Re: Javascript and GRDDL (and economics-of-deployment use cases)

On 02/03/07, Dan Connolly <> wrote:

[snip] - good points, thanks, it's helpful to have such material available.

> p.s. Stefano is right that the cost of using Javascript with GRDDL
> today is pretty darn high; it involves some design work, plus
> accepting the risk that your design will be interoperable.

("won't be" interoperable?)  I agree, but given that there are quite a
few transformers defined in Javascript, and the current vogue for the
language, I reckon it is worth a few cycles.

> Danny, I suggest you don't ask other people to solve such problems,
> at least until you have done something for them.

So far I believe all I've asked of Stefano is:
 ... it would be really good to get some examples of
 Javascript-based RDFizers used with GRDDL, if you have any thoughts on
 how best to do this please drop a line to the mailing list.

More generally I regularly post to the web about unsolved problems,
usually with an implied or even explicit request that someone else
solves them. I see no harm in this, especially when in a lot of past
cases someone else has volunteered a solution. Conversely I do try to
do what I can for other people, but this side is constrained by my
available time & abilities.



Received on Saturday, 3 March 2007 10:36:59 UTC