/eval tools to mark them as an 
> accessibility issue.

i give this suggestion a strong plus 1 -- it is similar to the 
"math" role in ARIA which can be used to call a helper application 
or plugin bridge for assistive technologies to properly and 
multi-modally render MathML, which is a nod towards the reality
that at least 95% (and probably 99%) of all users who use an 
assistive technology can only access MathML through a a third 
party plug-in, such as those developed by W3C consortium member, 
Design Science:

and, yes, on the point of providing guidance in HTML5, i support 
that too -- as mark twain observed, "The more things are forbidden, 
the more popular they become" which strikes me as a pretty good 
summation of the gordian knot presented by CAPTCHA 

gregory. (hoping you and everyone else at SWSX is having a grand
ol' time)
CORPORATION, n.  An ingenious device for obtaining individual
profit without individual responsibility.
                    -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Gregory J. Rosmaita,
         Camera Obscura:
Oedipus' Online Complex:

Received on Thursday, 18 March 2010 23:39:40 UTC