Re: CSS in ehtm

Hi Stefan,

On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:18:46 +0400, Stefan Mies <> wrote:

> Hi Bro's,
> so I think the best way ist to start with a new topic. The XLS Sheet  
> from CamMo (
> will be a good base start to talk about useful attributes.


Stig, I cc'ed you because I couldn't find copyright information for that  
document, but getting CampaignMonitor to offer it under the terms of a W3C  
Community Group would be easier than manually collecting the information  
it contains, and you seemed the obvious person in this group to ask :)

More generally, I hope others can offer similar resources, but I want to  
make sure we don't take someone's work unattributed or in violation of a  
copyright license.

> Starts with Responsive (Media Queries).
> Is there any special handling in contrast to web html?
> I think follow medias will be interesting:
> <Style media="*">
> Aural, braille, embossed, handheld, print, projection, screen, speech,  
> tty, tv
> So if you confirm with this attributes we can start a wiki to document  
> all steps.

I suggest starting on the wiki and then seeing what we agree to :)  
Everyone should be able to log in to with the same account they used  
to sign in to the group, and I suggest people edit first and apologise  
later if needed rather than the other way around.



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 13:59:26 UTC