Re: [css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Inputs for the CSSColorValue constructors (#1014)

> I'm now fairly well convinced that bare numbers passed into the constructor of a CSSRGB object (regardless of how they're passed) should be interpreted the same as bare numbers passed into CSS rgb(). This is an object model of the CSS rgb() function, it needs to match the semantics of the rgb() function. 

> I'd love to see a generic color object model. And if we create one I'm happy for that to use floats and do away with the 0-255 legacy there. But that's not the scope of this issue or module and we shouldn't let this scope-creep into one.

Wait, is that **all** it is doing? An object model of the sRGB-only `rgb()` function? I don't understand how that is useful. 

Does the `#rrggbb` form have a different object? Does `lab()` have a different object? From [the June 2020 Houdini minutes]( it seemed that there was consensus to have **a color object**, regardless of how it had originally been specified - so that there can be color conversion, color manipulation, and extras like WCAG contrast ratio, gamut mapping, and so forth.

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