Re: Image decoding off the main thread

On 2/11/15 4:09 AM, Dean Jackson wrote:
> Three days late, but I finally thought of something I wish I'd proposed at the meeting: image decoding on a background thread.

What is the proposal exactly?  Gecko does this already, for example....

> For this I guess we'd need some attribute on IMG/Image/HTMLImageElement that would indicate that the main thread doesn't have to decode this image.

Why would the main thread "have" to decode the image, exactly?

> I'm not sure if we need a new "ready" event, or just assume that "load" means loaded and decoded.

In Gecko "load" means loaded and decoded, iirc.  Except possibly for 
cases where we decide to do the decoding lazily to start with...


Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 15:47:04 UTC