[css-houdini-drafts] [scroll-customization-api] is there still interest/ongoing discussions for scroll customization? (#1118)

andyearnshaw has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts:

== [scroll-customization-api] is there still interest/ongoing discussions for scroll customization? ==
I've recently been working on a new component that does some interesting effects with scrolling. One of the effects is speeding up/slowing down the scrolling at certain points, essentially absorbing or multiplying some of the scroll delta to produce this effect. Since scrolling is done off the main thread and I want to support touch/fling, I'm using a hidden scrollbar that captures the scroll delta before applying my modifications and passing that on to the actual scrollable element. Naturally, this means actual scrolling is lagging behind by about a frame, but it's not really noticeable.

It looks like the explainer for scroll customization is about 8 years old and I can't find any other discussions about it. I presume the API would be more similar to a worklet these days. Having posted suggestions for virtualised scrolling APIs on the webcomponents and css-wg trackers in the past, as well as the recent work I've been doing, I can't help but feel this part of the explainer is still very relevant:

> The fundamental problem here is that scrolling on the web is a big "magical" black-box. In other UI frameworks scrolling is usually implemented as a library (with extensibility points) on top of primitives. The goal of the Houdini Scroll Customization proposal is to break open this black box to make scrolling on the web [extensible](https://extensiblewebmanifesto.org/).

Just some of the stuff I'm doing with scrolling at the moment:

* Scroll speed "warping"
* Virtualised scrolling (arbitrary scrollWidth/scrollHeight, decoupled from layout)
* Synchronised scrolling
* Transforms based on scroll position

Having a dedicated API for scroll customisation would really simplify all of these things and help remedy the quirks that occur due to the black-box nature of scrolling.

/cc @RByers 

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/1118 using your GitHub account

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