Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-07 Part II: Houdini-Related Presentations

Houdini-Related Presentations

  - ChrisL brought the work he and astearns had been doing on drop
        caps and drop initials up as a good potential test case
        since it was difficult to standardize on.
  - glazou presented the need for more abilities for editors to
        access CSS so that they can preserve information not
        understood by the parser and to standardize parsing values.
  - glazou also presented the complexities in creating polyfills and
        how granting access to the box tree and the ability to
        create new boxes will significantly improve the ability to
        use polyfills.
  - Considering the extensibility problem with a pipeline approach
        was presented by iank, involving extending custom properties
        as well as extending selectors, functions, @ rules.


Houdini-Related Presentations

  Scribe: shane

  Rossen: Who would like to present something?
  ChrisL: Me, for about 10 minutes
  glazou: me, for about 15 minutes
  Rossen: We have a couple presentations
  <bkardell> TabAtkins, you should present the alias spec and I have
             the Hitch pollyfillish thing if you wanted to show it
  iank: me, for about 20-30 minutes

Dropcaps Presentation - ChrisL

  Scribe: gregwhitworth

  ChrisL: We recently did work around dropcaps and drop initials.
  ChrisL: We've got these lines coming out of layout, and numbers
          from font metrics. We then do an equation on them.
  ChrisL: We should be able to polyfill these, this would be a good
          test case for this as it was hard to standardize on.
  ChrisL: You can ask the DOM for example, which fonts are on the
          DOM. It will give you a list, but it's your guess.
  astearns: We had to do some hacks to get this information.
  astearns: 1. What font is actually being used to display the text?
  astearns: 2. Font metrics from that font, ascent, decent...
  astearns: 3. Where the browser is drawing the dominant baseline?
  astearns: Those are the three bits we needed.
  astearns: That will be beneficial for all types of typographic
  ChrisL: You may want a list of glyphs and those fonts.

  astearns: It may make sense for a more simple API, you could make
            it so that you can dig into the API for more complex
  astearns: My thought is that you would ask the API for a certain
  ChrisL: I'm thinking of mainly the first cap scenario.
  astearns: In terms of small initial steps, we can come up with a
            font-metric API that does very little to begin with.
  astearns: Maybe just giving the dominant baseline position,
  astearns: Then we could come back with things that we find more
  astearns: We maybe won't get to ascent, and decent if it's not

  rossen: What do you mean by dominant baseline?
  rossen: You have the range, and then based on the font metrics you
          can determine the baseline.
  rossen: When you have a complex scenario with different fonts, I'm
          finding it hard to make this a simple API.
  SteveZ: You know what line you're applying the glyphs to
  SteveZ: For example, if you have multiple characters and they're
          not evenly spaced, that's why we need to ask layout.

  Roc: It sounds like you're wanting to expose the linebox, which
       sounds like you want to expose the box tree ultimately.
  Roc: Is that accurate?
  Roc: Gecko actually has a private API for the developer tools to
       expose the font used.
  Roc: You actually need to be able to do layout based on any
       changes done.

  Roc: I have two concerns.
  Roc: We need two APIs for triggering layout.
  Roc: And it needs to be able to do multiple iterations of layout
       since you'll be moving things.
  astearns: I kept it very simple, it doesn't respond to layout, it
            assumes evenly spaced.
  johanneswilm: I understand your worry, but web devs will only use
                this when necessary.
  shane: I was going to say something similar.
  shane: This will allow authors to have that control instead of us
         making the decision for them.
  ChrisL: The main set of people using this will be framework
  TabAtkins: This is a good functionality that should exist.
  shane: We see this in animation libraries as well.
  * hober cautions against designing API intended for framework/
          library use & not use by actual humans
  <bkardell> drop caps work by adobe is expressed in css or through
             a lower level api only?

  ChrisL: We started off very simple, and this got very complicated.
  dino: What do we do now?
  rossen: Good question, let me reiterate the point of these.
  rossen: These presentations help us see the use cases for us to
          going and start chewing on for the road map on technical
  rossen: A simple scenario produced 30 minutes of technical
          hurdles, but this will help us define the purpose of
  glazou: These presentations are very important as these provide us
          with adequate use cases we need to design.
  glazou: It also allows us to define priorities.
  dino: Who is keeping track of these ideas?
  shane: Rossen and I.
  rossen: This list should be done by the end of the CSSWG meeting.

  <astearns> bkardell: the drop caps work we did uses canvas hacks
             to approximate the data needed in some improvement to
             the APIs
  <shane> astearns: is the source code publicly available?
  <astearns> shane: https://github.com/adobe-webplatform/dropcap.js
  <shane> astearns: thanks!
  <bkardell> astearns: so no parsing, but if you could have it sure
             would have been nice
  <astearns> bkardell: agreed

Needs for Editing - glazou

  glazou: Let me start with editing.
  glazou: These are problems that we started working on 15 years ago.
  glazou: There are properties supported by some browsers and not by
  glazou: What I mean by that is that for some browsers this info is
          stored by the CSSOM and not by others.
  glazou: We really need a way to preserve all of the properties and
          their values, even if they aren't understood by the parser.

  glazou: The second most important thing.
  glazou: It's everywhere in my code, parsing values.
  glazou: Parsing 15px is trivial, but linear-gradient and animation
          values are complex.
  glazou: We don't have an object model for that.
  glazou: Everything in a stylesheet should parse-able from script
          at any time to retrieve an internal representation of it.
  <bkardell> glazou: Also extra download / cross origin worries are
             addressed by this

  rossen: To repeat my question, do you envision this as an object
          that is exposed through JS (similar to supports)?
  rossen: Just for my mental model CSS.parser?
  glazou: Yes, something like that.
  glazou: Example: The selector is modified and you need to parse
          the selector and reconstruct it and apply it.
  glazou: This is very complex for editors that recreating this in
  glazou: It would be faster and interoperable and work for everyone.
  glazou: We're basically re-implementing something that the browser
          already knows and can do.
  <bkardell> If it could normalize the url value or have a way to
             that would be super nice too.

  glazou: Another thing that we need,
  glazou: Being able to synchronize the changes from the CSSOM and
          the layout effects.
  glazou: I want to change multiple properties and not change layout
          until I tell it to.
  rossen: This is not a new problem, it's a transactional layout.
  Roc: Do you want just visual effects, or layout changes?
  Roc: We don't change anything until the layout is finished.
  glazou: Just the visual effects, which is what the user sees.
  glazou: You want to setup a layout for your application, sometimes
          a partial set of these properties will create a mess on
          the page and user will be lost.
  glazou: When you set a fixed position, the object could be outside
          of the viewport.
  glazou: I want to be able to say css.stopFlushing, etc.
  roc: I'm trying to understand what you want to happen instead.

  rossen: Let me try to reinterpret this, is it more transactional
          or batching?
  glazou: I think it's batching
  <TabAtkins> CSS.styleTransaction(function(){...}) // function is
              called sync, it's just used as an automatic open/close
  bkardell: Could the transaction be throttled?
  <bkardell> So if you don't flush, after a certain time it would
             auto flush anyway.
  rossen: This is getting more into the implementation, we want to
          keep them more in the inspirational/use-case.
  <bkardell> This kind came up at the breakout session at edgeconf
  <bkardell> Was anyone in the room there?
  <bkardell> There were good ideas.

  SteveZ: I don't understand your difference between transaction and
  rossen: Transaction allows for multiple property changes.
  glazou: I'm resorting to javascript to fix the holes.
  glazou: All the editors are doing this.

Polyfills - glazou

  glazou: The second issue is regarding polyfills.
  glazou: Writing a polyfill is about two things.
  glazou: First, extending the parser.
  glazou: Inject an extension with appropriate selector grammar.
  glazou: Pseudo element is very complicated as it is related to
  glazou: You need to be able to inject something.
  glazou: It's a chicken or egg issue, how do you inject them so
          that layout sees them, etc?
  glazou: If you're creating a new property, you want to see the old
          CSSOM as well as the new ones you've created. Only the
          polyfill knows.
  glazou: So you need a polyfill for both execution and
  glazou: Access to the box tree, creating new boxes, etc. is what
          you need to do correct polyfills.
  <bkardell> It's not unlike custom elements - very similar.

  rossen: So if you were to consider this, what API would you extend
          to make this work?
  glazou: Extend the list of pseudo classes so that it's a tool and
          provide it to JS.
  glazou: Show that we care about extending the browser, and
          continue to iterate on it
  glazou: I don't think we can fix or even think of everything to
          fix from the beginning, it needs to evolve.
  glazou: We've received requests from SASS and other library
          authors, so we need to give them the hooks they need.

  bkardell: I don't disagree with how you prioritize them.
  bkardell: The parser is important to everyone that wants to
            polyfill anything,
  bkardell: And there are some lower level things that will help.
  bkardell: The parser is important to anything that wants to
            polyfill at the language level
  <bkardell> But not necessarily at the functional level,
  <bkardell> That is my point.
  <bkardell> They can be taken up in parallel, related but separate.

  rossen: In summary, we can work on scoping its behavior and its
  glazou: We have many live examples on the web for this, and help
          guide us.
  <bkardell> The newer hitch for example treats the language level
             as a preprocessor thing and that's still better

The Render Pipeline - iank
  Scribe: shans

  <iank> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-extensions/
  <iank> https://wiki.css-houdini.org/explaining-css-layout
  iank: We put some stuff up on the wiki ^
  iank: There's also a talk I did at BlinkOn in November which goes
        through some of the same stuff. Can link if people are
  <bkardell> Please do link.
  iank: We've been thinking about this extensibility problem as a
        pipeline approach.
  iank: The first stage in this is custom properties.
  iank: Example in strawperson - simple API that lets you register a
        property with a function that defines its effect.
  iank: Not wedded to this but we should let people define
        functional properties.
  iank: TabAtkins has a document with other ways to extend the style
        engine too,
  iank: In this there's ways to extend selectors, functions,
        @ rules, TabAtkins might want to talk in more detail.
  iank: So that's the style level. The next part, which we've
        touched on, is exposing things like the box tree and a
        measurement API.
  iank: One thing that potentially could be useful e.g. to polyfill
        flexbox is being able to query boxes min/max content
  iank: Working out intrinsic width/height/aspect ratio of images.
  iank: There's lots of detailed sizing data in the engine that you
        can only get via osmosis, or not at all.
  iank: Also, what roc was alluding to earlier today - how would we
        do a full layout API?

  <glazou> Just for the record, the first time I suggested making
           CSS extensible was 17 years ago.

  astearns: One tiny detail on custom properties and extending
            parsing syntax.
  astearns: Francois mentioned on the mailing list that it's much
            more difficult for an author to add a new value to an
            existing property than to add a new property.
  astearns: Is this something we should solve?
  astearns: Or just rely on custom properties?
  astearns: e.g. having my-display: grid might be sufficient to
            polyfill a grid.
  <bkardell> 1 fallback seems sufficient to me.
  <bkardell> We just have to define the right order.

  Rossen: Regarding layout and layout extensibility. Our
          extensibility model is based on COM. The Browser Helper
          Objects (BHO) used to have something called layout
          behaviors. It was IE extensibility since IE4.
  Rossen: We killed it as soon as we could because we found out that
          people are fairly bad at writing and extending layout.
  Rossen: In our case, the thing that was the highest motivator was
          that we made it synchronous rather than asynchronous. We
          should avoid that.
  Rossen: Synchronous layout extensibility on the main thread will
          kill scenarios very quickly.
  <bkardell> Rossen: I think what glazou was talking about that
  roc: That seems weird to me. If you look at what Ian's written
       (which I agree with) you do want custom layout to behave like
       existing layout. You want custom layout to complete at the
       same time as the built-in stuff otherwise it's not a real
       polyfill. So it has to be synchronous.
  roc: In all our browsers, even servo, layout and JS run on the
       same thread.
  roc: So synchronous behavior doesn't make things more janky,
  <bkardell> there are opportunities to offthread and rejoin I think.

  iank: Internally, we came to the conclusion that you need
        something running in the middle of layout computation,
        whether defined up-front with an EDSL or in JS.
  iank: We were also toying with ideas like that the JS was in an
        isolated world (e.g. a worker).
  iank: We might be able to have better guarantees about the DOM.
        Lots of tech discussions that we could possibly go into this
  Rossen: Yes.
  Rossen: I agree with the spirit of this. When we start discussing
          technical details we'll figure out how this can work. I
          believe we can still make things looser from a dependency
          point of view.
  Rossen: In some of the recent things we've been playing with we've
          been successful in detaching and running object model,
          layout and rendering (been parallel for 1 release already).
  Rossen: So we don't block script or layout for rendering. Trying
          to do the same thing for layout. So far things look pretty
  Rossen: As mentioned before the spirit here is that we don't want
          to disable the ability to do things in the platform just
          so we can expose things that script can use,
  Rossen: But fundamentally want to be able to do something like
          this (???)

  iank: One other thing with layout - may not expose full range of
        CSS layout within custom layout. e.g. might not have the
        ability to deal with things like floats.
  dino: Can you give examples of what you mean by custom layout?
  <bkardell> GSS
  <TabAtkins> http://gridstylesheets.org/
  <bkardell> thanks tab
  iank: Two or three years ago we were speccing flexbox. Authors
        have wanted this for quite a while. Being able to do this in
        user land is extremely powerful (and things like grid too).
  iank: Another one - if we ever wanted to do a layout that is
        constraint based (like grid stylesheets)-
  iank: How can we do that in user land?
  iank: I really like relative layout from android. How could we do
        this in user land?
  dino: All the examples you gave are not really doing custom layout
        in the same way as the web is. I have concerns about this
        being performant.
  dino: It's not JS performance per se that is going to be the
        problem, it's just that layout is tricky.

  TabAtkins: We have some approaches that we think might work to
             make this performant, and we want to discuss in the
             group to make sure that the ideas could be used across
             browsers rather than just something that might work for
  iank: I've written lots of custom layouts. How they work is
  iank: Often I need to do things like collapse, do a DOM measure,
        inflate, do another measure.
  glazou: At the moment the situation is far worse than _any_ API we
          can come up with.
  glazou: Anything we can provide will make the situation orders of
          magnitude better. Even if we think there's a performance
          issue it's a huge win for authors.
  dino: I agree with that, but there's a bigger set of users we need
        to worry about.
  dino: They are the users. We've put a lot of effort into things
        like smooth scrolling - users don't care about custom
        layouts so much, they want their page to be fast.
  dino: My general point is that developers obviously want this
        power and what they have now is terrible, but my fear is
        about making things worse.
  shane: Yes, but whether users care about custom layouts, authors
         are doing them. There's thousands out there. The techniques
         that are used have a performance impact across the
         platform, including scrolling. So we'll actually be making
         things better.
  <bkardell> dino: If people do it today, authors are taking
             responsibility for their custom stuff... making it
             extensible is not different, is it really? not asking
             to add gss to the platform
  <bkardell> They have the power, that's the point.

  glazou: I hear both of you, but I think we shouldn't confuse
          author's responsibilities and vendors responsibilities.
          This goes far beyond technical side and into marketing,
          communications, etc.
  glazou: But it's always the author's responsibility if they use a
          technique that slows the website down. There's nothing we
          can do about that. There are zillions of ways you can make
          your website suck.
  glazou: I know this will impact the public image of your browser.
          But if we take that into account then we're not going to
          make progress.
  glazou: Right now it's the author's responsibility if a site is
          slow or if it sucks. That isn't going to change because we
          add more APIs.
  <bkardell> Don't discount the possibility that the killer new
             feature comes in through this route as a cowpath

  johanneswilm: Again, just thinking about performance limits web
                apps to being really simple if you don't want them
                to be slow on old computers.
  johanneswilm: We're not stopping this now. People are doing this,
                despite the tricks they need to use. Things can't
                get slower if these tools are made available so we
                don't need to jump through loopholes.
  dino: I guess I'm not against the idea of custom layout,
        especially Ian's example (the springy thing - measuring text
        offline before animating to the right position).
  dino: I think that's a bit different from implementing the CSS
        Grid model.
  iank: You need to be able to do it inline in that example though.
        You need full participation of layout. So it's not that
  iank: I've mainly talked about box layout, not text layout. But we
        should also think about text layout.

  bkardell: You should be able to organize things so you can
            shortcut and go through the native pathway if there's
            nothing custom, right?
  bkardell: So hopefully this will have no net effect on sites that
            don't use this.
  iank: Yes.

  iank: So layout is hard.
  iank: Then there's the painting aspect - the final layer of the
  iank: If people want e.g. screws on border corners, or something
        crazy, they should be able to paint that directly on the
        element if they want.
  iank: e.g. in the past, border radius. When I was first starting
        out you needed to use a table to get these.
  iank: We should enable these types of use case too.

  iank: Is painting a worthwhile problem?
  dino: I've wanted this forever.
  iank: It needs some thought - e.g. drawing outside of bounds for
        things like box shadow, drawing in content layer.
  roc: Do you want static content or animating content?
  iank: We'd want to do it on invalidation.
  roc: Can you give an example?
  iank: Example: if you have a my-border-radius and you animate that
        property, then the paint will animate.
  roc: But if a property isn't changing, then the display is static?
  iank: Right.

  Rossen: One of the things I wanted to mention here is that as we
          think about extending layout and the parser and all these
          things, it would be good if we approached this from the
          perspective of something that we can do right now versus a
          pipe dream.
  <bkardell> It makes sense to keep trying to spell out a whole
             system even if pieces never get implemented or we need
             big "here be dragons" handwaving
  Rossen: So one concrete example: Ian and Dean both mentioned that
          content measure is something we all have internally. We
          should be able to expose this on top of the current DOM
          today without going into super-crazy philosophical
  Rossen: (of how to implement a spiral layout)
  Rossen: Ultimately I think we'll strike a balance in the middle.

  glazou: Another thing that we need is CSS value. We need to be
          able to parse *any* value. Concretely: there was a
          polyfill for linear gradients. It's a function of
          arguments separated by commas. Each argument is pretty
          complex. We have no way of representing something like
          that if it's not already in the browser.
  glazou: In the OM right now, CSS Value completely sucks. Nobody
          uses it. We should get rid of it,
  glazou: Or have a new name for a new CSS Value, and get it right
          this time.
  glazou: Current one is useless and unused. Let's do it right.

  SimonSapin: What if we had the ability from JS to pass things from
              any production rules. e.g. in the spec we have a thing
              that is either a linear gradient or radial gradient.
              What if we could pass just the color stop list.
  glazou: Yes. *all* the values we have in CSS. Including the
          infamous URL.
  glazou: It's pretty simple language, actually. Should be able to
          achieve a representation of this in no time.

  dino: Question for Rossen. Were you suggesting we should
        prioritize the things we can do right now, or that we all
        know what those things are and should just do them?
  dino: And what do you mean by 'right now'?
  dino: e.g. we could probably all see a way to do painting right
  Rossen: I didn't mean to suggest priority in terms of what we
          should spec or do.
  Rossen: I think it would be easier to start working on speccing
          and implementing things we can do right now.
  Rossen: But I wouldn't push for implementing them *right now*
  iank: I think I've opened up enough rats nests for now.
  <bkardell> Some things themselves can be specced and pollyfilled...
             a proposal for a replacement for CSSValue for example
  SteveZ: roc mentioned in passing, I'd like to ask for an explicit
          CSS Line Box interface, so you can ask how many lines a
          laid out thing has, and for each line ask for the dominant
          baseline and extent above and below.
  SteveZ: A read only interface. That would help with a lot of the
          things that we're doing.
  Rossen: I think that ties in with the whole describing of the box
  Rossen: We definitely should do this.
  SteveZ: It needn't be a text box. You can have a line that
          consists entirely of images.
  Rossen: line box.
  <johanneswilm> +1 for line box exposing!
  * bkardell claps

  <br dur=70m>

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2015 19:19:46 UTC