GRDDL WG Meeting this Wed: GRDDL Deployment opportunities.

During the last week, I've been talking to people in  the SWEO working 
Group and the SemWeb Co-ordination Group, and we were looking at a number 
of possible GRDDL deployment options.

1) DanBri is interested in MusicBrainz, 
2) there's work Bruce D'Arcus is interested in OpenDoc (ODF)
3) I think as regards Atom it might be useful to get Henry Story and Kanzaki talking the 
same vocabulary - i.e. use Kanzaki's XSLT to map to Atom/OWL and do 
owl:sameAs with relevant bits of RSS 1.0.
4) WSDL->WSDL RDF is a low-lying fruit.

What do peopel prefer?

Inviting some of them to a GRDDL  telecon and usign that time to talk over 
issues and provide impetus would  be a good idea, and the SWCG approves.

SWEO has asked for some "real world" uses of GRDDL, so let's press and get 
some done!


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 17:46:42 UTC