
In my action to create the library page I have done the following:

a) create page

b) created tests for library functions


embedded-rdf1.xml => embedded-rdf1-output.rdf
embedded-rdf2.xml => embedded-rdf2-output.rdf
embedded-rdf3.xml => embedded-rdf3-output.rdf

profile-with-spaces-in-rel.html => profile-with-spaces-in-rel-output.rdf
profile-has-spaces-in-rel.html => profile-has-spaces-in-rel-output.rdf

(three of these tests fail, because of bugs in the transforms)

c) I also created a variant of the spaces-in-rel test

spaces-in-rel.html => spaces-in-rel-output.rdf

d) fixed bugs etc in the library functions. New versions attached. I 
don't have CVS commit rights for these files.

e) modified the documentation in the library functions

f) added stylesheet processing instructions so that looking at the 
library functions in a Web browser gives you the documentation not the 
XSLT (accessible through view source)

g) added W3C software licensing notice to library page and library functions


Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 14:01:58 UTC